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View Full Version : Deadlands movie

15-Aug-2008, 01:44 AM
I just saw the Deadlands movie since I like horror. I appreciate the lower budget stuff since they have nothing to gain and do it because they like it. Even though the zombie thing has been done to death (pun intended!), I like scary, cannibalistic killers.

The cinematography was well done, and looked smooth. The makeup was damn impressive for the zombies who looked really dead and scary, except one of them who was waving his arms around running down the street. That looked kind of silly. The ripped open throat was really gross which I like! It's a good thing I'm patient because the beginning of this movie was kind of dull seeing them driving around and shooting bottles. I wish we could have seen what kind of accident happened to make people zombies, but I guess money was the reason or they would have done it.

I like the side stories of people having their own problems with the outbreak. The big woman saving her kid from being eaten was good scene and I like the car bumping into a zombie when she pulled out. She did a good job with the part, coming across as scared and I wanted her to live even if the kid didn't. What happened to the dog? The two main guys gave a decent showing, but I never really got scared for their safety even during the traffic attack. I could have done without the drinking, shooting and driving though. One of them was the director and the other was one of the producers. I guess they were cast to save money on paying more actors. How much was spent on zombie makeup? The two main guys were ok with what they had to work with, but I was hoping for more confrontations with the zombies, maybe beheading some of them. I'm no zombie expert, but that's the only way I've seen to permanently stop a zombie. I really liked the attack on the shelter where some guy's shoulder got ripped, but there could have been more bloodshed.

The military seemed like only four or five in number and were tackled pretty quickly. The guy who hid in the storage room was one intense dude who made an excellent good guy in the movie. He must have been a real actor, because he showed some great energy and I couldn't wait for him to kick some zombie ass. Unfortunately, he hides until all the action is over, then disappears. Where did he go and why didn't he have a bigger role in the movie? I was glad the town got eaten since they didn't listen to the warnings the guy gave them! The ending was too abrupt and seemed like it was made to get people to see the sequel. I'm willing to see it, assuming it will have a bigger budget for better effects and storytelling. Are the makeup people and the good guy signed up to come back? They made the movie, which would have been a dud without them. For the next one, have more zombies, gore and the return of the good guy so we can find out what happened to him. Thanks for a good low budget horror movie and good luck on the sequel!

15-Aug-2008, 02:07 AM
Great review. Feel free to hit 'enter' once or twice next time. :D

15-Aug-2008, 11:27 AM
What happened to the dog? !

Well, during shooting, the dog was uncooperative so we put it down. :evil:


Honestly he was uncooperative, I mean he was a good dog, but not trained to pay attention. However, people have to open their minds and assume we picked up the dog and brought it with us, because after the initial story the movie fast forwards to 6 months later.

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. And if you liked Deadlands 1, you are really going to like Deadlands 2