View Full Version : Simspons Zombie Episode Coming Soon

12-Sep-2008, 10:52 AM
Found this at All Things Zombie

Al Jean, executive producer of Fox's The Simpsons, told SCI FI Wire that this year's Halloween episode will parody It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Transformers, while next year's will spoof zombie movies, a la 28 Days Later.

"I'm really excited that we finally got to parody It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," Jean said in an interview at a party to celebrate Fox's fall season in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Sept. 8. "The Great Pumpkin comes to life and is so upset about the way people treat pumpkins that he goes around trying to kill everybody.

Simpsons animators have adapted their characters into versions of the famous Peanuts gang. "Bart's like Charlie Brown. Milhouse is like Linus. Lisa's like Sally. We did the backgrounds in a similar style. We actually were able to clear the Vince Guaraldi music, which, of course, is like hardwired into everybody's DNA from childhood.

Another segment lampoons Michael Bay's Transformers movie. "What happens is Bart gets a Christmas present from a 99 Cent store, and it turns out to be a Transformer. They take over Springfield, and they're fighting all over the place. Then Marge says to the Transformers, 'Why do you have to fight?' And they go, 'We agree. We'll just team up and take over you guys.

For the segment, animators drew from the live-action film, not the animated Transformers TV series. "It's based on the movie. It's just really fun to do transformations. You can see why they enjoyed doing that film.

Jean already has next year's Halloween special scripted, because it takes nearly a year to complete the animation. One of next year's segments spoofs the modern zombie apocalypse movies.

"We do this post-apocalyptic 28 Days Later/Children of Men thing," Jean said. "Krusty makes his hamburger out of mad cows, and it winds up turning everybody into zombies.

Homer Simpson gets to weigh in on the "fast-running zombies vs. slow, George Romero zombies" debate. "We do a joke where Homer sees the zombies coming, and he goes, 'Oh, zombies, you can always outrun them.' Then they start running really fast, and he says, 'Stupid fast-running modern zombies.

The Simpsons Halloween episode airs Nov. 2, following the longstanding tradition of airing after Halloween night.

12-Sep-2008, 10:57 AM
treehouse of horror III (i pretty sure it was that one) has a zombie themed segment in it. the zombies are more return of the living dead than night though.

12-Sep-2008, 07:14 PM
treehouse of horror III (i pretty sure it was that one) has a zombie themed segment in it. the zombies are more return of the living dead than night though.

I thought that was the Omega Man spoof (aptly titled Homega Man)?

13-Sep-2008, 12:25 AM
Found this at All Things Zombie

We do a joke where Homer sees the zombies coming, and he goes, 'Oh, zombies, you can always outrun them.' Then they start running really fast, and he says, 'Stupid fast-running modern zombies.

OK, just for that quote I now cannot wait until this airs. Too bad it won't be until next year!:(

13-Sep-2008, 01:32 AM
Homer Simpson gets to weigh in on the "fast-running zombies vs. slow, George Romero zombies" debate. "We do a joke where Homer sees the zombies coming, and he goes, 'Oh, zombies, you can always outrun them.' Then they start running really fast, and he says, 'Stupid fast-running modern zombies.'"

I can't wait until next year,for this.:hyper:

13-Sep-2008, 02:37 AM
I thought that was the Omega Man spoof (aptly titled Homega Man)?

Nah, there's one where Bart and Lisa try to resurrect their dead cat or something and zombies end up taking over Springfield.

14-Sep-2008, 01:43 AM
Nah, there's one where Bart and Lisa try to resurrect their dead cat or something and zombies end up taking over Springfield.

Isn't that the spoof for Pet Sematary?

23-Sep-2008, 11:57 AM
I thought that was the Omega Man spoof (aptly titled Homega Man)?

that was a separate segment. there was a zombie themed one in treehouse III, i've looked it up and watched it since my first post. bart reads out of a book of black magic and causes the dead to rise.

there was an omega man spoof based around springfield insulting france which causes the french to hit springfield with a neutron bomb.

24-Sep-2008, 06:09 PM
The Pet Semetary spoof was great.

(Bart)"Dad you shot the zombie flanders.

(Homer)"He was a zombie".


24-Sep-2008, 07:11 PM
(Homer to zombies closing in) - Don't hurt my family. Take me. Take me.

(One zombie taps Homer's skull while another looks through his ear)

(Zombies walk away)- Brains!