View Full Version : changing name by deed poll...

18-Aug-2008, 09:49 AM
Thinking of changing my name, just for fun really, shake things up a little bit...never done it before or known anyone who's done it...so was just wondering if any of you knew someone who's changed it and what exactly they needed to go through after applying on the website...?


18-Aug-2008, 11:48 AM
here is a name suggestion for you: cleomphus alyoisus numkinfutz, jr.

18-Aug-2008, 11:52 AM

I know what the name is already :) But looking at the website, there's some funny ones...

"one person changed his name from John Desmond Lewis to Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel"

18-Aug-2008, 12:34 PM
I wouldnt be able to handle being called a different name after 26 years of being Richard!

18-Aug-2008, 12:41 PM
"one person changed his name from John Desmond Lewis to Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel"


Please tell me you're joking...

18-Aug-2008, 12:51 PM
I wouldnt be able to handle being called a different name after 26 years of being Richard!

yeah I think it will be fun...just don't want too much stress with changing names on records of utilities, tax, etc etc

18-Aug-2008, 01:26 PM
I was just reading about Deed Polls and what not. The US and some other territories don't recognize them for some reason. Maybe because they're not ok'd by a circuit court judge.

In the US you can use an assumed name, but for legal purposes, you have to get court approval so your historical records can be updated.

18-Aug-2008, 02:29 PM
i allways thought it was just cort approved. honestly ive thought of it myself, i meannot only is my frist name daniel, but my second is smith, cant get more run of the mill than that.

but what would you pick?, something snooty sounding liek maximillian or something?, something more badass like Blaine, i dunno, we grow up with a given name so theres no pressure about it, its like choosing a tatoo, its for life so you gotta be damn sure your happy about it you know.

though i reckon hes picked the name "joe kickass" or something.


18-Aug-2008, 04:14 PM

Max Payne definitely not on the list. I only wanna change my first name...from Trevor to Trevelyan....which is what everyone's called me for years now, so it makes sense to change it...

18-Aug-2008, 04:36 PM
I kinda like my real name. So while it'd be tempting to change my middle name, I think I'll stick with my first and sur-name.

18-Aug-2008, 08:57 PM

I know what the name is already :) But looking at the website, there's some funny ones...

"one person changed his name from John Desmond Lewis to Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel"

Oh that's great. That's the Lead of the Silly Party in an old Monty Python Sketch. I love it!!

18-Aug-2008, 09:01 PM
My mother had her name legally changed from her married name back to her maiden name, and as I recall this was something that required an appearance at court.

Perhaps the system might be different now, or in other states. I am in California where because we have more lawyers per capita things can tend to be more difficult. But, just speaking off the cuff, I assume that this will also require some court time.

18-Aug-2008, 09:02 PM
, something more badass like Blaine, :

Huh? Blaine is a badass name?

18-Aug-2008, 10:15 PM
If I was going to change my name,I'd change it to Flash Gordon.

18-Aug-2008, 10:15 PM
It should be a law that if you change your name, it has to be changed to something that either sounds like a rock stars name or a movie stars name.

I'd change my name to...
Rock Star - Jackie Champagne
Movie Star - Conner Stephens

19-Aug-2008, 01:14 AM
Snake...it doesn't get more badass than that.