View Full Version : Tech-savvy person needed!

Chic Freak
30-Aug-2008, 10:39 PM
I just received an email from my current web host, Freewebs, saying that I need to renew my subscription with them by 13th September to stop my site descending into a mess of ads and limited broadband. This reminded me that I bought hosting at Servage.net ages ago so that I could have a "proper" .com address and less photo censoring, but so far have not done anything with it.

Why? Because I suck. I completely over-estimated my ability to make a website, hence anitadebauch.com still looks like this (http://anitadebauch.com/) :|

I realise that this is a long shot... but is there anyone on here who could set up a new site for me? Something basically along the lines of my current site (http://www.anitadebauch.co.uk), but on the Servage account, with short, simple pages of text, photo galleries, three online submission forms and a couple of password-protected pages. It doesn't need to be a giant sprawling thing, in fact the simpler and easier to navigate, the better.

I'm not sure what I can offer in exchange, but if you are interested in doing it please get in contact and we can discuss :)
