View Full Version : All in the Family - Archie Bunker

01-Sep-2008, 10:45 PM
Is it just me, or is this character of Archie Bunker just repulsive? He's a racist, extremist christian, ignorant, thick headed egotistical asshole. I never got what the hell he was doing in a sitcom. I hate him.

01-Sep-2008, 10:50 PM
Yeah, he is all those things, but in later episiodes they really toned down his unlikable qualities. He was still racist, but not as much so. Still ignorant, but not as much so. Still right-wing...you get the picture. Funny thing, though, is once they clipped his balls the show just wasn't that funny.

I actually liked this show and would have liked to see the original BBC show from which my fellow americans ripped this off.

01-Sep-2008, 10:50 PM
All those things you listed IS the reason I like Archie. He's just an asshole. He was flushing toilets before Al Bundy. I just find the character funny for all the wrong reasons.

01-Sep-2008, 11:19 PM
Yeah, he is all those things, but in later episiodes they really toned down his unlikable qualities. He was still racist, but not as much so. Still ignorant, but not as much so. Still right-wing...you get the picture. Funny thing, though, is once they clipped his balls the show just wasn't that funny.

I actually liked this show and would have liked to see the original BBC show from which my fellow americans ripped this off.

EDIT: Come to think of it, many of the popular shows in the USA were stolen from BBC. Three's Company, Sanford & Son, The Office, Big Brother, all stolen from across the pond.

01-Sep-2008, 11:41 PM
Yeah,he was a huge racist.

02-Sep-2008, 01:31 AM
EDIT: Come to think of it, many of the popular shows in the USA were stolen from BBC. Three's Company, Sanford & Son, The Office, Big Brother, all stolen from across the pond.

Oh yeah? Well, at least WE did Baywatch:rolleyes: Kill me now

02-Sep-2008, 01:35 AM
Oh yeah? Well, at least WE did Baywatch:rolleyes: Kill me now

Baywatch was a horrible show.

02-Sep-2008, 01:37 AM
Baywatch was a horrible show.

It was, but not as bad as Baywatch Nights...I swear American studios suck when it comes to TV

02-Sep-2008, 01:40 AM
It was, but not as bad as Baywatch Nights...I swear American studios suck when it comes to TV

How long did Baywatch Nights last?I don't remember.

02-Sep-2008, 01:48 AM
How long did Baywatch Nights last?I don't remember.

I think at best it lasted a full season.

02-Sep-2008, 01:54 AM
Baywatch Nights was a horrible show.

02-Sep-2008, 01:58 AM
I think anything with the name Baywatch was terrible. Then again, so was most of the shows made in the 90s.

02-Sep-2008, 01:59 AM
I think anything with the name Baywatch was terrible. Then again, so was most of the shows made in the 90s.

You can say that again.

03-Sep-2008, 07:45 AM
Is it just me, or is this character of Archie Bunker just repulsive? He's a racist, extremist christian, ignorant, thick headed egotistical asshole. I never got what the hell he was doing in a sitcom.
Isn't that exactly the point of what the hell he was doing in a sitcom?

I can't fathom actually having to explain the character of Archie Bunker in 2008, and yet even the networks won't air All in the Family today without a disclaimer due to the "controversial" nature of the show. And this is more than thirty years after the program was widely broadcast in prime time.

Just goes to show the real damage caused by sitcoms like Home Improvement and Growing Pains.

03-Sep-2008, 11:05 AM
Baywatch Nights was a horrible show.

I think at best it lasted a full season.

I think anything with the name Baywatch was terrible. Then again, so was most of the shows made in the 90s.

How long did Baywatch Nights last?I don't remember.

It was, but not as bad as Baywatch Nights...I swear American studios suck when it comes to TV

Baywatch was a horrible show.

Oh yeah? Well, at least WE did Baywatch:rolleyes: Kill me now

If anyone actually watched Baywatch for the stories they are FULL OF doggie doo doo. That show was just an excuse to put tits N ass on at a time when young coming of age girls and boys would have something to rub one off too.

Does anyone think PAM anderson would have been as famous as she is if it wasn't for this show? Trust me it wasn't her acting abilities, it was her oral arguments. :p

03-Sep-2008, 03:02 PM
Meh. The character of Archie Bunker represented one side of many arguments that were and--in many respects--still are going on in the US. Part of the shows appeal was showcasing the foolishness of such close-minded views, especially when contrasted against Archie's son-in-law's who were often shown to be high-minded, yet often absurd, and in some cases just as close-minded, in their own right.

I think Archie was a great character that you found yourself reacting to instantly because you know people like him and sometimes you may even think like him, whether you want to admit it or not. Regardless, many people found themselves shaking their heads at what Archie said and it seemed to really light a fire under the viewing public.

Some people loved what he had to say, some hated it and others saw it as a means to engage in dialogue. I loved the character in some respects, but I fully accept that there are a ton of hardcore, zero-sum people who identify themselves wholly through their race, religion or political affiliation who literally appreciated what Archie was saying and not taking any lessons from the context. Additionally, being at peace with the fact that we're all close minded, racist, ageist, sexist, or what have you, to one extent or another, I have no problem looking into a darkened mirror like Archie. Hell, some of the best parts about the show were when you saw a glimmer or contradictory bit of humanity slip through Archie's facade, or when other's beliefs, who may not have warranted such scrutiny because they were of the 'enlightened' popular mindset of the day or belonging to a sacrosanct member of a non-white, non-anglo, non-old school white America, were revealed to be just as close-minded or in some other way open to the foibles of human nature and error.

He really is one of the most skillfully tailored characters in TV, as far as I'm concerned and that show was--for the first few years of its run--some of the best TV to ever hit the screen.

03-Sep-2008, 03:08 PM
The problem with a show like that today is that the world has become to PC and people are more easily offended by Archie, than they were 25-30 years ago. Seriously, everything Aces mentioned was pretty much hitting the nail on the head, but again this PC world prevents people from seeing the two sides of the show because of how much the world has changed.

03-Sep-2008, 03:58 PM
From the episodes I've seen he is the main character. And sure, I don't mind having a character LIKE that in a show, but I absolutley hate him.

There was this episode where he stole away his grandsson just to have him baptized, something the kids parents were very much against. What kinda sick guy is that? How are we supposed to sympathize with this guy? I'm sorry, I'm not going to sympathize with a guy who forces his religion onto others. Especially defenceless baby.

I don't think we were supposed to hate that character, so I can't say it was well written.

03-Sep-2008, 04:22 PM
If anyone actually watched Baywatch for the stories they are FULL OF doggie doo doo. That show was just an excuse to put tits N ass on at a time when young coming of age girls and boys would have something to rub one off too.

:lol: That's the voice of experience there, folks. He's right, though...

As for Bunker - I thought that was the point of the character. He was an ass.

03-Sep-2008, 04:29 PM
I don't know, something about the show worked on you to such an extent that you were compelled to come here and post about it, Ned. I think you're looking at it through a contemporary lense and one very much tinged by anti-religion (something I don't mean as a personal indictment against you, just a matter of fact observation and one I don't think you would all-together mind), so of course you're not going to like the character in such a light.

03-Sep-2008, 06:07 PM
Again Aces is on the money. Look at the show based on the times it played its original run, and what you see as offensive still, is but you can understand the differing views. The conservative Old mna, the left liberal leaning children.

03-Sep-2008, 06:49 PM
i've liked all in the family since i was a kid. the fact that archie is an ass is the reason i like the show. his "views" are so steeped in ignorance and stereotype that i find it hard not to laugh. meathead is equally ridiculous with his constant pc whining.

lots of shows in the 70s dealt with these sorts of issues in an open, upfront manner. sadly, that is long gone from tv due to the pussification of so many people who'd rather couch things in pc terms or sweep them under the rug in an effort to pretend they don't exist.

chico and the man
sanford and son
the jeffersons

all 3 dealt with racial issues. all three had characters in them who based their opinions more on stereotypes than actual experience. all 3 of them were awesomely funny shows.

03-Sep-2008, 08:45 PM
Remember when Archie was trapped in the cellar and Gregory Hines, a black man, let him out.

03-Sep-2008, 10:49 PM
I don't know, something about the show worked on you to such an extent that you were compelled to come here and post about it, Ned. I think you're looking at it through a contemporary lense and one very much tinged by anti-religion (something I don't mean as a personal indictment against you, just a matter of fact observation and one I don't think you would all-together mind), so of course you're not going to like the character in such a light.

I'll admit, I haven't seen much of the series. (and no, I don't mind that observation at all!), and perhaps most of the humour is meant to be directed AT Archie. But it's just that episode with the baby that struck me, how horrible, horrible that man was. I really, really hated him when I saw him, yet the show seemed to portray him in somewhat of a positive light? I was perplexed. But perhaps if I were ever to watch more of it, I'd "get it".

I still hate Archie Bunker tho!

04-Sep-2008, 12:30 AM
Remember when Archie was trapped in the cellar and Gregory Hines, a black man, let him out.

Yeah,that was funny.

04-Sep-2008, 07:40 AM
i've liked all in the family since i was a kid. the fact that archie is an ass is the reason i like the show. his "views" are so steeped in ignorance and stereotype that i find it hard not to laugh. meathead is equally ridiculous with his constant pc whining.

lots of shows in the 70s dealt with these sorts of issues in an open, upfront manner. sadly, that is long gone from tv due to the pussification of so many people who'd rather couch things in pc terms or sweep them under the rug in an effort to pretend they don't exist.

chico and the man
sanford and son
the jeffersons

all 3 dealt with racial issues. all three had characters in them who based their opinions more on stereotypes than actual experience. all 3 of them were awesomely funny shows.

And the Jeffersons was a spin off of All in the Family.

I love All in the Family and the Jeffersons for pretty much the reasons Scipio says, they were not afraid to bring up the issues. Today tv is so sugar coated that if they were to bring on a show like All in the Family people like Hillary Clinton and Joe Liberman would protest and try to get it banned. So now we are stuck with reality tv... ugh :annoyed: