View Full Version : GAR movies at the Silent Picture Theater

19-Sep-2008, 01:02 AM
For those of you who are in the Greater Los Angeles area (I know that there are a few Southlander members here): The CineFamily at the Silent Motion Picture theater here in Los Angeles has a pretty cool late friday night series of GAR double features coming up in October:

10/03 NOLD & DAY
10/24 MARTIN (No double on the 24th, sorry!)

They also have a pretty righteous Zombie series on thursdays scheduled, entitled "ZOMBIES, ZOMBIES, ZOMBIES" co presented by Bloody-Disgusting. A nice assortment of flicks such as Fulci's "ZOMBIE: We Are Going To Eat You", "Versus", "ROTLD", and others.

For further info, check out their website at: http://www.silentmovietheatre.com/

My wife and I will probably be attending most of the GAR and some of the thursday night ZOMBIE series, so if you are a fellow-Los Angeleno and want to meet up for any of these, shoot me a PM. Would sure dig going to see these films with fellow zombie freaks such as you all!

19-Sep-2008, 01:49 AM
Very cool!! I would love to go. . however 2500 miles is a bit far to drive for me. . .gas prices being what they are you understand. . .:D

19-Sep-2008, 02:06 AM
That is so cool.I wish I could go,but there's no way since I live in New York.:(

19-Sep-2008, 08:14 PM
Very cool!! I would love to go. . however 2500 miles is a bit far to drive for me. . .gas prices being what they are you understand. . .:D

Understood, gas prices too prohibitive, and much too far to hitch or walk. Usually I am on the other end of this equation, where the cool GAR events are on the opposite side of the country from Los Angeles, leaving me wishing that I could get free airfare to New York, Pittsburgh and the rest. This is one of those rare times where the event is actually in my area.

That is so cool.I wish I could go,but there's no way since I live in New York.:(

Yeah, much too far for this one. Usually you lucky folks in New York have many more retrospectives of this type that leave me wishing I was there instead of here. This event is one of the few times that I am glad I live in Los Angeles...if you can call that living.:lol:

20-Sep-2008, 02:27 AM
Yeah, much too far for this one. Usually you lucky folks in New York have many more retrospectives of this type that leave me wishing I was there instead of here. This event is one of the few times that I am glad I live in Los Angeles...if you can call that living.:lol:

Yeah,it sucks that I can't go.But I hope you enjoy watching all those great movies.:D

01-Oct-2008, 11:02 PM
Looking forward to seeing some of you Southern California based zombie freaks this friday 10/3 at the Silent Picture Theater for NOLD and DAY!

My wife and I will be there, and if you PM me we will look for you.

01-Oct-2008, 11:30 PM
Damn that would be so cool. But why no love for Dawn? F*ck it....Day is my favorite anyway.:p

My favorite local cinema is playing Peter Jackson's Dead Alive(or Braindead) coming up. Guess I'll check that out as a substitute. What a bad substitute.:lol:

02-Oct-2008, 12:56 AM
My favorite local cinema is playing Peter Jackson's Dead Alive(or Braindead) coming up. Guess I'll check that out as a substitute. What a bad substitute.:lol:

I actually like Dead Alive,it's a great zombie movie.

02-Oct-2008, 04:36 PM
I actually like Dead Alive,it's a great zombie movie.
I agree with Bub, Dead Alive rocks, as long as you get the regular version where the blood and gore are still intact. I rented this for my wife from blockbuster a few years back and all the gore was trimmed down, and this was after I had touted it as a total splatterfest.

Dead Alive is campy, and the effects sort of silly, but still a fun ride!

06-Oct-2008, 08:48 PM
OK folks, so I went to the first installment of the GAR retrospective at the Silent Picture Theater here in Los Angeles. Though it was a very late night and my wife and I did not stay from DAY, I know that Joe Pilato was scheduled to make an appearance, though we left before he showed up.

Interesting seeing NOLD on the big screen. This was a 35mm print, and judging by the picture quality it looked rather battleworn. Some of the burn holes were followed by a small lost snippet of a couple of seconds. What was interesting, though, is that some of the sequences were slightly different from the versions I have seen in the past. For instance, the sequence when the Coopers finally come up from the basement there was what seemed to me to be an additional close up of Harry Cooper filling the screen looking around, then he moves out of frame and the focus adjusts to show helen walking through the basement door into the living room.

One of the other things I noticed in this version, which I had not noticed in my DVDs but distincly remember from watching NOLD on television in my youth occured during the sequence when Ben finds the rifle in the closet and in the background you hear the radio talking about the crisis having started several weeks before with the discovery of a family of seven found brutally murdered and mutilated in a rural home. I am going to have to check the DVDs I have, but I don't recall this background dialogue being in there.

There were other differences - the sequence of Barbra running down the road to the farm house was missing, and there was a longer sequence when Barbra walks out of the kitchen looking for wood to board the windows up with, and a few others that I noticed but cannot specifically recall. Suffice it to say that it was a real trip to see things in NOLD that I had not seen before.

Kind of cool to see a film you know so well with a large audience too. I found myself amused to hear the crowd reactions. Example: the audience giggled every time Ben interrupted Barbra's speech about Johnny in the graveyard, telling her to "calm down" finally reacting with glee when he smacks her. Also, the audience found the trailers for Martin and The Crazies to be quite hilarious as well.

According the the dude that is running the retrospective, he apparently tried very hard to get permission to show DAWN, however he shared with the crowd that Rubenstein is a total asshole and would not allow it. He apologized that he could not get Rubenstein's permission to show this in the retrospective in spite of his efforts.

Anyways, I am sad that I missed DAY and seeing Pilato, but it was pretty late and I had work in the morning, plus my very patient and understanding wife was extremely tired. Occasionally, you know, one has to make a value judgement, as painful as they might be.

We will likely be catching next friday's screening of Season of the Witch and The Crazies, so again, if any of you freaks in Los Angeles want to join up with us, please PM.

06-Oct-2008, 10:22 PM
One of the other things I noticed in this version, which I had not noticed in my DVDs but distincly remember from watching NOLD on television in my youth occured during the sequence when Ben finds the rifle in the closet and in the background you hear the radio talking about the crisis having started several weeks before with the discovery of a family of seven found brutally murdered and mutilated in a rural home. I am going to have to check the DVDs I have, but I don't recall this background dialogue being in there.
Really? My does. Except, instead of a couple of weeks it says 2 days.

08-Oct-2008, 10:55 PM
Really? My does. Except, instead of a couple of weeks it says 2 days.
I'll have to recheck my DVDs at home to see if mine does. It is possible that I had just missed it over my many viewings since I was a kid, and also possible that I am mixed up over the 2 days/several weeks issue.

09-Oct-2008, 01:06 AM
Really? My does. Except, instead of a couple of weeks it says 2 days.

Yeah,I think it did say 2 days not a couple of weeks.I'll watch the movie later to make sure.

09-Oct-2008, 09:07 PM
You all are probably right about the "2 days" as opposed to my hearing "several weeks" I will check later to clear it up, and I certainly am not sticking to my sleep deprived recollection from the other Friday ago.

Don't mean to spread misinformation, folks, so sorry if I misled!

10-Oct-2008, 01:24 PM
Interesting seeing NOLD on the big screen. This was a 35mm print, and judging by the picture quality it looked rather battleworn. Some of the burn holes were followed by a small lost snippet of a couple of seconds. What was interesting, though, is that some of the sequences were slightly different from the versions I have seen in the past. For instance, the sequence when the Coopers finally come up from the basement there was what seemed to me to be an additional close up of Harry Cooper filling the screen looking around, then he moves out of frame and the focus adjusts to show helen walking through the basement door into the living room.

One of the other things I noticed in this version, which I had not noticed in my DVDs but distincly remember from watching NOLD on television in my youth occured during the sequence when Ben finds the rifle in the closet and in the background you hear the radio talking about the crisis having started several weeks before with the discovery of a family of seven found brutally murdered and mutilated in a rural home. I am going to have to check the DVDs I have, but I don't recall this background dialogue being in there.

Both the Harry Cooper close-up and the radio report of the crisis having begun two days earlier with the slaying of a family of seven near Gulfport, Louisiana have been included in every version of NIGHT that I've ever seen or owned.

Glad you were able to catch NIGHT on the big screen!

11-Oct-2008, 12:26 AM
Both the Harry Cooper close-up and the radio report of the crisis having begun two days earlier with the slaying of a family of seven near Gulfport, Louisiana have been included in every version of NIGHT that I've ever seen or owned.

Glad you were able to catch NIGHT on the big screen!

Thanks Dubious! It was very cool to finally catch it on the big screen.

I am beginning to realize that a lot of the stuff that I perceived as different or new is likely a figment of my having not watched my DVDs of NOLD for quite a while.

While I have not yet cracked open my personal copies to verify stuff that I noticed or thought I noticed from my latest viewing of NOLD on the big screen, what I do know is that there are very few folks on these threads that have knowledge of NOLD to the degree that you have, so on these points I am going to defer to your judgement. :)