View Full Version : UK - One in six of all households, no one works...

01-Sep-2008, 09:45 AM

Now I see why I pay so much tax!

Yesterday's report said there are three million homes where no one works, nearly one in six of all households. They include 4.3million adults, excluding pensioners, and nearly 1.8million children.

They cost £12.7billion a year in benefits.


01-Sep-2008, 10:21 AM
I've got a friend with a shed load of kids who's come down with a brain condition which means he can't work as a roofer/builder anymore...he doesn't even claim benefits, I've been trying to convince him to get disability....he won't do it, he's too proud! It's a shame people like him go without, even by choice, when a guy who lives next door gets 1500k a month for claiming disability for nothing.

Still, this is typical "hate-everything-and-everyone" Daily Mail drivvel. **** 'em.

01-Sep-2008, 10:27 AM
I've no problem with a case like where that dude has the brain condition getting benefits - it's what the system was made for.

I wholly object to the collection of people who abuse the system, or use it as an excuse to do f*ck all - and I also wholly object to the government using it as a means to buy votes and control the working class.

'Oh we'll give you a scrap more money (but take it away with the other hand), and then you vote for us okay?'

Absolute garbage.

Under a certain level of earnings, they should be taken out of tax entirely and be allowed to keep their cash that they've earned to spend on their family, and then benefits would be reduced or perhaps even cut out completely for certain families as there'd be no need as they're not coughing up to the gubment, which in turn means they're held over a barrel by the likes of Brown and his scummy underlings.


I didn't read the article though, the Daily Mail just sh*ts me off.

01-Sep-2008, 11:04 AM
Six million Britons live in households where no one has a job, official figures revealed yesterday.

According to the research, 1.77million children - one in seven of under 16s - are growing up in welfare-dependent homes.

The number of homes where no one works has risen by 43,000 in the past five years to just over three million.

This is nearly one in six of all UK 'working-age households', those that include at least one person aged between 16 and 59, for women, or 64 for men.

The non-working households include almost 4.3million adults, excluding pensioners, and the 1.77million children, of whom 1.2million live with lone parents.

There is mounting evidence that in Britain's recent boom years four out of five new jobs were taken by immigrants.

01-Sep-2008, 01:31 PM
so much for sayin the USA is lazy........

01-Sep-2008, 02:27 PM
oh the us is lazy too, weve just got more bone idles per square feet. i work my as off at a ****ty mcdonalds job as a fry cook, go to university, and still find time to film adverts for people, i think a lot of claimers and dolies arent simply lazy but lack total direction. i know a guy whos bene on since he left high school and does nothing but play halo all day, hes quite happy to live in the same ****ty council house till he dies, never even leaving the shires. a lot of these people are not thick either, this guy was a literal science genius, but just rather exists for the sake of it with no passion for anything.

hell i got only 3 C's at G.C.S.E and im taking a bloody degree at university, if you have a dream or enough drive you can get your ass into something good, but some people just would not do more than look on the jobcentre website once a week. its a shame, but thats the entropy of middle england at work.

01-Sep-2008, 02:40 PM
hell i got only 3 C's at G.C.S.E and im taking a bloody degree at university, if you have a dream or enough drive you can get your ass into something good, but some people just would not do more than look on the jobcentre website once a week. its a shame, but thats the entropy of middle england at work.

I agree. It's sad.

I left school with piss poor GCSEs and only had the equivilant of 2 A-levels when I left college, after a Btec in media...

Straight out of there, into a career with major broadcaster, now being paid to edit for TV...only thing that separates me from the rest is that I had the balls to ask, and went head first into everything I did.

01-Sep-2008, 04:33 PM
man i hear that, you always gotta ask, or youll never get anything if you expect it to fall into your lap, hell to progress to the 2nd year of my degree you've gotta go out on your own and make a commercial video for someone else, its MANDATORY.

two people quit then and there because it was "too much work" SO THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF TAKING A COURSE THAT FOCUS' ON THAT THEN?!?

-i just whet to a local board games and ccg emporium, knocked on the door to the owners office and just said what i needed to do and asked if he was interested.

its free so you bet you ass he was.
yet everyone else is finding trouble, mostly because there looking on the net instead of just asking someone yknow?

-actually a more apt example is the fry cook job, i was told i needed a job in 7 days or i was homeless, i got about a total 6 hours sleep over the next week adn covered 200 miles of road, but on day 7 i had one.
did i rely on the government or the job center to lead me by the hand?, F-no, i just asked.

01-Sep-2008, 05:50 PM
Er I think it's more to do with the looming economic recession than Britons being lazy (although admittedly we have no shortage of ponces). Anyone actually been jobhunting recently? It's a nightmare

01-Sep-2008, 06:20 PM
Er I think it's more to do with the looming economic recession than Britons being lazy (although admittedly we have no shortage of ponces). Anyone actually been jobhunting recently? It's a nightmare

Yep, it's hell, why do so many employers ask for years experience? how can young people get any if the majority jobs ask for that?

01-Sep-2008, 06:31 PM
You either don't have enough experience, or you are overqualified :annoyed: It's madness

01-Sep-2008, 06:41 PM
You either don't have enough experience, or you are overqualified :annoyed: It's madness
heh, I know how that one goes alright. :mad:

Chic Freak
01-Sep-2008, 08:08 PM
Oh god, wish me luck for Thursday & Friday then. I've decided to get one of these "job" thingies when I move to London and am going to try and track one down then.

It's never good when reading your own CV makes you laugh the first time round :bored:

01-Sep-2008, 09:15 PM
Eep, well jolly good luck to you Miss. :):thumbsup:

Yeah, what are these "jobs" that people talk about? I hear they have them in places called "offices" now? ... Madness, surely.


Seriously though, even as a struggling freelance filmmaker, it's what I want to do and I actually would go mad if I was in some normal job, especially one in an office.

I remember working at a garage when I was a bit younger, and I didn't like the slave-to-the-clock vibe, the constant repetition, and the crushing of my creativity. I just felt like a robot, and I'm not trying to be dramatic, I genuinely did feel overtly "meh" throughout.

Still though, it wasn't for an exceptionally long time, and it paid for the computer (among other things) on which I'm currently editing that sex education DVD I've been working on for a few months now.

Chic Freak
01-Sep-2008, 09:23 PM
Eep, well jolly good luck to you Miss. :):thumbsup:

Cheers, no doubt I'll be b!tching about how it went, one way or the other, when I'm back on Saturday!

Seriously though, even as a struggling freelance filmmaker, it's what I want to do and I actually would go mad if I was in some normal job, especially one in an office.

Oh, don't. I've been self-employed and loving it since I turned 18. The idea of having a boss who is actually allowed to tell me what to do is already grating, and it hasn't even happened yet. I just feel like it's irresponsible to not at least try and have a more regular income than I do atm if I'm living in the most expensive city in the country.

Doubt I'll be in an office at first, more likely a bar, shop or cafe :rolleyes:

I'm currently editing that sex education DVD I've been working on for a few months now.


You HAVE to Youtube that when it's done :lol:

01-Sep-2008, 09:33 PM
oh the us is lazy too, weve just got more bone idles per square feet. i work my as off at a ****ty mcdonalds job as a fry cook, go to university, and still find time to film adverts for people, i think a lot of claimers and dolies arent simply lazy but lack total direction. i know a guy whos bene on since he left high school and does nothing but play halo all day, hes quite happy to live in the same ****ty council house till he dies, never even leaving the shires. a lot of these people are not thick either, this guy was a literal science genius, but just rather exists for the sake of it with no passion for anything.

hell i got only 3 C's at G.C.S.E and im taking a bloody degree at university, if you have a dream or enough drive you can get your ass into something good, but some people just would not do more than look on the jobcentre website once a week. its a shame, but thats the entropy of middle england at work.

we're so lazy everyone comes here to live. yeaa ok

01-Sep-2008, 11:39 PM
Well as a nation you are fairly lazy, because put simply you have loads of fat people & gadgets - just like us, mind.

02-Sep-2008, 12:17 AM
Well as a nation you are fairly lazy, because put simply you have loads of fat people & gadgets - just like us, mind.

listen to yourself... we're the most tech advanced nation and we're the youngest nation...whats that tell u about other places? lazy? yes sir.

02-Sep-2008, 10:13 AM

You HAVE to Youtube that when it's done :lol:

hehe, it's all about sex from an ethical theory stand point, so there's no "Now insert part A into part B, enter, exit, repeat until finished" type stuff.

Although we've used a lot of old school public domain films from the 40s, 50s and 60s in various places - including a great one with a Newscaster who's doing a film about the evils of porn mags, which is absolutely classic. Ah mate, but there's one film I'm working on at the moment, which requires footage from an old army sexual infection information film, and there's an absolutely horrific scene with a soldier getting a gigantic pipette shoved down his cyclops, injecting a bunch of solution, then he squeezes it all out to clean his member after a romp with a rank bit on the side. Ugh, seriously it had me feeling a bit faint...:eek::dead:

Otherwise there's our own reconstructions or representations of certain events (prostitution, abuse, young love etc), and a bunch of group discussion work with sixth form students giving us their views and opinions on the ethical theories at hand. It's all quite interesting actually.

There'll be a bunch of clips online for it when the director has the webmaster do the website, so as soon as it's ready I'll most certainly pimp it up here.


Well indeed, if in London then a normal job is a must until you can sustain constant self employment, there's just no other way really, what with that smoggy dump being so expensive (I'm not a fan of London btw :D).

02-Sep-2008, 10:36 AM
Well as a nation you are fairly lazy, because put simply you have loads of fat people & gadgets - just like us, mind.

Actually for a first world nation, we aren't lazy at all, we work more hours and take less time off than any other 1st world country on the planet. (I don't think that is a good thing personally.)

Which is why so many Americans are fat by the way, when you are so busy working your life away you pretty much don't have time to cook, or the energy to cook. And since mom isn't in the kitchen anymore, but in the factory the kids learn to just eat easy to go fast food too.

02-Sep-2008, 01:24 PM
listen to yourself... we're the most tech advanced nation and we're the youngest nation...whats that tell u about other places? lazy? yes sir.

I wasn't aware that America was younger than Israel, shows how much I know!

Japan is actually more technologically advanced in terms of domestic technology, but yeah America has the best defence technology, but even then, the words "Operation Paperclip" spring to mind!

RE - Khardis;

I would never deny that America or the UK as a whole works hard in terms of graft, but all it takes is half an hour of exercise a day - everyone has half an hour a day they can spare, we say we're busy as hell but we still find time to watch movies, play xbox & post on here! And eating healthily is no more expensive or time consuming than eating crap. In fact eating badly costs more, and last time I checked it took about 15 minutes to grill some turkey and throw a salad together.

I'm just as bad by the way, i'm not taking the high ground or anything :lol: The KFC Zinger tower and the pint of Guinness are my mistresses

02-Sep-2008, 01:34 PM
Brilliant that we're almost to the point of descending into territorial elitism.

Nip it in the bud, for the boards sake. I can't be ****ing arsed with more "america is fat/the UK is lazy" arguments. I'll go to robhalford.com for that bull****.

02-Sep-2008, 02:02 PM
To be fair i'm saying were all fat & lazy, by comparison to how potentially productive we could be. That's why Britain is a whore of light industry & America doesn't have a moonbase :lol:

It is funny how heavy metal boards always descend into US vs UK isnt it? I think it's because together we rule the scene with an iron fist, so there's nothing left to do but argue the toss :evil:

02-Sep-2008, 02:18 PM
To be fair i'm saying were all fat & lazy, by comparison to how potentially productive we could be. That's why Britain is a whore of light industry & America doesn't have a moonbase :lol:

It is funny how heavy metal boards always descend into US vs UK isnt it? I think it's because together we rule the scene with an iron fist, so there's nothing left to do but argue the toss :evil:

yeah I meant nothing personal towards anyone...:)

still...I have harsher opinions on why metal boards tend to descend into territorial chaos...and personally I don't believe it's one particular country that rules the scene....but then I just said I wasn't going to do that!

03-Sep-2008, 03:16 PM
so much for sayin the USA is lazy........

We were considered just lazy?


I thought we were Fat & lazy. Damn, something changed I wasn't made aware of it.

03-Sep-2008, 03:25 PM
I thought we were Fat & lazy. Damn, something changed I wasn't made aware of it.

i got that lazy part down pat, man. if breathing weren't autonomic we wouldn't be having this convo.

03-Sep-2008, 03:31 PM
I've got this neighbor(who has also sent me to jail, but that story is for a different time. Bastard) who had a hernia and had it fixed well over 8 months ago. This was a hernia of the intestinal wall, which i've had and it is a very quick operation to have fixed. The most you would need to be out of work is about 2 weeks max. This douche has been claiming disability for 8+ months for this minor injury.

He sits at home all day and get's paid for it. For no reason. Not to mention his wife is literally about 300 pounds. So she's getting free grub out of the deal.

It just really pisses me off...

03-Sep-2008, 03:39 PM
I've got this neighbor(who has also sent me to jail, but that story is for a different time. Bastard) who had a hernia and had it fixed well over 8 months ago. This was a hernia of the intestinal wall, which i've had and it is a very quick operation to have fixed. The most you would need to be out of work is about 2 weeks max. This douche has been claiming disability for 8+ months for this minor injury.

He sits at home all day and get's paid for it. For no reason. Not to mention his wife is literally about 300 pounds. So she's getting free grub out of the deal.

It just really pisses me off...

perhaps it is time to get even jason. keep a vid camera handy and if you happen to see this dork doing any sort of physical labor tape it.

03-Sep-2008, 03:49 PM
Good idea, but what would I do with it, anyway? Call the cops?:lol:

03-Sep-2008, 03:50 PM
Good idea, but what would I do with it, anyway? Call the cops?:lol:

turn it over to his employer. they'll do the cop calling.

people get busted for faking disability more often than you'd think.

03-Sep-2008, 04:40 PM
Yes... hang him by his nut hair. Revenge is so sweet. :elol:

03-Sep-2008, 04:44 PM
Yes... hang him by his nut hair. Revenge is so sweet. :elol:
Can I get a chorus-like "muahahahahahaaaaaa"? :elol:

03-Sep-2008, 04:50 PM
turn it over to his employer. they'll do the cop calling.

people get busted for faking disability more often than you'd think.

Do it! :)