View Full Version : Wrath of the Lich King

17-Sep-2008, 02:28 PM
Nov 13th!
Anyone else here play WoW?

18-Sep-2008, 12:36 AM
i might


only just got to outland 2 days ago so i can get to into northrend, but ive gone up 5 levels in 3 days so who knows?

18-Sep-2008, 12:40 AM
I'll be there. =)

general tbag
23-Sep-2008, 07:01 AM
double seated flying mounts, why wouldnt u ?

23-Sep-2008, 11:49 AM
Yeah,I'am there.

14-Oct-2008, 06:50 PM
oh man, less than 24 hours till echos of doom goes live. for those who tried to escape the addiction, i can only say "one of us, one of us..."

tomorrow will see:

stormwind harbor, no taking newb nelfs through the wetlands, straight form darnassus to stormwind
barbers, why anyone would pay 15g to give there dwarf a crewcut is beyond me....
inscprition...wich is kinda meh but i enjoyed making glyphs, only now peacebloom is like 1000g in ah, but now you can go straight to teldreassil and farm from elementals,lol.
3 seated giant mounts, which come with a vendor as a passenger!
new talent trees, beastmaster hunters can tame elite boss creatures, pvps gonna be like a monster movie, devilsaurs versus wyverns and the like.
calender with dates and info on the next year of wow events
achievments, which give not only tabards and unique weapon glows but titles like ambassador <your name here> for being exalted with everyone

theres more ive encountered in the test realms but wow fans are gonna go ape **** tomorrow.

or earlier for youse americans *shakes fist in a "that Dennis is a menace" kind of way*

picture time!


16-Oct-2008, 02:15 PM
Yup, I'm more than a bit psyched now. I'm finally in a fair sized (not too large) and friendly guild who work well together, but are relaxed (i.e. casual) about content pushing.

Needless to say, I can't wait to get the xpac, storm to 80 and see what PvEing can be done!

After my re-spec last night (just going deep fire and icey veins to see how my old spec works as a baseline for leveling), I'm very happy and ready for the next step! Oh, and I love my scorch and feather fall glyphs :)

Sooooooooo, who will be rolling a DK? I think I'll do it eventually, just to have a third upper level for professions and the like (*Cough* inscription *Cough*).

16-Oct-2008, 05:24 PM
acutally anyone can have inscription, dk's have runeforging, a cross between enchanting and the poisons and sharpening tools of warriors adn rogues.

and blates a dwarven death kinght, possibly a copy of my main, now lvl 65 (ret ****ing rules now, 1300 damage before crit and 6700hp and most spells are now instant cast!), you know the rp servers re gonna be full of that.

16-Oct-2008, 07:09 PM
acutally anyone can have inscription

Yup, but, what I was saying was I don't want to give up tailoring/Enchanting on my mage (my main) or mining/engineering on my rogue (my old main). I assume it still counts as one of your two primary professions, no? If I'm wrong on that count, please correct me. I have a pally on the same server, but he's only 40th level and...meh...don't have the patience to level him, but a DK might be a nice change and he'll start 55 out of the gate :)

Oh, Hellsing, did you reserve your copy of wotlk, yet? Not sure if I'm going to pre-buy it, or if I'l go with their deluxe edition of it. I'm usually not one to go in for 'deluxe' editions of games, but there was one or two or tree extras I heard that might be in there that could be nice. All I do remember is that it's double the price and November is the same month I need spare cash on hand for the anniversary w/ the GF *grumble, grumble*

12-Nov-2008, 02:19 AM
so less than 18 hours to go people!

its a midnight launch at my gamestation, so ill be probably up till late veening on thursday!:lol:

though i hit 70 last week (finally) and without good pve gear my paladins gonna be a bit lame for northrend when he has trouble in outlands outer zones still.

so tomorrow im starting up a deathknight instead for a while....like everyone i assume, but since my friends only just 40 itll be good to have a character at least near the same level to play with again, we bought ti at the same time but i breezed ahead questing instead of grinding and pvping.

18-Nov-2008, 01:53 PM
The last message from the wow fans was six days ago.. If you have heard anything from anyone of them after wrath of the Lich king came out plese let us know.