View Full Version : Re-animated: A project involving NOTLD. Check it out:

30-Aug-2008, 04:59 PM
"Reanimated is a mass collaborative re-envisioning in which artists from around the world select scenes from the original 1968 film and recreating them through their own artistic aesthetics. This is opened to all media and processes both still and dynamic. Works will be assembled into a new video track thus giving the film new life through a process called 'reanimation'. Submissions will be accepted until 9/12/08."


darth los
30-Aug-2008, 05:06 PM
Very Cool. It looks like a moving comic book. There were a couple of panels that i had to stay on for a minute in order to see what they actually were but i guess that's due to the varying styles that were used.

30-Aug-2008, 07:32 PM
Looks awesome

That Barbie Doll scene would make
Chucky drool with love

But is is a great piece of work in progress

30-Aug-2008, 09:18 PM
It is a great idea and I understand that it is still a work in progress, but most of what I saw on their clip reel consisted of entire scenes grabbed from the movie itself and then processed (through some sort of application like Corel where they reverse the image, then enhance the edge lines) It's not a complaint, really, but this is truly not all that creative since it is merely just a matter of optical processing and not truly animation. Please understand that I do not mean to spit on someone's creative idea, but a lot of what I saw on that clip reel really cannot be considered animation at all.

That being said, I was impressed with some of the actual animation: there was a scene with Cooper tossing the Molotov cocktails from upstairs, in addition to a hand drawn sequence of Barbara freaking out. More of that animation and less of the optical edge enhancement crap that appears on their clip reel and I will be the first in line to purchase this one.

I did also dig the bit with the dolls, too. Pretty cool there!

Good find!

31-Aug-2008, 03:04 AM
Looks really cool.