View Full Version : George Lucas redeems himself? (Star Wars Original Versions)

04-May-2006, 02:50 PM
Read it and weep, haters. FFS, I just hope this isn't a hoax.


04-May-2006, 03:01 PM
This man is beyond redemption!!!

04-May-2006, 03:06 PM
I think its a good idea to release the original

those are the ones we remember when we first saw it when it came out way back when

i dont know if this redeems him
or if it is just another way of making more mone by selling the
films all over again

but no matter
it will be good to have them

by the way what ever happened to Sam? (aka Sith666)
he hasnt been around since the new forums came up

anybody know if he is OK?

04-May-2006, 03:10 PM
Read it and weep, haters. FFS, I just hope this isn't a hoax.


PFT, too bad i arleady scored the original trilogy on DVD, like 3 years ago thanks to eBay and Laser disc transfers.

sorry Lucas, to little too late.


04-May-2006, 03:21 PM
He's redeemed. This is great news.

04-May-2006, 03:24 PM
Greedo shoots first.... again! :D

04-May-2006, 03:29 PM
Only if nothing has been phucked with will I consider him redeemed. However, he only gets partial redemption he still needs to answer for Episodes 1-3.

04-May-2006, 03:31 PM
tho' episode 3 did give us what we wanted, a chopped up and burnt to a crisp Christen Hayden :)

04-May-2006, 03:33 PM
I would have liked these latter ones had they been made in the same manner as the first 3. I know technology has long surpassed the originals, but.....come on! He should have made the newer ones fit in more with the original 3. I happen to like the miniatures and the "airbrushed" hidden things. Like the Land Speeder ( I think that's what it's called), you can see where the animation covered up the track and wheels it was rolled/driven on. But, that's just me. I prefer a movie that LOOKS like it's trying to pretend to be real, NOT a movie that tries to CGI EVERYTHING!!!!

04-May-2006, 03:40 PM
Greedo shoots first.... again! :D

Huh? This was the whole issue with the original wasn't it? Originally, Solo shot first, which made him too cold-blooded for Lucas (now)...

So these originals versions will mean Solo shoots first.... again!

04-May-2006, 03:45 PM
Huh? This was the whole issue with the original wasn't it? Originally, Solo shot first, which made him too cold-blooded for Lucas (now)...

So these originals versions will mean Solo shoots first.... again!

just messing with your mind :D

who shoots first? (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=swminis/article/whoshootsfirst) :)

04-May-2006, 03:50 PM
Of course... It was important they got this out soon else they won't be able to re-release them in HD (probably next year)... Yet more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for Mr Lucas!

04-May-2006, 03:53 PM
Bah! We talked about this when the revised versions first showed up on VHS. ILM keeps changing the Star Wars movies every few years, some people will buy it multiple times to see the minor changes. Then at a certain point make a big deal about releasing the theatrical cut again on DVD.

F&*k art, it's all about the $$$$$$$$$$$

Least they haven't changed the Indiana Jones series...yet.

04-May-2006, 03:54 PM
Least they haven't changed the Indiana Jones series...yet.
Give him time. He will.

04-May-2006, 03:56 PM
They are also doing 3D versions of all 6 films.

04-May-2006, 04:12 PM
PFT, too bad i arleady scored the original trilogy on DVD, like 3 years ago thanks to eBay and Laser disc transfers.

sorry Lucas, to little too late.


I own the lasers, and while they are cool, they aren't the original releases either. They have altered dialogue, enhanced soundtracks and audio channels. I am buying the F out of these babies.

One thing that worries me is the 2.0 audio mix. The first one was released in mono.

04-May-2006, 04:13 PM
They are also doing 3D versions of all 6 films.
I read something about that not too long ago. Lucas said something like "3D is the future of American cinema"......Come on George!!!! It didn't work in the 50's, it ain't gonna work now! Who wants to sit for two hours, cross eyed wearing silly paper glasss, to watch a flick?

04-May-2006, 04:16 PM
I don't really mind. I rarely watch Star Wars these days. The original trilogy is pure gold, but I've watched them so much I got tired of them. The prequel trilogy is pure ****e. I used to be a HUGE Star Wars fan. I have the originals on tape, before they were tampered with. But the prequels changed all that. When the first film was released, I deemed it "OK" but only gave it one go at the cinemas. Episode 2, tied together with Episode 1, was alright. But last time I watched it, I was bored to tears. It's a really horrible film, I say. I hated Episode 3 even more. Just to compare, when Episode 1 and 2 were released on DVD, I bought them. And I told myself, I'd do the same with Episode 3 to complete the trilogy. But when I saw it, I was sooo disappointed, I decided that George Lucas won't be seeing any of my money. Infact, I should download it (which I never do otherwise), just out of spite.

George Lucas, **** you.

04-May-2006, 06:00 PM
I have to admit this is a really good idea. My only problem with it is they didn't release this thing the first time.

04-May-2006, 06:31 PM
Heh, it would take a LOT more for Lucas to redeem himself than releasing the original prints of star wars as they were viewed in the theatres.

Besides, with all he's done to **** on the SW legacy, what makes anyone think he's actually going to put out these three versions and not tinker with it at least a little bit? c'mon!

Nah, he's beyond redemption.. at least in my eyes.


04-May-2006, 06:45 PM
i used to be a star was fan but who gives a crap nowadays?

04-May-2006, 06:52 PM
'bout time ... not that I'll buy them, can't afford it, but 'bout damn time! Listen to the fans ya bastard Lucas person, ORIGINALS!!! Hopefully all this "Tampered With Edition" crap is finished, like all the Hollywood fads of yore...next up remakes ... hopefully.

04-May-2006, 06:53 PM
I own the lasers, and while they are cool, they aren't the original releases either. They have altered dialogue, enhanced soundtracks and audio channels. I am buying the F out of these babies.

One thing that worries me is the 2.0 audio mix. The first one was released in mono.

i didn't notice any altered dialog. maybe i missed it. either or i'm good with what i have.

04-May-2006, 06:54 PM
id love to see a remake of a new hope and see if people can tell the diff' between it and spaceballs:D

04-May-2006, 07:06 PM
"There's only one man who would dare give me rasberry! Lonestar!"

04-May-2006, 07:09 PM
I own the lasers, and while they are cool, they aren't the original releases either. They have altered dialogue, enhanced soundtracks and audio channels. I am buying the F out of these babies.

One thing that worries me is the 2.0 audio mix. The first one was released in mono.

Actually nope... The first time Star Wars showed in theaters it showed with Dobly Stereo. Star Wars and Saturday Night Fever were the two films in 1977 to use the Dolby Stereo system.

04-May-2006, 07:12 PM
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr rrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!

04-May-2006, 07:23 PM
That was the BEST bit of Robot Chicken this season ... or wait a minute, am I thinking of episode 120? Hmmm...needless to say I crap myself with laughter everytime I hear/read someone barging out a full-on "NERD!!!!".

04-May-2006, 07:25 PM
robot chicken? are you sure you didnt just imagine this?, if you were from the west country i could blame it on a recent visit to a cider festival but man...

04-May-2006, 09:44 PM
It's a show. On something in America called 'Adult Swim' (where they show stuff like Family Guy or whatever I think). It's stop-motion animation with toys and stuff, a bunch of celebs do voices on it like Sarah Michelle Gellar. Seth Green does too, and he's a co-creator. Sh*t, they had Bruce Campbell voicing on episode 205, even had a Bruce Campbell action figure on there, can't remember the context, but it was something damn funny.

04-May-2006, 10:28 PM
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr rrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!


04-May-2006, 10:45 PM
That was the BEST bit of Robot Chicken this season ... or wait a minute, am I thinking of episode 120? Hmmm...needless to say I crap myself with laughter everytime I hear/read someone barging out a full-on "NERD!!!!".


episode 1F02 (season five, episode three) homer goes to college

and im a complete simpsons nerd and damned proud of it :p

04-May-2006, 10:52 PM
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr rrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!

Proud of it myself. Storing useless tidbits of info like that is what keeps me from getting the sh*tty jobs in the world. Plus it makes me a walking talking Movie database. F*CK IMDB just IM DJ! :D

04-May-2006, 10:58 PM

episode 1F02 (season five, episode three) homer goes to college

and im a complete simpsons nerd and damned proud of it :p
I'm a card carrying Simpsons Nerd, myself.:D

04-May-2006, 11:14 PM
really?, i lost mine when i was 12 and discovered jackass:D

05-May-2006, 03:08 AM
They are also doing 3D versions of all 6 films.

Will it ever ****ing stop? I love Star Wars, but enough is enough. Hey, George Lucas, write something else to see if you have any talent left.

05-May-2006, 04:10 AM
finally - i though it would never happen. the first dvd release was a travesty.

05-May-2006, 05:03 AM
I knew Lucas would have to give in. There was just too much demand. First sell the sleazy Special Edition crap under the assumption that the originals will never see the light of day on DVD. When the money is tallied in from that, then release the originals.

05-May-2006, 08:04 AM

episode 1F02 (season five, episode three) homer goes to college

and im a complete simpsons nerd and damned proud of it :p

The Simpsons took it from the classy and classic film entitled "Revenge of the Nerds." I highly recommend that film to all you nerds out there:D

05-May-2006, 09:36 AM
I read something about that not too long ago. Lucas said something like "3D is the future of American cinema"......Come on George!!!! It didn't work in the 50's, it ain't gonna work now! Who wants to sit for two hours, cross eyed wearing silly paper glasss, to watch a flick?

I have to agree with Lucas (& Cameron) here...

I can only assume you've not been to a good IMax 3D showing?

Cameron's next film is in IMax 3D and I can't wait!!!

05-May-2006, 11:05 AM
I love the IMAX format. I watched the History of the Grand Canyon, while visiting family in Phoenix AZ mind you, at the Tempe AZ IMAX theater. IMAX is simply the best way to watch a movie, but IMAX is also very expensive to produce and most people can't handle the motion sickness which comes with IMAX.

I also caught The Lion King, and Spider-Man IMAX releases... Spidey swinging from building to Building even made me a bit queasy.

06-May-2006, 05:15 AM
I knew Lucas would have to give in. There was just too much demand. First sell the sleazy Special Edition crap under the assumption that the originals will never see the light of day on DVD. When the money is tallied in from that, then release the originals.

I read a newspaper article when he finally released the Trilogy on dvd and they quoted Lucas saying something to the effect that the versions he released are the versions he always intended and the original trilogy will not be released because it was unfinished or some crap like that. I also remember reading on one of the Star Wars sites around 2000-2001 that the Star Wars movies would never be on dvd because Lucas said it was a passing fad. I guess now that dvd is the dominant format he was wrong and changed his mind... or it was reported wrong, but I doubt the latter.

See, my whole view on the special edition matter has changed over the couple "Special Editions" that have come out. The first time I was ok with it because supposedly they included things he wanted in the movie originally and didn't have the budget or was unable to do due to the lack of movie magic at that time. I bought those. Then as more things were tampered with, it made me mad. It became all about making the money. Nobody wants to see Hayden Christensens ghost at the end of ROTJ, he was not there originally and the argument I have heard of "It was his image from the last time he was right with the force" is bullpoopie. Anakin was last right with the force when he killed the Emperor and redeemed himself by ending the Sith lineage (I am not counting the books here).

06-May-2006, 06:20 AM
See, my whole view on the special edition matter has changed over the couple "Special Editions" that have come out. The first time I was ok with it because supposedly they included things he wanted in the movie originally and didn't have the budget or was unable to do due to the lack of movie magic at that time. I bought those. Then as more things were tampered with, it made me mad. It became all about making the money. Nobody wants to see Hayden Christensens ghost at the end of ROTJ, he was not there originally and the argument I have heard of "It was his image from the last time he was right with the force" is bullpoopie. Anakin was last right with the force when he killed the Emperor and redeemed himself by ending the Sith lineage (I am not counting the books here).

The whole Hayden ghost thing and the explanation of it was a slap in the face of Star Wars fans. He's basically saying, "Hey you're a moron. You'll eat up anything I feed you and treat it like gospel. So buy my sleazy re-edits and f.uck off."

Unfortunately he's got me with the originals :( .

06-May-2006, 10:35 AM
My view on the "I didn't have the budget or resources at the time" - well funk you Lucas, if you were that concerned you should have waited till technology had moved on if you were so fussed about it. Damn.

He's just sore his entire career has been Star Wars.

06-May-2006, 10:51 AM

episode 1F02 (season five, episode three) homer goes to college

and im a complete simpsons nerd and damned proud of it :p

actually it doesnt its from the episode "mayored to the mob" when mark hamills accosted by nerds lisa says "poor mark hamill those nerds are gonna kill him" then homers screams "nnnnneeeerrrrdddsss!" and begins to kick them away from mark hamill and mayor quimby.

it was on last night.

06-May-2006, 12:23 PM
Both episodes are correct, but the intonation of Andy's one is the most correct me thinks. The Hammill one is like Homer's going all Hulk on the nerds, the college one is flat out just picking on nerds, hence the most suitable intonation ... okay, someone scream NEEERRRRRRDDD at me :D

06-May-2006, 12:55 PM
I have to agree with Lucas (& Cameron) here...

I can only assume you've not been to a good IMax 3D showing?

Cameron's next film is in IMax 3D and I can't wait!!!

Every one needs to separate themselves from their hatred for Lucas and realize that all of these cool advances in cinema video and audio are all due him. I see no reason that he will not lead us into the next era. Neil cannot stand the guy, but can at least give him credit where it is due.

general tbag
22-Aug-2006, 11:29 AM
I read something about that not too long ago. Lucas said something like "3D is the future of American cinema"......Come on George!!!! It didn't work in the 50's, it ain't gonna work now! Who wants to sit for two hours, cross eyed wearing silly paper glasss, to watch a flick?

i didnt believe it either till i saw imax 3d, it pulled off perfect. it does enhance the film that for sure. you know it pretty real when you can see fish a few feet infront of you swimming by .

btw in the next uber deluxe i crapped on it by george lucas edition it gonna have all the versions.

general tbag
17-Sep-2006, 06:57 PM
Did you see them in the stores? in typical george " i got whore star wars anyway possible " lucas sell only single dvds and not box sets. that was pretty weak, that just plain greedy .

i think ill wait for the super deluxe rare uber definition pizza making edition with the limited darth vader undies.

17-Sep-2006, 10:17 PM
Did you see them in the stores? in typical george " i got whore star wars anyway possible " lucas sell only single dvds and not box sets. that was pretty weak, that just plain greedy .

i think ill wait for the super deluxe rare uber definition pizza making edition with the limited darth vader undies.

The complete set is available in a collectable tin at Best Buy, exclusively.

17-Sep-2006, 10:34 PM
Remember years ago with the videos? the originals, remastered, remastered widescreen, special editions, special editions widescreen. Now its the era of DVDs and the release of the movies with the originals as a extra people are moaning? hasn't anyone learned anything?
Prequals might not have had the same impact that the original trilogy did but they did add much to the expanded universe with alot of Jedi, vehicles and the clone wars (Loved the cartoon shorts). Plus this time there was absolutely no doubt these are childrens films.

general tbag
17-Sep-2006, 11:10 PM
The complete set is available in a collectable tin at Best Buy, exclusively.

dam that exclusive. thanks axlish

yea i was one of them suckers that bought into the vhs sets and after the 2nd set of super deluxe versions i gave up . And of course there going to be the ultimate episode 1-6 box collection on dvd, then the high def ones eventually .

Am i wrong or is lucas a star wars pimp ?

18-Sep-2006, 12:08 AM
Does Luke still scream like a bitch while falling after Darth Vader cuts off his hand?

18-Sep-2006, 01:12 AM
Does Luke still scream like a bitch while falling after Darth Vader cuts off his hand?

No, he keeps his mouth shut.

18-Sep-2006, 03:57 AM
The complete set is available in a collectable tin at Best Buy, exclusively.

Yeah, I avoided that and saved $20 on all 3 of them by going to Walmart. The tin wasn't that cool and was definatly not worth spending $20 more just to get it.

Actually, I haven't bought anything from Best Buy in about a month, and I used to spend so much money there. I went there for 3 things, cheap CD-Rs, a cd, and a dvd and they didn't have any of what I wanted so I went to Circuit City which was 1/2 mile down the road. I got 50 Phillips CD-Rs for $5, the CD for $10, but they didn't have the movie I was looking for (it's rare). I really don't like Best Buy anymore, especially since Circuit City has better prices.

18-Sep-2006, 02:38 PM
Ehh....I already bought the other DVD set. I may not agree with all the changes that Lucas made....but they're his films and he's allowed. I actually really like the Special Editions. They're not the originals, of course.....but they're not as bad as everyone makes them out to be.

I'll pass on these new ones. Plus, the "Empire of Dreams" DVD that came with the last set is awesome. Great documentary...

18-Sep-2006, 11:24 PM
Wasn't there supposed to be a box set as well?

23-Sep-2006, 06:40 PM
These limited edition originals may lack a crisp picture, 5'1, DTS sound but one film among them actually benefits from the changes, The Empire Strikes Back. The only things CGI'd was the battle of Hoth making it look less like a toy fight and more like a battle, and Cloud city the only addition there was windows.

24-Sep-2006, 12:25 PM
Ok, I found the box set TIN at Best Buy, seems to only be exclusive to Best Buy. Now here are my main complaints.

Lucas definately wrote over the original prints of the film. The Original films look like a possible Laserdisc or even VHS transfer of the original films, and they are presented in 4:3 2.35:1 widescreen, which means instead ofusing the entire 50" of my TV it use only 2/3 and puts black bars on the side to simulate 4:3 TV and then letterboxes that picture. The transfer is horrible as well as the sound. So he wasn't kidding when he said he wrote over the original prints of the film. He had too when you look at the less then stellar transfers of the original films.

Now the special editions of the films are shown in 16:9 enhnaced 2.35:1 with 5.1 sound. I don't mind the original versions aren't 5.1, but damn... you couldn't clean up the audio before putting it onto a DVD? Also I hate the fact the hybrid editions are 16:9 enhanced , but the originals are 4:3 letterbox. That pisses me off to know end.

Bonus features, they are a complete waste. Although the XBOX lego Star Wars video game demo is pretty cool. :D

I wouldn't say LUCAS is redeemed. Considering what he gave us I want his head on platter. This release is an insult not to mention the wasting of $70.00 on my end. Hell my VHS original widescreen versions have a better picture than the DVD releases. Pathetic to say the least.

DAMN you LUCAS for sullying the entire Saga with the blasphemous Episodes 1-3, and then altering Epsidoes 4-6 to the point no one will ever get a crisp version of those films in true 16:9. You sir should be banned from ever touching another piece of celluloid again.


24-Sep-2006, 02:03 PM
They are from the same source as the CAV Laserdisc Boxset released around 1993. You know how I know that they are not actual laserdisc captures? Because in Empire, it shows Leia welding. On the laserdiscs, that was a flip point, so it was a major fan gripe for years that Leia's welding was missing. I'm guessing they just snagged it off of whatever BETA master they had lying around. You are right DJ, this almost certainly means that there is no film negative to be restored.

24-Sep-2006, 03:01 PM
Lucas... You are a prize NUMPTY!

24-Sep-2006, 03:35 PM

actually it doesnt its from the episode "mayored to the mob" when mark hamills accosted by nerds lisa says "poor mark hamill those nerds are gonna kill him" then homers screams "nnnnneeeerrrrdddsss!" and begins to kick them away from mark hamill and mayor quimby.

it was on last night.

it was used in both episodes, correct BUT episode #1F02 (homer goes to college) is in the fifth season, where-as episode #AABF05 (mayored to the mob) is in season 10. 5 seasons later.. just in case your math isnt that good.

so technically speaking, its from homer goes to college as it was used there first :p

24-Sep-2006, 04:39 PM
Lucas... You are a prize NUMPTY!

You can say that again Neil. No one knows how pissed I am right now for spedning $70.00 on this POS collection. I am so pissed the original trilogy is sullied by this mans knack to want to keep messing up what were once great films, and not saving a superior print of the original.

One man built an entire franchise, for the fans, and that same man will destroy the entire franchise because of what he did to the fans.


24-Sep-2006, 05:26 PM
One man built an entire franchise, for the fans, and that same man will destroy the entire franchise because of what he did to the fans.


He already has by making the silly prequels AND using them as an excuse to maim the originals. Many diehard fan folk have lost complete interest in Star Wars because of this.

24-Sep-2006, 06:10 PM
He already has by making the silly prequels AND using them as an excuse to maim the originals. Many diehard fan folk have lost complete interest in Star Wars because of this.

Here's one right here. After watching that ****ty Episode 3, I vowed never to watch Star Wars again.

25-Sep-2006, 01:02 PM
as far as I am concerned Episodes 2 & 3 are complete crap. At least Episode #1 is watchable.

The new versions of 4, 5 & 6 suck. I can only stomach the original 3, and since he destroyed them why should I bother.

25-Sep-2006, 05:02 PM
Could have been worse, could have digitally altered all the lightsabers and blasters to mobile phones...

25-Sep-2006, 05:04 PM
Could have been worse, could have digitally altered all the lightsabers and blasters to mobile phones...

As long as the picture was clear, and 16:9 2.35:1 as opposed to 4:3 2.35 to 1. Hell yes I wouldn't care of they were turned into dildo's. However, how can you dis your fans by releasing something as subpar as the original 3 films look on a special DVD.

LUCAS can go to hell.

OBTW, post # 2100

26-Sep-2006, 05:59 PM
So, what you're trying to say Dj, is that Lucas did not redeem himself with the 'theatrical versions' of SW/TESB/ROTJ?

Say it isn't so!

Lucas is a few bananas short of a bunch. :D

26-Sep-2006, 06:20 PM
So, what you're trying to say Dj, is that Lucas did not redeem himself with the 'theatrical versions' of SW/TESB/ROTJ?

Say it isn't so!

It is so. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is so. :(

26-Sep-2006, 06:26 PM
Like he needs to "redeem himself", anyway.....

26-Sep-2006, 06:28 PM
Like he needs to "redeem himself", anyway.....

So true...Anyway he looks at it, "if I put out another DVD and claim it is the uber super duper special so limited not even a proctologist with a microscope can find it edition... People will buy it."

26-Sep-2006, 07:08 PM
Like he needs to "redeem himself", anyway.....

In my eyes, yes, he indeed does. What's your point?

26-Sep-2006, 07:31 PM
In my eyes, yes, he indeed does. What's your point?

No....I think you misunderstood. He has let down fans. In that aspect of it, you're right and I agree. I'm saying that he doesn't need to redeem himself because he'll never have to lift another finger for work for the rest of his life, and regardless of how much the fanboys b*tch and moan about how he's supposedly screwed them(with HIS films:rolleyes: ), they will still fork out the cash and will still love the films. Regardless of what's changed or been added in.

Myself? I have the original DVD set with the special edition edits of the three films and I don't mind one bit that it's not the originals. I saw the originals countless times(still have them all on VHS) and there's nothing wrong with someone improving on their OWN WORK. He's allowed to do it.

And even though people will gripe and gripe and gripe about it and never actually admit it, they still know that in the back of their minds, the Special Editions are actually pretty cool with the new footage/effects.

But at the same time, I agree with you. He does owe it to the fans to at least release the originals once more on DVD. Me?.....I'm sticking with the ones I already have.

26-Sep-2006, 07:41 PM
my take on all this is I'll give George Lucas one more chance for the originals. Either he'll do the job that will do the movies justice on the next generation format, or we'll get the perfect dvd once he hands over control of dvds to somebody who actually gives a crap about the series. Although I refuse to buy any of the movies until I am given confirmation it is worth it to purchase them again, I will give Lucas credit for the video games. They are fun, addictive, and something new...to an extent.

26-Sep-2006, 07:41 PM
Now that I agree with. My apologies bassman, I misunderstood. ;)

26-Sep-2006, 08:18 PM
I saw the originals countless times(still have them all on VHS) and there's nothing wrong with someone improving on their OWN WORK. He's allowed to do it.

That's true, if you want to call it an improvement, but Lucas is going overboard by wanting to erase the existence of the original originals from public memory.

And even though people will gripe and gripe and gripe about it and never actually admit it, they still know that in the back of their minds, the Special Editions are actually pretty cool with the new footage/effects.

Not me. I hate all the additions done to the originals. They add nothing whatsoever to the movies and stick out like a sore thumb. He only made the changes in order to lure people into buying tickets to see them in the theater again. They had nothing to do with artistic "vision".

26-Sep-2006, 08:48 PM
I don't mind Boba's lines being dubed to make him sound like Jango - that's for continuity reasons. I do mind Boba standing like a statue next to Jabba, watching Luke battle the Rancor and cackling like a villian - that seemed pathetic and cureiosly out of character (well, from a expanded universe perspective). I also don't like Greedo shooting at point blank and hitting a wall, it's horrendous, he has the gun pointed directly at Han and Han doesnt even flinch or duck.