View Full Version : Happy Birthday to me

04-May-2006, 04:15 PM
Yea, I know I'm tooting my own horn, but what the hell. Yea, I'm not too excited..just anouther day in my life, filled with the same ol' bullcrap and depression, and bordem, and anxiety that I have nearly every other day. Oh joy oh bliss, i'm 18.

Heh, I'm a pessimist lately it seems...

04-May-2006, 04:21 PM
Join the french foreign legion, if you're so bored.

Anyway, congrats! Go get ****ed, that's an order.

EDIT: Pis.sed is censoored?!?!

04-May-2006, 04:30 PM
Happy Birthday, now go out and buy some porn and cigaretts... even if you don't like them.

04-May-2006, 04:32 PM
Happy Birthday!

04-May-2006, 04:52 PM
Happy Birthday my friend

even tho you think things are bad
being 18 is a lot of fun
enjoy it

you had a hard year so i am glad you
have got a sense of humor
things are getting better for you
i am happy for that

as a side note yeah i was shocked pi.ss.ed.
is on the censored list
i thought there were only 4 words blocked
what are they so we dont use them
i thought they would be easy to tell which ones they were but
i would not have guessed th p word to be one of them

04-May-2006, 05:06 PM
Happy Birthday my friend

even tho you think things are bad
being 18 is a lot of fun
enjoy it

you had a hard year so i am glad you
have got a sense of humor
things are getting better for you
i am happy for that

as a side note yeah i was shocked pi.ss.ed.
is on the censored list
i thought there were only 4 words blocked
what are they so we dont use them
i thought they would be easy to tell which ones they were but
i would not have guessed th p word to be one of them

I would not have guessed alot of things. I don't agree with a few people here, granted, but, I do see alot of favoritism.

04-May-2006, 06:34 PM
man, I dont even remember what I did on my 18th birthday :shifty:

04-May-2006, 06:42 PM
beat ya by three weeks.

trust me now your 18, especially during the first few weeks yuor younger freinds will all make you buy them beer and porn:lol:

04-May-2006, 07:12 PM
Well, in just over 3 weeks I'll be 22 ... so I'll still be able to drink booze in America! Er, yeh.

05-May-2006, 02:36 PM
Heh, I've had friends allready ask me to buy them porn...the drinking age in Ontario is 19, so I've got anouther year, however, I can go over to quebec if I really wanted to you know...

man, alot of you guys are old farts...no offense, just you are :)

05-May-2006, 02:47 PM
Yet the canadian drinking age is 19... Thats gotta suck ass. Congrats anyway, 18 is great age because now your an adult, but can still be as immature as a child and not get any blame for it.

cheers :D

05-May-2006, 02:54 PM
Heh, I've had friends allready ask me to buy them porn...the drinking age in Ontario is 19, so I've got anouther year, however, I can go over to quebec if I really wanted to you know...

man, alot of you guys are old farts...no offense, just you are :)

yep and the stuck in the past with there lazerdiscs and spandal ballay, and us "yung-uns" use curse words!, such as bugger! and "yeah".:lol:

05-May-2006, 03:04 PM
Heh, and cheese...we all know how much you old ones hate us saying cheese...just reminds you of your inabilities to digest the stuff :)

being young rocks...if anyone ****es me off...I'll charge you with sexual assualt, and say you molestered me heh.

05-May-2006, 03:12 PM
oh and dont forget to blow your rape whistle and scream, "I NEED AN ADULT!".

05-May-2006, 03:22 PM
hey wait..I am an adult..does that mean if I scream that, I can come and rescue myself?

05-May-2006, 03:26 PM
man, alot of you guys are old farts...no offense, just you are :)

yeah well, I can eat cookies whenever I want, so bleh to you :p

05-May-2006, 03:53 PM
Yea well....


take that you spunk head!!!

you and your cookies think your so big..you won't be so big when I cry

05-May-2006, 03:55 PM
yep, buy curling into a ball and asking them to mbe gentle:p

05-May-2006, 04:09 PM
okay, thats only moderatly disturbing..i'm getting a mental image of me curled int oa ball crying over cookies, and some old guys coming up sneakily behind me...ewwwwwww...thanks alot buddy, now i'm going to be disturbed forever

05-May-2006, 04:34 PM
sounds like an independant film wirtten by a drama student to me.

05-May-2006, 04:37 PM
or a movie made by Madonna hiyo hahahahahaha

man, i'm a loser...but it's all good..i'm canadian..that means i'm perfect.

05-May-2006, 05:31 PM
or a movie made by Madonna hiyo hahahahahaha



yeah well, I can eat cookies whenever I want, so bleh to you :p

yeah well we dont need viagra.

i think we win.

05-May-2006, 05:35 PM
Hells Yea!!!!!


Tee Hee

05-May-2006, 05:36 PM
i whent a bit don kanoji there.

bleach rules.

05-May-2006, 05:48 PM
yeah well we dont need viagra.

i think we win.

heh, that says 30 under my name not 80 you knucklehead :p

05-May-2006, 06:02 PM
yeah last time i checked thirty was the onset of the dreaded:


06-May-2006, 06:58 PM
I dunno, to us, 30 is pretty old my good man..I mean, your all wrinkly and like look at me, I need pills to get an erection..hahahahahaha

06-May-2006, 07:21 PM
i dont know wether to laugh or cringe.

06-May-2006, 07:25 PM
at what...I just stated the obvious..old people are old

how about you craugh, you know, a laugh cringe, that way it's the best of both worlds.