View Full Version : Sony Announces PSP-3000

darth los
20-Aug-2008, 04:27 PM
At their press conference at The Leipzig Games Convention, Sony dropped word on a new, improved PlayStation Portable. The PSP 3000 will be out this fall in Europe. While it will look much like the current generation of PSP, the new models will feature:

-Skype (!): Your PSP could also be your cell phone.
-A brighter screen
-Built-in Microphone

It will cost 199 Euros. That's $299 bucks. But the North American price may end up being different, of course.


20-Aug-2008, 04:31 PM
A brighter screen? How about a bigger screen?:|

darth los
20-Aug-2008, 04:42 PM
A brighter screen? How about a bigger screen?:|

Well i guess they figure that any incremental upgrade they implement be be excuse enough for people to run out and buy it. That way it doesn't really hurt their bottom line and people are under the impression that they got this cool new thing.

It's just like with the psp slim model. All it was was streamlined and not only did it sell like hotcakes but it gave them an excuse to push the price back up again. ( sounds like exactly what apple does). It also had a feature where you could connect component cables to it and play games and watch movies on your tv even if it was is psp resolution. If i wanted to do that i would just play on my ps2 or watch my dvd player.

20-Aug-2008, 09:34 PM
A brighter screen? How about a bigger screen?:|

Tell me about it.

darth los
21-Aug-2008, 04:11 PM
We have to remember that there's a fine line between a nice big screen and it being cumbersome.