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View Full Version : Zombie films to politics... Land of the DEAD compared to current events

09-Sep-2008, 11:11 AM

we all know I am not huge fan of LAND of the DEAD, but something somebody was talking about on IMDB got me thinking. One poster compared the characters of Big Daddy and Kaufmann to Barack Obama and John McCain.

Big Daddy - The Uniter... organized his community to go into action when the tyrannical kaufman and his evil empire invaded their territory, killed innocents, and plundered the town.

Kaufmann - The Divider... Alienated his entire base, including people from his own board. Killed those he felt were no longer useful, show his reali discontent for the peons in his kingdom.

Political strategies abound, when Big Daddy and his followers show up to mighty babylon, and bring the establishment to its knees... What this says is that we maybe slow, dead and stinky, but with our numbers we can come together, and thwart the evil doers of the world. Basically BIg Daddy was the party of change. Definitely Democrat

Kaufman, more worried about the bottom line, and his reign at the top. Made sloppy decisions, wrong choice, basically everybit evoked what the republican party was about.

The outcome of the movie... The Democrats won, walking off into the sunset, happy and content that now they live in a world where they can all co-exist. The Republicans, of course had to go rid the city of the few democrats still walking around trying to evoke change in the populice.

So maybe, just maybe, could Land of the Dead been a foresight into the 2008 Presidential election? :D

09-Sep-2008, 11:48 AM
So maybe, just maybe, could Land of the Dead been a foresight into the 2008 Presidential election? :D

Or maybe it's just a movie.

09-Sep-2008, 12:22 PM
Or maybe it's just a movie.


or maybe it's just a crappy movie. :D Well it is a crappy movie, we all know that, but since LAND is the most heavy handed with political commentary I had to have a little fun with it.

09-Sep-2008, 12:22 PM
Political strategies abound, when Big Daddy and his followers show up to mighty babylon, and bring the establishment to its knees...

if big daddy was in dreads this movie could so be a rastafarian protest against the evils of babylon.

sorry, it's still rather early in the morning.

09-Sep-2008, 12:31 PM
Well it is a crappy movie, we all know that.


Anywho....some people have too much time on their hands if they're able to come up with this crap.

09-Sep-2008, 12:48 PM
Well it is a crappy movie, we all know that

I happen to like Land of the Dead.So I guess I don't know that Land is a crappy movie.

09-Sep-2008, 01:30 PM
Wow...some people need girlfriends.

10-Sep-2008, 05:18 PM
He's a filmmaker. He loves zombies. He can take a weak and questionable political comparison and expand it out into a social commentary.

Let's have a round of applause for DJ *clapping* We've found our next GAR. :lol::lol::lol:

16-Sep-2008, 04:43 AM
Or Land is just left-wing commie-pinko propaganda, like most of his films. I like his films for the characters and the zombies (duh) and I agree with SOME of his views (mainly that we cannot go on like nothing happened on 9/11, which seems to be the norm. I, however, feel differently from George. I feel we need a WW2 style restructuring of the economy and homelife, such as victory gardens, rationing, public rallies to support the troops, etc...Not the "business as usual approach that failed us in Korea and Vietnam and will probably doom us in Iraq and Afghanistan. ), but he's just too preachy and bitches about things too much for his own good. Hang it up already, Georgie-boi.

16-Sep-2008, 01:47 PM
Or Land is just left-wing commie-pinko propaganda

:eek: NED!!!

16-Sep-2008, 02:08 PM
:eek: NED!!!

To the Marx-mobile, let's go!

Seriously tho. Why does everyone equate "goodness", "kindness" and "let's work together" with evil and communism? That's just ignorant.

16-Sep-2008, 08:59 PM
It's just a movie, dawg'!

18-Sep-2008, 08:38 AM
To the Marx-mobile, let's go!

Seriously tho. Why does everyone equate "goodness", "kindness" and "let's work together" with evil and communism? That's just ignorant.

Uh, WRONG! The zombies in Land do not represent goodness, kindness, or "let's work together" mentality. They represent the workers rising up to smash the evil capitalists. Commie to a tee. Sure Kaufman and those like him were jerks who deserved it, nonetheless, I won't run out and buy a Che t'shirt (made in a sweatshop) and wave around a NLF flag anytime soon. Capitalism takes care of everything. :p:p:p:p

18-Sep-2008, 11:12 AM
He's a filmmaker. He loves zombies. He can take a weak and questionable political comparison and expand it out into a social commentary.

Let's have a round of applause for DJ *clapping* We've found our next GAR. :lol::lol::lol:

While I thank you for that comparison, I will never hold a candle to Romero. I would just be a cheap imitation.... plus my zombies RUN! :D

19-Sep-2008, 09:51 AM
Or Land is just left-wing commie-pinko propaganda, like most of his films. I like his films for the characters and the zombies (duh) and I agree with SOME of his views (mainly that we cannot go on like nothing happened on 9/11, which seems to be the norm. I, however, feel differently from George. I feel we need a WW2 style restructuring of the economy and homelife, such as victory gardens, rationing, public rallies to support the troops, etc...Not the "business as usual approach that failed us in Korea and Vietnam and will probably doom us in Iraq and Afghanistan. ), but he's just too preachy and bitches about things too much for his own good. Hang it up already, Georgie-boi.

Oh god. Go away.

The Loner
21-Sep-2008, 05:39 PM
Capitalism sure made a winfall in Iraq, Capitalism was at the heart of 9/11 (US foreign policies = thirst for natural resources around the world = alienation of a multitude of people and that includes murder and starvation of a mass number of those individuals).

As for Communism...the concept was simple...create an illusion that the mass had the power and simply let a select few of Capitalist reep in the profits at the top. Communism was simply a distorted mirror image of Capitalism...in reality, the final product is always the same....the few remain in power, the few hold the wealth, the few make political decisions to help the few and the few maintain their status as the "few" by surpressing the will and hopes of the majority...sad to say...but that's it's all about...

21-Sep-2008, 07:44 PM
Or Land is just left-wing commie-pinko propaganda, like most of his films.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as I am entitled to disagree with you. Kind of harsh words, though!:)

On a side note, the content of this thread suddenly brought back memories of Redge777. Wonder if he is still lurking in the shadows, since I'm sure he would have an opinion on this topic. Kinda miss that dude.