View Full Version : Microsoft announces redesigned controller (new d-pad)

20-Aug-2008, 08:20 PM

GC 2008: Xbox 360 Controller Redesigned
Bidding farewell to the spongy d-pad.
by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, August 20, 2008 - A subtly redesigned Xbox 360 controller has been spotted on the showroom floor at this year's Games Convention in Leipzig, sporting a new-feel d-pad that addresses the previously unresponsive and spongy model.

While aesthetically identical to the previous controller, the d-pad has been re-engineered to offer more instant control, with an eight way input taking place of the previous four. A brief hands-on with the controller playing Pro Evolution 2009 proved that the redesign has been effective, with the d-pad sitting in a larger rocker and proving more tactile.

It's expected to release at the same time as this year's Pro Evolution Soccer, and the re-design is thought to have been inspired by the imminent release of Street Fighter IV.

We'll have photos of the new controller - though don't expect to see the difference - and further impressions later on.

Awesome news, should make arcade classics & fighting games much more playable.

20-Aug-2008, 08:45 PM
sweet that means the combos in street fighter will actually be exectuable.

20-Aug-2008, 09:22 PM
Thats great news.

20-Aug-2008, 09:54 PM
Great stuff, I'll be snagging a couple of those for sure.

20-Aug-2008, 10:26 PM
That's cool. But I'll still use a Hori stick.:p

21-Aug-2008, 12:16 AM
Make playing Bionic Commando Rearmed easier :P

21-Aug-2008, 01:43 AM
Kinda embarassed to say so, but I never noticed there was a problem with the existing controllers.:shifty:

darth los
21-Aug-2008, 04:15 PM
Kinda embarassed to say so, but I never noticed there was a problem with the existing controllers.:shifty:


Actually, I'm starting to think that companies actually make sucky products with room for improvement just to sell you the "new and improved" version down the road. Don't tell me that they couldn't have done that from the beginning. :rockbrow:

21-Aug-2008, 04:29 PM

Actually, I'm starting to think that companies actually make sucky products with room for improvement just to sell you the "new and improved" version down the road. Don't tell me that they couldn't have done that from the beginning. :rockbrow:

I don't know. Microsoft probably didn't mean to mess it up. Look at the whole over heating issues. At least they stuck their foot in their mouth and fix them for free.

21-Aug-2008, 04:54 PM
That fancy new D-Pad is really only for use on certain games though, I barely use it, unless I'm equipping my grenade launcher or night vision goggly-goo's ... yeah bitches, COD4 in the hizzy. :D

It's a good thing I hate footie, cos that means I won't have that PES or whatever, so I won't need a new D-padded controller. I've got two of the normal ones, but only use one actually ... I'm a rate billy no mates gamer. :lol:

21-Aug-2008, 07:28 PM

Actually, I'm starting to think that companies actually make sucky products with room for improvement just to sell you the "new and improved" version down the road. Don't tell me that they couldn't have done that from the beginning. :rockbrow:

Nintendo and Sony both had patents on their own d-pads. Microsoft couldn't make a direct copy, so they did the best they could. At least they're listening.