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View Full Version : The nugget broke his arm this afternoon :(

07-Sep-2008, 08:14 PM
He's been in a captains bunk (a sort of single bunk) bed for years. When he was first in it for months we left a spare duvet on the floor incase he fell out.

This afternoon (aged 5) he did, showing off to two girls in his bed! Well, I guess we all know how easy it is to do yourself a mischief with two girls in your bed :rolleyes:

Poor chap is plaster-casted up now, and in some discomfort :(

07-Sep-2008, 08:25 PM
This afternoon (aged 5) he did, showing off to two girls in his bed!


07-Sep-2008, 09:28 PM
That is sad to hear. Hopefully he gets better soon, and has learned a valuable lesson.

07-Sep-2008, 09:40 PM
My sympathies. My oldest one got her collar bone broken when a older kid pushed her down when she was little. Took her on a field trip when it was mostly healed but still touchy & she couldn't run & play on the playground because it hurt. Broke my heart.:(

major jay
07-Sep-2008, 10:13 PM
Well, I guess we all know how easy it is to do yourself a mischief with two girls in your bed

Of course we do.

07-Sep-2008, 10:21 PM
I'm sure you can chalk this up as the first of many, many more to come....

08-Sep-2008, 01:16 AM
Wounds Heal, Chicks Dig Scars and Glory lasts forever!

08-Sep-2008, 07:21 AM
My sympathies. My oldest one got her collar bone broken when a older kid pushed her down when she was little. Took her on a field trip when it was mostly healed but still touchy & she couldn't run & play on the playground because it hurt. Broke my heart.:(

Collar bones can be dodgy can't they? ie: If they don't heal perfectly you can get jip and not be able to lift your arm all the way up? I assume their's is OK?

08-Sep-2008, 07:31 AM
Hope he heals up good, boys always get bones broken and scrapes and whatnot, this is probably the first in a long line of minor mishaps! I await the time when you're photographed in a waiting room with a saucepan stuck on his head... :)

08-Sep-2008, 02:40 PM
I do hope he's better soon, Neil.

Chic Freak
08-Sep-2008, 04:22 PM
Aw... well at least it will give him something to show off at school :)

09-Sep-2008, 08:09 PM
Hey Neil, hope the little one recovers quickly! Glad to hear it was not worse.

09-Sep-2008, 09:03 PM
I think he'll live! Here he is, talking to 'Injury Lawyers for you!'

Chic Freak
09-Sep-2008, 09:07 PM
I think he'll live! Here he is, talking to 'Injury Lawyers for you!'

Awww what a cutie! <3

10-Sep-2008, 05:16 AM
Collar bones can be dodgy can't they? ie: If they don't heal perfectly you can get jip and not be able to lift your arm all the way up? I assume their's is OK?

Yep, she came through it like a champ. Just had to wear a brace/restraint thing (since you can't put a cast on a collar bone) for a while until it set.

Oh how I wanted to put a contract out on the kid that did it for a royal ass whuppin'. Seriously.:mad:

12-Sep-2008, 07:55 PM
He's been in a captains bunk (a sort of single bunk) bed for years. When he was first in it for months we left a spare duvet on the floor incase he fell out.

Yikes! We got one of those (aka a "loft bed") for my son, so we'll have to keep a closer eye on him I suppose. :P Glad to hear he's dealing with it fine and hope he heals up quickly!

I think he'll live! Here he is, talking to 'Injury Lawyers for you!'

Sorry I missed his call, I was out of town. Besides, I can't practice in the UK anyways. ;)

13-Sep-2008, 02:53 AM
I broke my arm at the same age. (Mother always told me to stay in my room? But did I listen? She does get angry. . . yes. . she does get angry.)

Umm. . .actually I just fell out of a tree.

Make sure to sign his cast for all of us!!