View Full Version : Snakes on a Plane is coming

03-May-2006, 07:37 PM

I don't know why, but I am really excited about this one. The plot sounds like something meant for a different time, but Sam Jackson on a plane killing snakes is just too good to pass up.

04-May-2006, 11:19 AM
This has cheese written all over it, which is why it is a must see film for me this summer. Some of my friends think I am nuts, but... Hey, where else do you get Sam Jackson, delivering the word MutherF*cker, they way he does it. You would have to pop in an old DVD of Pulp Fiction or Jackie Brown.

A little something to keep you occupied until the release of S.O.A.P. Check out the IMDB boards... They are great for a laugh. You could also check out Snakes on a Blog for more info. Plus...

New Line is excepting Fan submissions for the soundtrack, so all you musicians out there start submitting your demos.

04-May-2006, 12:59 PM
I reckon that this movie will easily be as good as LAKE PLACID :rolleyes:

04-May-2006, 01:21 PM
It will be better! ya know why?

Cause it has Sam Jackson fighting snakes on a plane! :D

04-May-2006, 06:04 PM
Snakes on a Plane has to be the most honest film title I've ever heard. It tells you everything in four simple words. No one who isn't dumb will be asking what this movie is about when it comes out.

04-May-2006, 07:13 PM
Snakes on a Plane has to be the most honest film title I've ever heard. It tells you everything in four simple words. No one who isn't dumb will be asking what this movie is about when it comes out.

BINGO.... Johnny tell him what he's won! :D

Honesty in advertising and marketing.... all roled into the title of the movie.

04-May-2006, 10:59 PM
there is an amazing hype about this film on the net
i havent seen anything like this since blair witch project

the makers of the film got wind of the net activities
and went in and filmed more scenes of gore and foul language
to get it an R rating instead of PG13
so sam gets to say
"i am sick of these mother****ing snakes on this mother****ing plane"
way too cool

and they wanted to change the title
but sam jackson said "no way man"

this movie could be the movie to see
because they are actually listening to the
people and trying to make it enjoyable to the people
who want to see it
not usually the case

04-May-2006, 11:13 PM
please, THE, blair witch project show some damn respect boy!:D , seriously i think its a stroke of genius on there part i mean "snakes on a plane?" its one of those titles that gives it all away and at the same time nothing.

ok its got snakes.

on a plane.

but what genre is it?

whats the primary problem?

smart move on samuel l's part....


05-May-2006, 01:54 AM
Post deleted.

05-May-2006, 11:16 AM
Including a scene with a guy getting squeezed by a python bleeding out of his ears and his eyes popping out. While tons more snakes overtake the passengers of the plane. :D

05-May-2006, 03:41 PM
i know its stupid but im somehow compelled to see it even more:lol:

05-May-2006, 04:01 PM
i know its stupid but im somehow compelled to see it even more:lol:

The shear stpuidity of the idea and premise for this film is enough for me to wanna see it. Plus you get Sam Jackson spouting off the word MutherPhucker while battling Snakes on a Plane. :D

05-May-2006, 04:04 PM
i know !, its like the perfect family film theres something for everyone:lol:

05-May-2006, 04:08 PM
i know !, its like the perfect family film theres something for everyone:lol:

Action, cursing, induction into the mile high club, and snakes... on a plane!

Fun for the whole family. Perverted Dad can watch his sex on the screen while also wishing his wife of 20 years was being strangled by one of the snakes. The kids get a lesson in not only sex education, but how sneaky a snake can be... on a plane! :p

05-May-2006, 04:09 PM
and go to school next day and use the word mother****er:lol:

05-May-2006, 06:06 PM
and go to school next day and use the word mother****er:lol:

So Class I want you all to tell me what you did this summer. Johnny lets start with you.

I hung out, chowed, played video games, went swimming. And got to see Samuel Mutherphucking Jackson fighting Mutherphucking Snakes on a Mutherphucking plane.

06-May-2006, 02:12 AM
and to win the spelling be timmy spell "massechusettes",lol, .......


06-May-2006, 05:43 AM



06-May-2006, 11:21 AM
lol, it takin' over.

07-May-2006, 06:38 PM

I don't know why, but I am really excited about this one. The plot sounds like something meant for a different time, but Sam Jackson on a plane killing snakes is just too good to pass up.

The movie idea is so stupid I am amazed the movie was even made. How can it get any stranger? Snakes on a plane? Oh lord!:rolleyes:

07-May-2006, 09:50 PM
If the line in your sig is in the movie I've gotta see it, lol. I've checked out some pics, or was it a teaser? I can't remember, anyway, looks really, really, really daft - but damn, if Sam Jackson can sign up just on the title alone then I can pimp out the 90 minutes to sit through it, ha!

08-May-2006, 03:47 AM
Damn you. I wasn't going to go see this movie. But the thought of Sam J.
cussing out snakes who can resist that?

08-May-2006, 03:51 AM



It's a fake, anyway. They misspelled the word f*cking. It should be Motherf*cking to be correct. :)

08-May-2006, 10:12 AM
Is it just me, or is a black man swearing loudly and/or angrily is kinda funny - I'm thinking Sam Jackson and that Chappelle chap. There's just something chuckle-inducing about a black guy going off on a rant saying "muthaf*cker" and the "n" word a lot. Not being racist, I just find it entertaining. :D

08-May-2006, 11:31 AM
Damn you. I wasn't going to go see this movie. But the thought of Sam J.
cussing out snakes who can resist that?

Exactly! There hasn't been an intentionally cheesy movie in sometime. Here is one film... totally cheesed from top to bottom that is a must see film.


09-May-2006, 06:28 AM
It's a fake, anyway. They misspelled the word f*cking. It should be Motherf*cking to be correct. :)

Heh :D

11-May-2006, 06:45 PM
I am sorry but this post needs to be bumped. This is THE movie event of 2006 and it shouldn't be stuffed away 4 pages away from the good stuff on this board.

Once more trailers get released and people get a chance to see it this thread will be filled with chatter from HPotD members either praising it, or dissing it. I hope it gets praise. :D

11-May-2006, 07:48 PM
It's obvious that it's meant to be cheese and I can dig that. However, my main problem with the film is that Kenan Thompson F*cker....

He's helping to ruin SNL and now he's moving into films???

It's a sign of the apocolypse....

11-May-2006, 07:51 PM
It's obvious that it's meant to be cheese and I can dig that. However, my main problem with the film is that Kenan Thompson F*cker....

He's helping to ruin SNL and now he's moving into films???

It's a sign of the apocolypse....

No, that would be your topless Chris Farley dancing gif. Thats the true sign of the coming apocalypse. :D

11-May-2006, 09:22 PM
Brace ourselves for Napoleon Dynamite levels of quotation you mean?

Dang! Gosh! That's like a dollar an hour! Gross! Tina come get some ham!

And so forth, you know the score, ND rules all...this time last year me and my uni mates would watch it a few times a week at any opportunity and just sit there quoting the entire film five seconds before the actual lines were spoken, it bugged everyone else who came over to visit, but it was just so damned funny and quotable...

11-May-2006, 09:58 PM
Just curious! :lol:

12-May-2006, 12:07 AM
It will be the summer blockbuster.

12-May-2006, 10:42 AM
No, that would be your topless Chris Farley dancing gif. Thats the true sign of the coming apocalypse. :D

Farley = Funny

Thompson = Annoying/not funny

And Farley's not just topless.....He's trying out to be a dancer at "Chip & Dales". Alongside Patrick Swayze:lol:

12-May-2006, 10:53 AM
Yes Trioxin, I expect this to be the cheesiest yet greatest cheesiest film ever made. Hail to the cheese.

Bassman, you find Hunter thompson annoying? Wow, I think he is one of the best writers of our time, and quite funny as well.

12-May-2006, 10:59 AM
Haha....definitely not. Hunter S. Thompson is my hero.

I think you know I was talking about that Kenan guy that's in "Snakes on a Plane"...

12-May-2006, 11:01 AM
Haha....definitely not. Hunter S. Thompson is my hero.

I think you know I was talking about that Kenan guy that's in "Snakes on a Plane"...

Actually, no I will admit I thought you meant ole HST. I forgot about Kenan Thompson being in SOAP. My Bad.