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View Full Version : Kanye West arrested

11-Sep-2008, 09:11 PM
Latest: Hip-hop star Kanye West has been arrested in Los Angeles on charges of felony vandalism after a heated confrontation with photographers at the city's international airport.

West was taken into custody at LAX airport on Thursday after a photographer's camera was reportedly smashed to the ground during the struggle.

According to celebrity website TMZ.com, a still photographer was attempting to take pictures of the rapper at the American Airlines terminal when he was confronted by the star.

According to a TMZ videographer, "West rushed the (photographer) and grabbed his camera. A struggle ensued and the still guy was screaming, 'Police, help!'"

The website reports West took the camera and threw it to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

The videographer reportedly approached West with his camera rolling when the rapper's bodyguard walked up to him, demanding he hand over the camera.

West's assistant allegedly intervened, grabbing the equipment and smashing it to the ground.

West was reportedly stopped by police before reaching security checkpoints in an attempt to board his plane after the confrontation.

He was allegedly restrained by authorities during the initial police investigation, when he discovered the incident had been recorded, shouting, "Give me the f**king videotape."

West and his assistant are being held on $20,000 (GBP10,811) bail.

REAL classy of a dumb ass papparazzi to scream for help when hes the one in an airport without cause. thats called illegal at LAX. u cant even park in front without them picking up ur car and towing it.

11-Sep-2008, 10:20 PM
About time that asshole got arrested, shame its only for vandalism and not something that would land him in jail for some serious time. he needs a reality check.

11-Sep-2008, 10:34 PM
um yea......so about someone being at LAX when they have no flight business there........thats a felony now

11-Sep-2008, 11:00 PM
I know OF West, but no idea why his "music" is liked or why people seem to dislike him so much. Every actor/rapper/musician/star/whatever has had a scuffle with the Paparazzi from one time or another and everytime it happens, the paparazzi deserve it. Those people are scum.

Sure....take pictures of these people when they're out working or promoting their work. That's cool, but leave them be during their personal lives. It's ridiculous and a horrible "occupation".:rant:

11-Sep-2008, 11:10 PM
um yea......so about someone being at LAX when they have no flight business there........thats a felony now
Well i dunno if its a felony or not (im not american) but if your not :

a. getting a flight
b. picking up someone who has come off a flight
c. working at the airport

Then why the hell would you go to a airport? with the current paranoia about terrorism and such i can see why it would be a felony.

Anyway, kanye west is a absolute prick, i hate him and everything he stands for and i hope he gets sent down.

11-Sep-2008, 11:25 PM
Wait...he wasn't arrested for rape?

Huh. Go figure

11-Sep-2008, 11:57 PM
Then why the hell would you go to a airport? with the current paranoia about terrorism and such i can see why it would be a felony.

you dont remember 9/11 do u?

12-Sep-2008, 12:13 AM
That is seriously the most random comeback ever. cuz i said i can see why it would be a felony? yes i do remember 9/11, but my question is still valid an you havn't answered it.

12-Sep-2008, 12:58 AM
That is seriously the most random comeback ever. cuz i said i can see why it would be a felony? yes i do remember 9/11, but my question is still valid an you havn't answered it.
k dude. i'll break it down for you.

i grew up in l.a. still visit by plane a lot. since 9/11 their rules are as follows. if u park at the curb, ur towed no questions asked. ur in the terminal dont have a ticket or anything else proving ur supposed to be there,u go to jail.

honest to gods truth because i've been to lax more recently than most people

12-Sep-2008, 01:04 AM
I still dont see your point, your telling me i dont remember 9/11 becuase i said i can see why the rules would be strict around airports at the moment..





that dosn't make sense :rockbrow:

12-Sep-2008, 01:09 AM
i grew up in l.a. still visit by plane a lot. since 9/11 their rules are as follows. if u park at the curb, ur towed no questions asked. ur in the terminal dont have a ticket or anything else proving ur supposed to be there,u go to jail.

The law that the paparazzo could have been arrested for is violation of Los Angeles Municipal Code section 42.11.1, which is a misdemeanor offense rather than a felony. Also, it's doubtful whether that law could have been enforced against the paparazzo, considering previous California court decisions on the constitutionally permissible scope of loitering laws.

12-Sep-2008, 01:26 AM
k dude. i'll break it down for you.

i grew up in l.a. still visit by plane a lot. since 9/11 their rules are as follows. if u park at the curb, ur towed no questions asked. ur in the terminal dont have a ticket or anything else proving ur supposed to be there,u go to jail.

honest to gods truth because i've been to lax more recently than most people

Ace, I think Andy was agreeing with you in your post that it should be a felony to be at the airport loitering around. I think that you might have misunderstood what he was saying, brother.

I have to admit that Kanye West annoys me, and while I can understand how celebrities can get upset with these paparazzi types, I have to also admit that it does not surprise me that he and his thug assistants got arrested for this sort of behavior. I don't know, but Kanye just comes off to me like some dude that thinks he is better than everyone else, like he is above having to follow the rules that everyone else has to follow.

What an arrogant puto Kanye is! He comes off to me like he actually thinks that everyone should kiss his ass and worship him, and that just makes me dislike him all the more. I know he isn't the only celeb that acts this way, but because Kanye in particular annoys me, I find myself glad that he got the cuffs slapped on him. It's probably unfair that I feel that way, though, I will admit that.

I think that both Kanye and his thugs AND the paparazzi should have been hooked and booked. Don't have much love for those vultures either.

12-Sep-2008, 02:12 AM
About time that asshole got arrested, shame its only for vandalism and not something that would land him in jail for some serious time. he needs a reality check.

I couldn't agree more.

12-Sep-2008, 03:51 AM
I wish they would have used a taser and videotaped it.

Would have been even cooler if Kanye "GW Bush hates black people" West had been screaming "DON'T TASE ME BRO!!"

13-Sep-2008, 03:00 AM
I wish they would have used a taser and videotaped it.

Would have been even cooler if Kanye "GW Bush hates black people" West had been screaming "DON'T TASE ME BRO!!"


13-Sep-2008, 09:29 AM
He should get life with no chance of parole for crimes against music,then they could have a purge & lock P.Diddy and the rest of those hip hop/RnB "stars" up. Its not a race thing,i just despise that kind of music :mad:

14-Sep-2008, 01:47 AM
He should get life with no chance of parole for crimes against music,then they could have a purge & lock P.Diddy and the rest of those hip hop/RnB "stars" up. Its not a race thing,i just despise that kind of music :mad:

I agree.