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17-Sep-2008, 02:25 PM
Just interested to know what everyone's top 5 is so far from the past 10 years.
i'll go first

1. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
2. Lost in Translation
3. The Fountain
4. Shaun of the Dead
5. 28 days later

17-Sep-2008, 02:32 PM
That's a damn good question.

I don't really have a top five, but I liked The Ice Harvest a lot with Billy Bob Thorton and John Cusack.

17-Sep-2008, 03:45 PM
In no particular order...

1. Fight Club
2. Donnie Darko
3. The Dark Knight
4. American History X
5. The Big Lebowski

17-Sep-2008, 04:34 PM
1.) Saving Private Ryan
2.) American History X
3.) The Departed
4.) Anchorman
5.) 28 Days Later

17-Sep-2008, 08:11 PM
in no order

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
the big lebowski
donnie darko
waking life
the matrix

17-Sep-2008, 08:21 PM
Cidade de Deus (don't know the english title)
Der Untergang
Alexander (Yes, I am serious)

I'm leaving out films such as Thank you for smoking, The Matrix, Battle for Haditha, Hotel Rwanda, Le Couperet and Kung Pow. But any other day, those films might just as well have been on that list. I love them all equally.

17-Sep-2008, 08:27 PM
1. Irreversible
2. Children Of Men
3. Ivans XTC
4. City Of God
5. The Salton Sea

Cidade de Deus (don't know the english title)
Erm, City Of God :D. Great film though, it's in my top 5 too.

17-Sep-2008, 09:09 PM
In no particular order...

1. Fight Club
2. Donnie Darko
3. The Dark Knight
4. American History X
5. The Big Lebowski

Good list.

I agree with most of those choices.

1. American History X
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Rounders
4. Fight Club
5. Batman Begins

17-Sep-2008, 10:40 PM
Der Untergang
While I can't think of a top 5 list right now... that one'd definitely be up there.

17-Sep-2008, 11:56 PM
Ill just go by best theater experiences. Cuz I dont watch many newer movies.

1. The Dark Knight
2. 28 Days Later
3. Grindhouse
4. The Devils Rejects
5. The Departed

18-Sep-2008, 12:07 AM
The Devils Rejects
That was a close call for me because I love that movie like hell.

18-Sep-2008, 12:15 AM
That was a close call for me because I love that movie like hell.

considering what a piece of crap house of 1000 corpses was i gave this a shot on a 99p UMD, i was surprised how cool it was, total 70's sleaze horror, but in a good way yknow?

18-Sep-2008, 12:44 AM
considering what a piece of crap house of 1000 corpses was i gave this a shot on a 99p UMD, i was surprised how cool it was, total 70's sleaze horror, but in a good way yknow?
Muchos agreement, Hellz. 1000 Corpses was pretty weak considering it was slated to be the ultimate gore flick. TDR was an achievement for Rob Zombie - great story, great music and isn't shy of a nice bit of splatter to boot. Great twist with Tiny too.

18-Sep-2008, 03:19 AM
Here's my list in no particular order.

1. The Dark Knight
2. 28 Days Later
3. The Devils Rejects
4. American History X
5. Fight Club

18-Sep-2008, 04:21 AM

From 1998 to 2008 ?

Without scouring the planet for the list of films)

My TOP 10 (Never in any particular order):

American Beauty
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Departed
Saving Private Ryan
The Thin Red Line
The Aviator
Lost in Translation
Children of Men

18-Sep-2008, 05:56 AM
American Movie
28 Days later
No Country for old Men
The fabulous destiny of Amelie Poulain
O Brother Where Art Though?
There Will Be Blood
The Bid Libowski
Hotel Rwanda

18-Sep-2008, 11:26 AM
Muchos agreement, Hellz. 1000 Corpses was pretty weak considering it was slated to be the ultimate gore flick. TDR was an achievement for Rob Zombie - great story, great music and isn't shy of a nice bit of splatter to boot. Great twist with Tiny too.

Too bad RZ turned out to be a one hit wonder. While TDR was pretty cool, HOTC and Halloween 2007 were horrible.

18-Sep-2008, 11:57 AM
Too bad RZ turned out to be a one hit wonder. While TDR was pretty cool, HOTC and Halloween 2007 were horrible.

Oh come on! You can't call someone a one hit wonder after only three films. Remember what happened to Romero after Night? Would that make him a one hit wonder?

18-Sep-2008, 12:05 PM
Oh come on! You can't call someone a one hit wonder after only three films. Remember what happened to Romero after Night? Would that make him a one hit wonder?

Thats a good point.I think we need to give RZ a little more time before we call him a one hit wonder.