View Full Version : XMen 3 - OK, I'm worried...

05-May-2006, 09:39 AM
A change of director... The previous two were directed & written by Bryan Singer. Now we have Brett Ratner, who hasn't anything particularly impressive under his belt (if I recall).

Worse still, if you go to IMDB and look at XMen 3, there's no writer even listed.


05-May-2006, 09:52 AM
He's done the Rush Hour Films & Red Dragon. Thats pretty impressive.

05-May-2006, 10:13 AM
He's done the Rush Hour Films & Red Dragon. Thats pretty impressive.

Yes, both of which were reasonably good films, but he's not done anything like this before. Importantly who is the writer???

Why is the writer not even listed? Have they asked to be disassociated? :eek:

05-May-2006, 11:02 AM
You make a good point. However, I thought the last 2 X-MEN films sucked so I had no expectations but total sh*t for part 3. No matter who the director was.

05-May-2006, 11:05 AM
im not bothered about director change but casting kelsey grammer (cant spell his surname) as beast was a stroke of genius.:D

05-May-2006, 01:26 PM
You make a good point. However, I thought the last 2 X-MEN films sucked so I had no expectations but total sh*t for part 3. No matter who the director was.

I've really enjoyed them so far! Surely you're being a bit "binary" with them?

05-May-2006, 01:33 PM
I guess after reading the comics I wished they had more of the comic look. Which disappointed me very much. Plus The casting of most characters was way way off.

05-May-2006, 02:05 PM
IMDB's creditbility is at best "iffy" so the lack of a writer isn't all that concerning.

Ratner on the other hand, i dunno. I disliked the hell out of Red Dragon, it was just a crap adaptation of Harris's novel. and i was prepared to loathe X-men 3, but the trailers thus far have been pretty decent.

05-May-2006, 02:08 PM
2 had Kelly Hu as Lady Death Strike, that goes along way to it being cool in my book :D

05-May-2006, 02:29 PM
IMDB's creditbility is at best "iffy" so the lack of a writer isn't all that concerning.

Ratner on the other hand, i dunno. I disliked the hell out of Red Dragon, it was just a crap adaptation of Harris's novel. and i was prepared to loathe X-men 3, but the trailers thus far have been pretty decent.

The original film for Red Dragon - Manhunter directed by Michael Mann and starring the guy from CSI was a much better film, but Red Dragon had it's moments.

05-May-2006, 02:44 PM
The original film for Red Dragon - Manhunter directed by Michael Mann and starring the guy from CSI was a much better film, but Red Dragon had it's moments.

Manhunter was the best Hannibal Lecter film. As for Ratner doing director duties after Singer left well I think he'll do a good enough job on it. The franchise has already established the main themes of what the X-Men universe was all about. Anyne who goes into X3 then comes out all confused surely was either asleep or has a short-attention span.

As much as I thought some of the casting choices were abit off, they did succeed in hitting a home run with some of them: Wolverine/Hugh Jackman, Professor X/Patrick Stewart, Magneto/Sir Ian McKellen and Mystique/Rebecca Romjin. I must agree that Kelsey Grammer is a good choice as Beast since despite the code name, Dr. Henry McCoy was always written as being abit overeducated in how he spoke. Very pronounced in his speech pattern.

05-May-2006, 02:49 PM
Manhunter is an excellent film. I really must admit I have never seen a bad Michael Mann film. I still think his personal best are HEAT and COLLATERAL!

05-May-2006, 03:37 PM
Manhunter is an excellent film. I really must admit I have never seen a bad Michael Mann film. I still think his personal best are HEAT and COLLATERAL!

Heat is awesome! :cool:

05-May-2006, 03:38 PM
And I must be in the extreme minority when I say Brian Cox as Hannibal was better than Hopkins.

05-May-2006, 03:40 PM

05-May-2006, 03:43 PM

I get that all the time. Not saying Hopkins did a bad job. He did a great job that made him very deserving of that Oscar. But after watching both him and Cox play the role, I thought the understated work by Cox was more disturbing than Hopkins flamboyant style.

05-May-2006, 03:57 PM
Thats a tough one...

In the context of the films themselves each actor did superb job. However, from book to screen translation of the character and his personal quirks... Anthony Hopkins nailed it better.

05-May-2006, 04:35 PM
daaaaamn straight.

06-May-2006, 03:30 AM
I guess after reading the comics I wished they had more of the comic look. Which disappointed me very much. Plus The casting of most characters was way way off.

In my experience, you have to be glad for what you do get when it comes to a comic adaptation. Personally, I was surprised how much they managed to get right, not how much they messed up. I thought the first film was okay and that the second was damned good, all things considered (though I was miffed about some of the things they did to Nightcrawler).

I was especially happy with how things worked out for Wolverine, I mean, good choice and they even made the hair look believable ;) Movie adaptions of long running comics will never be 100% accurate as they are never a day-in-the-life style of storytelling; they have to take you through some level of background info and deliver character detail while juggling storyline and action...that's a lot to have to include for characters with so much backstory and long running history.

My big worry right now about X3 is that it looks like it might have that huge build up, with a mailed in big battle sequence, over-simplified plot and no new character development (aside from the Jean, Scott, Wolverine triangle aspect) to make room for the all the gltizy powers and combat sequences. Oh, and Juggernaut, one of my favorite villains, doesn't look too cool from what I've seen of him :(

06-May-2006, 03:41 AM
i am kinda worried about the inclusion of dark phoenix

i read those stories years ago when it was
claremont/byrne doing the xmen and i cringe at the thought
of that storyline being used
it has been ruined enough in the comics as it is

06-May-2006, 04:53 AM
As much as I thought some of the casting choices were abit off, they did succeed in hitting a home run with some of them: Wolverine/Hugh Jackman, Professor X/Patrick Stewart, Magneto/Sir Ian McKellen and Mystique/Rebecca Romjin. I must agree that Kelsey Grammer is a good choice as Beast since despite the code name, Dr. Henry McCoy was always written as being abit overeducated in how he spoke. Very pronounced in his speech pattern.

I agree. I was really upset after the first movie over Halley Berry as Storm, she played her off as an extremely weak character, and Storm is not weak. Plus one of the things I didn't like was that Storm is claustrophobic, so the whole elevator shaft scene at the end wouldn't happen. She would curl up in a ball and freak out not the whole "I'm gonna fly up in an elevator shaft and kill Toad with my lightning blasts!"

Don't get me wrong, I think Halley Berry is a decent actress, but she just plays a horrible Storm. Other than her, I think they have done a pretty good job on the casting so far. I just hope 3 will be as good or better than the others.

06-May-2006, 11:18 AM
yeah same here,she was too L.A to play storm they should have got some actress from afrcia to play here, that way have a real accent not the femminine klingon that halley berry sounded like.:lol: