View Full Version : Wrestling pioneer Killer Kowalski dies at 81

31-Aug-2008, 04:14 PM
RIP for one of the most sadistic wrestlers of all time.


31-Aug-2008, 04:20 PM
Thats sad news,another wrestling great gone.

01-Sep-2008, 02:57 AM
he will be missed, he trained, chyna, triple h and perry saturn amongst a host of others.

01-Sep-2008, 10:34 PM
RIP, Killer!

01-Sep-2008, 10:57 PM
bobby heenan is on death watch :(

01-Sep-2008, 11:17 PM
bobby heenan is on death watch :(

Damn, really? That sucks. Got any recent links? I know he was battling cancer for years now and lost a lot of weight. He was my favorite heel manager and comentator. Him and Monsoon were the best duo during the WWF years. I also enjoyed him on WCW. When he teamed up with Savoni and Dusty Rhodes. He was really a great guy in real life and donated & helped many charities.

01-Sep-2008, 11:42 PM
bobby heenan is on death watch :(

That sucks.:(
He was the greatest wrestling manager ever.

02-Sep-2008, 12:15 AM
Damn, really? That sucks. Got any recent links? I know he was battling cancer for years now and lost a lot of weight. He was my favorite heel manager and comentator. Him and Monsoon were the best duo during the WWF years. I also enjoyed him on WCW. When he teamed up with Savoni and Dusty Rhodes. He was really a great guy in real life and donated & helped many charities.

the most recent thing i heard was 2 weeks ago when he was put in a drug induced coma cuz of jaw reconstruction surgery and they brought him out and he couldnt talk

darth los
02-Sep-2008, 04:26 PM
What strikes me is his age. 81 !! :stunned:

Now compare that to today's wrestlers that all seem to be dropping in their 40's.:confused:

02-Sep-2008, 05:11 PM
What strikes me is his age. 81 !! :stunned:

Now compare that to today's wrestlers that all seem to be dropping in their 40's.:confused:

Most of the wrestlers that die in their 40's is because of all the drugs they've taken in their lives.

02-Sep-2008, 05:50 PM
Yeah, its a diffrent era of wrestlers. Drugs, steroids, and more days on the road. The style of prowrestling or "sports entertainment" :rolleyes: has changed. Prowrestlers today, especially the ones who are employed with the WWE, go through a lot of physical and mental stress.

02-Sep-2008, 09:03 PM
Most of the wrestlers that die in their 40's is because of all the drugs they've taken in their lives.

how would u fare on the road 300 + days a year with no meds?

02-Sep-2008, 10:16 PM
how would u fare on the road 300 + days a year with no meds?

The same way guys like Kowalski fared on the road 300+ days a year without being addicts.

The notion that wrestlers just started to travel since 2000 is a fairytale. Ric Flair defended his World Title nearly 400 times the first year he was Champion...way back in 1981. And you didn't see him overdosing by 1990.

02-Sep-2008, 10:20 PM
The notion that wrestlers just started to travel since 2000 is a fairytale. Ric Flair defended his World Title nearly 400 times the first year he was Champion...way back in 1981. And you didn't see him overdosing by 1990.

That will be a sad day when Ric Flair dies.Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler ever.Woooooooooo.

02-Sep-2008, 11:08 PM
The same way guys like Kowalski fared on the road 300+ days a year without being addicts.

The notion that wrestlers just started to travel since 2000 is a fairytale. Ric Flair defended his World Title nearly 400 times the first year he was Champion...way back in 1981. And you didn't see him overdosing by 1990.


kowalski could only dream to wrestle 300 days a year plus whatever else they had planned for you. in WWE's peak in the 80's they only wrestled on tv TWICE A MONTH. and only had house shows about three times a week at most. so how does someone who wrestled in the 40's and 50's wrestle 300 plus days a year unless he wrestled last year?

P.S. most wrestlers before about 1987 had other jobs because wrestling didnt pay like it does now.

That will be a sad day when Ric Flair dies.Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler ever.Woooooooooo.

makes u wonder why they gave him that IC title run,right?

02-Sep-2008, 11:17 PM

kowalski could only dream to wrestle 300 days a year plus whatever else they had planned for you. in WWE's peak in the 80's they only wrestled on tv TWICE A MONTH. and only had house shows about three times a week at most. so how does someone who wrestled in the 40's and 50's wrestle 300 plus days a year unless he wrestled last year?

P.S. most wrestlers before about 1987 had other jobs because wrestling didnt pay like it does now.

Might want to check the results.

And that's 45 years ago. You can find the 1980s from that page, if you want to see those.

02-Sep-2008, 11:37 PM
Looks like all of those cards were up North in the general area. Big diffrence between traveling around NY and CT compared to wrestling in NY then traveling to TX for a few days then going to CA then maybe over seas to Europe or Japan.

02-Sep-2008, 11:43 PM
Looks like all of those cards were up North in the general area. Big diffrence between traveling around NY and CT compared to wrestling in NY then traveling to TX for a few days then going to CA then maybe over seas to Europe or Japan.

Of course they were in the northeast, in 1963. That's where their territory was. The NWA was broken into chunks all over the place. That's why a guy like Flair wrestled everywhere from Puerto Rico to Japan to Singapore to Montreal when he was NWA Champion.

Current guys work 4 days on, 3 days off. Which isn't all this "much more travel" than the way it's always been. So I don't buy travel as an excuse to be a drug addict. At all.

02-Sep-2008, 11:54 PM
Of course they were in the northeast, in 1963. That's where their territory was. The NWA was broken into chunks all over the place. That's why a guy like Flair wrestled everywhere from Puerto Rico to Japan to Singapore to Montreal when he was NWA Champion.

Current guys work 4 days on, 3 days off. Which isn't all this "much more travel" than the way it's always been. So I don't buy travel as an excuse to be a drug addict. At all.

the fact is they travel more than they're home. so no matter if they're "working" or not, they're not home a lot.

need more proof? i worked security for a promotion in my area when i graduated high school and i talked with a few big names and my god they LIVE on the road.

no one said "drug addict", but landing on a ring made of canvas and wood that many times a night isnt good for you. so they might need anything form aspirin to somas