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View Full Version : arrested for WHAT?!?!

22-Aug-2008, 09:35 PM

we pay taxes so libraries can stay open..... but they arrest you for not taking books back to some place u helped build by working.

also i might add that my library system is flawed. always asking for more money but wont pay people who work there any decent amount of money. and also they send out false over due notices for books you either never had or KNOW you took back

22-Aug-2008, 09:56 PM
Twenty-year-old Heidi Dalibor told the News Graphic in Cedarburg that she ignored the library's calls and letters as well as a notice to appear in court.

Because it was just soooooo much harder to just pay the 30 bucks. By the time you get a court notice, it should dawn on you that "hey, maybe I should just pay the late fees now".

22-Aug-2008, 10:28 PM
Because it was just soooooo much harder to just pay the 30 bucks. By the time you get a court notice, it should dawn on you that "hey, maybe I should just pay the late fees now".

yeah, it seems this lady simply didn't care about anyone else or about the policies of the library. nothing worse than an asshole who takes things from the library then doesn't return them.

so instead of doing something insane like, i don't know, returning the things on time or paying the fine, she gets arrested and has to fork over $172. correction, her mom has to fork over $172 to get her out of the clink. she was asked repeatedly to return the stuff and warned multiple times. she got what she deserved.

just because you pay taxes doesn't mean you get act in a fool manner with public property.

22-Aug-2008, 10:29 PM
we pay taxes so libraries can stay open..... but they arrest you for not taking books back to some place u helped build by working.
Seems she was arrested for failing to appear in court, not for failing to pay the fine on her overdue library books.

Didn't this person basically steal from everyone whose taxes support this public library?

22-Aug-2008, 11:11 PM
Seems she was arrested for failing to appear in court, not for failing to pay the fine on her overdue library books.

Didn't this person basically steal from everyone whose taxes support this public library?

most likely shes had a job before so shes stealing from hersel. shes 20........that screams college student

23-Aug-2008, 12:52 AM
She's not very smart. If you receive a court order, then you best report. Or you get arrested. Its the law, regardless of how petty the fine is. Some people are just irresponsible and/or don't give a sh!t.

23-Aug-2008, 01:50 AM
She's not very smart. If you receive a court order, then you best report. Or you get arrested. Its the law, regardless of how petty the fine is. Some people are just irresponsible and/or don't give a sh!t.

i had a court order for jury duty and didnt go

23-Aug-2008, 03:14 AM
i had a court order for jury duty and didnt go

I am surprised nothing happened to you. How long ago was it? In my county, you get in serious trouble for it. A friend of mine was irresponsible and forgot to report. Lucky for him, my mom was good friends with the county clerk and she had a crush on me. So we got him out of it. But it was a one time deal.

23-Aug-2008, 03:33 AM
i had a court order for jury duty and didnt go
And you're bragging about it here?

23-Aug-2008, 03:42 AM
i had a court order for jury duty and didnt go

I went to jury duty once,and it was very boring.

23-Aug-2008, 04:21 AM
I am surprised nothing happened to you. How long ago was it? In my county, you get in serious trouble for it. A friend of mine was irresponsible and forgot to report. Lucky for him, my mom was good friends with the county clerk and she had a crush on me. So we got him out of it. But it was a one time deal.

its been about 3 years. no calls or anything.

23-Aug-2008, 05:27 AM
its been about 3 years. no calls or anything.

I don't know how you got away with. Consider yourself lucky, I guess. On the bright side, you probably won't be contacted for jury duty any more. I got out of most of the time, because I was in school.

If anyone gets called, then there are way of showing up and getting out of it. These are not guarentee, but should help. First, show up at least 10 minutes before the due time. That way you sign in at the bottom of the list. Out of 60 people they will select around 30. Second, if you are selected then there is the prosecutor/defense elimination round. This is when the lawyers from both sides ask screening questions to decide who to keep or eliminate from the jury selection. They will ask how do you feel about the case or has anyone close to you every had something similar happen to them. Such as a friend or relative who was raped or murdered? Or do you believe in the death row if it is a capital murder charge. The lawyers are going to want people who agree with them to stay and those you do not to be eliminated. If you are lucky you will get marked off the list. Either way. You still get your money if you make cut or not.

23-Aug-2008, 06:37 AM
i had a court order for jury duty and didnt go

Why didn't you go?


23-Aug-2008, 06:59 AM
On the bright side, you probably won't be contacted for jury duty any more.

Yeah. Next time, it'll be defendant duty.