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View Full Version : The lies from both Campaigns...

15-Sep-2008, 06:18 PM
I can't believe how much the two campaigns use false statements and distort the facts, the worst of course coming from the McCain side, so bad even Karl Rove, the mastermind of dirty modern politics said it was bad. You may think I am picking on McCain deliberately but the man has way more dishonest TV ads than Obama, and Obama has a few, but the ratio is staggering. Everyone of McCains current ads are made up of 100% falsehoods, they distort the truth, or tack things to Obama not even said or released by Obama. On comparison, compare it to 50% of Obamas ads which are mostly misquotes.

I still can't fathom how this nation can support a man like McCain, who today said the economy is strong... ummm clearly he isn't just out of touch with computers, it seems he is out of touch with the entire current turn of events. Yet people want him as president, yet these same people complain about George W. Bush, and when you break it down they are exactly alike. I am not even comparing voting records... this is just how each deals with how the world is looked at.

Obama is no saint, a lot of his ideas are out there, but he has ideas. He too has made some missteps along the way, However, I need to see some kind of concrete plan from both camps, because you have the camp of avoidance, and the camp of HOPE. I would rather have the HOPE camp, because sometimes hope is all you need, but let me tell you, if McCain gets in and people start bitching about how bad he is I am going to shoot an entire series of You Tube vids blaming those people for keeping us in the mess we're in and remind them that they are the fools who kept americans out of work and in fear.

15-Sep-2008, 07:24 PM
Obama is no saint, a lot of his ideas are out there, but he has ideas.

Prove it. His 4 years in the Senate without sponsoring a single bill of his own say otherwise. That's 48 months worth of chances to "have an idea", and he has chosen not to have one. Now, all of a sudden, just because he wants to be President, he "has ideas"?

15-Sep-2008, 11:34 PM
and what does McCain have? I haven't heard him say anything about where he wants to take America, all I hear is him bearting Obama. So what's so great about McCain's plan.... Seems his idea is to dodge the issues.

16-Sep-2008, 12:33 AM
Oh what a field day Khardis would be having...

16-Sep-2008, 12:53 AM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6wS5xOZ7Rq8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6wS5xOZ7Rq8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Seriously. I am way past giving a crap about this election anymore. I'll vote. And I won't Brewster's Millions it. But this contant, ineffective bitching, From both sides, is just plain annoying.

So try. . . . Not Giving a F**k!!

16-Sep-2008, 02:15 AM
I can't believe how much the two campaigns use false statements and distort the facts

The problem is this happens ever election.

16-Sep-2008, 09:37 AM
Very true Bub, but I don't ever remember it being as bad as this, and you know it must be bad when Karl Rove says its bad.

16-Sep-2008, 11:50 AM
Very true Bub, but I don't ever remember it being as bad as this, and you know it must be bad when Karl Rove says its bad.

Yeah,I don't remember it being this bad either.But it's going to get a lot worse.

16-Sep-2008, 01:50 PM
We should all have a revolution, got to DC, kick them all out and start over. It can't put us in any worse shape than we are already in.

darth los
16-Sep-2008, 07:42 PM
We should all have a revolution, got to DC, kick them all out and start over. It can't put us in any worse shape than we are already in.

The sad fact is that recent generations lack the heart or the will for such a radical undertaking. All there is now are fat lazy punks who only know how to complain and hope that others will work to enact the change they seek.

Imagine if there were still a draft. I'd pay to see these 20 something so called "gangstas" dropped into a combat zone. We'll see how tough they are then. I'm against the draft for various reasons but it would be worth it just to see that.

I can't believe how much the two campaigns use false statements and distort the facts, the worst of course coming from the McCain side, so bad even Karl Rove, the mastermind of dirty modern politics said it was bad. You may think I am picking on McCain deliberately but the man has way more dishonest TV ads than Obama, and Obama has a few, but the ratio is staggering. Everyone of McCains current ads are made up of 100% falsehoods, they distort the truth, or tack things to Obama not even said or released by Obama. On comparison, compare it to 50% of Obamas ads which are mostly misquotes.

I still can't fathom how this nation can support a man like McCain, who today said the economy is strong... ummm clearly he isn't just out of touch with computers, it seems he is out of touch with the entire current turn of events. Yet people want him as president, yet these same people complain about George W. Bush, and when you break it down they are exactly alike. I am not even comparing voting records... this is just how each deals with how the world is looked at.

Obama is no saint, a lot of his ideas are out there, but he has ideas. He too has made some missteps along the way, However, I need to see some kind of concrete plan from both camps, because you have the camp of avoidance, and the camp of HOPE. I would rather have the HOPE camp, because sometimes hope is all you need, but let me tell you, if McCain gets in and people start bitching about how bad he is I am going to shoot an entire series of You Tube vids blaming those people for keeping us in the mess we're in and remind them that they are the fools who kept americans out of work and in fear.

The campaign has gotten so negative because stuff like this works. People actually fall for this crap. Obama tried to stay above it all but he finally realized that he had to fight back or risk losing an election that at one times seemd like it was in the bag.

And you can hardly blame him for it. it's like blaming a guy for fighting when he was just standing there with someone repeatedly punching him in the face.

This is in part the people's fault as well. If they would do their own research instead of relying on information from interested parties they might actually get to the truth of the matter. But as long as stuff like this continues to move poll numbers it will never stop. Why would it? It's good politics.

17-Sep-2008, 03:01 AM
We should all have a revolution, got to DC, kick them all out and start over. It can't put us in any worse shape than we are already in.

I agree with you 100%.The only problem would be that the government would use the army to stop any revolution thats started.

17-Sep-2008, 10:20 AM
This is a clear cut case of Propaganda, that's just the way it is.

darth los
17-Sep-2008, 06:41 PM
This is a clear cut case of Propaganda, that's just the way it is.

What would a gov't be without propaganda?

18-Sep-2008, 03:32 AM
What would a gov't be without propaganda?


18-Sep-2008, 03:35 AM

18-Sep-2008, 04:10 AM
The two party system sucks

Vote for anything but Demo or Repub

This country is doomed ! :mad: :annoyed:

18-Sep-2008, 05:59 AM

Oh that's great!!!

18-Sep-2008, 08:48 AM
The two party system sucks

Vote for anything but Demo or Repub

This country is doomed ! :mad: :annoyed:

Totally dude. The Republican party of today is NOT the party of Lincoln, nor is the Democrat Party the party of FDR and Harry Truman.

18-Sep-2008, 05:02 PM
and what does McCain have? I haven't heard him say anything about where he wants to take America, all I hear is him bearting Obama. So what's so great about McCain's plan.... Seems his idea is to dodge the issues.

The campaign has gotten so negative because stuff like this works. People actually fall for this crap. Obama tried to stay above it all but he finally realized that he had to fight back or risk losing an election that at one times seemd like it was in the bag.

And you can hardly blame him for it. it's like blaming a guy for fighting when he was just standing there with someone repeatedly punching him in the face.

Interesting. Does that explain why almost twice as many of McCain's ads are NON-negative compared to Obama's?


darth los
18-Sep-2008, 05:25 PM
Interesting. Does that explain why almost twice as many of McCain's ads are NON-negative compared to Obama's?


Are they any POSITIVE ads about Obama put out by the McSame Campaign? They can't even get their own message. They had to hack Obama's. They're trying to run as the change candidates. Wigga pleeeeze !! :shifty:

18-Sep-2008, 05:33 PM
Are they any POSITIVE ads about Obama put out by the McSame Campaign?

Do you really expect the candidates to run positive ads about each other? Why would they do that? The dilemma is usually whether to run positive ads about yourself or negative ads about the other guy.

18-Sep-2008, 05:44 PM
Welcome to your first American election! Coming up on your right, Negative Campaign Ads! If you look to your left, you will see Lies and Slander. Oooooo, marvel at the way our candidates do donuts all over the truth, screaming "no u!" in shrill voices, made hoarse from the copious quantities of BS spewed forth! Now, witness them smearing the wives--and the husband and children, too!--of each other. Is that a stiletto in your pocket, sir, or are you just happy to see me!

Get with the program. It's always "the worst ever" because each election is the "most important election" ever.

darth los
18-Sep-2008, 05:55 PM
Do you really expect the candidates to run positive ads about each other?

No, just telling the truth would be enough for me.

18-Sep-2008, 05:58 PM
Get with the program. It's always "the worst ever" because each election is the "most important election" ever.

Excellent point. We all have a tendency to place too much emphasis on what's happening RIGHT NOW and forget the past. During the Cold War, practically every election featured claims or at least implications that the other guy was gonna bring World War 3 down on us and destroy the world.

darth los
18-Sep-2008, 06:27 PM
Speaking of forgetting about the past. The Rep/conservative movement rode in in 1980 on the wave of the countries disatifaction with organizations like OSHA, etc. The reps said" yeah, big gov't is the devil. We're gonna make it smaller and are going to be all about deregulation. Well, congradulations guys, you did it. And this is what it got us. They can't just run away from it now. Not saying it's all their fault but they want to completely wash their hands of it. And the American people just cannot let them. There is simply no accountability in washington anymore because the American people have the attention spans of goldfish.

The reps always want to talk about the past except when it's about their screw ups. They'll bring Clinton's blow job up in a heartbeat, which by the way no on ever died over, but try and talk about how we got into this bullsh8t war we're in and this economic disater and they'll say "let's not talk about the past, the question is what do we do moving forward". And that's a very good point. However, adults nay, LEADERS take responsibility. And it IS important how we got where we are.

18-Sep-2008, 07:02 PM
The Rep/conservative movement rode in in 1980 on the wave of the countries disatifaction with organizations like OSHA, etc. The reps said" yeah, big gov't is the devil. We're gonna make it smaller and are going to be all about deregulation. Well, congradulations guys, you did it. And this is what it got us.

Care to elaborate?

darth los
18-Sep-2008, 07:16 PM
Care to elaborate?

Do you? :lol:

On what? That's the rep philosophy. It's what allowed companies like enron to do what they did. It's crazy how the reason the reps seemingly exist is to roll back what the democrats have done.

18-Sep-2008, 09:48 PM
Split the US in two. Have the more liberal people on one side, and the more conservative guys on the other side. No matter how you look at it, you cannot have keep this thing going on. As time goes on, the US is just going to look more and more like Brazil with it's growing poverty. The democrats at least want to give it a shot to help them, so let them do it.

The republicans can do their mumbo-jumbo ancient middle-eastern mythology stuff on their side of the yard. In twenty years, you'd have a richer state, and a pretty damn poor state. I say we call the two new nations The Democratic States of America and the Republican States of America!

18-Sep-2008, 11:56 PM
Split the US in two. Have the more liberal people on one side, and the more conservative guys on the other side.

in that case we up here in AK would like to secede (hey, if we're all just splitting up...)

also i want to keep all my oil.

olive, not dinosaur.

19-Sep-2008, 02:22 AM
in that case we up here in AK would like to secede (hey, if we're all just splitting up...)

also i want to keep all my oil.

olive, not dinosaur.

In that case I would like to move to AK,so I can secede too.:D