View Full Version : shadowofthedead...

19-Sep-2008, 01:19 PM
hey matt, are you out there man? give us a shout and let us know you're ok.

shadow lives not too far up the road from me but he is out on a farm. i wonder if his power hasn't come back on yet.

20-Sep-2008, 08:08 AM
im alive everything has been crazy around the whole tri state area. havent been able to get in front of a computer till now. my electric came back on out in harrison on wednesday or tuesday i cant remember but my parents farm and my 84 year old grandmothers house is still without power. dang to heck and all but im sane. electric being out wasnt a big deal seein how i went campin all my child hood and shiza but it was a thrill to see the idiots and their ways. i work for a company known as snyder's of hanover pretzels and the title of the job is vendor or merchandiser as i am. but anyway i got to see first hand how much loss the BLACK OUT caused the food stores such as kroger and walmart. thousands upon ten thousands of dollars lost in perishable food... frozen and the such. man its just been an experience is all i can say. gotta play catch up today at 6am and i just got off the dj gig at 230 am so no sleepy and red bull for me. the old lady is officially prego after takin 4-5 tests within the last 36 hours and im still cleanin up my grandma's house of tree debri next is my parents. just stayin busy and family oriented is all. hey mike when did you power come back on? and MODERATORS AND GODS OF THE FORUM... can we use this thread to talk about peoples stupidity and such in the time of crisis. i have stories for days. any who hpe to hear from you mike and thanks for the concern... i mean it wasnt like the dead came back to life or anything:elol:

20-Sep-2008, 06:27 PM
Glad to hear that Mike, Shadow and Slick made it through the storm!

Zombie freaks are tough and usually well prepared (if you are prepared for the day the dead start walking, you can pretty much handle any type of trouble), so I figured you all would be better off than your average citizen, but still glad that you all are OK.

BTW: Congratulations are in order for Shadow (and Mrs. Shadow) Cheers to you, dude!

20-Sep-2008, 07:47 PM
thank you thank you very much... the craziness has died down but one thing that gets me. some miami university of ohio students in oxford where mike and i live close to protested that they shouldnt have have classes just because the electric was out. i mean come on those little bassturds have it so easy and pampered that its not funny. the sidewalks are heated in the winter for gosh sakes. these kids are the apitimy (spell check) of worthlessness. ask mike he'll agree. and another one was this guy on a local radio station called in and started crying because his electric was out. he got his power back on monday. then another dude held a plastic toy gun to some line workers and said they werent leavin till his lectric was back on right as the workers were gettin ready to turn him back on. peoples stupidity amazes the shiza out of me.

20-Sep-2008, 11:34 PM

first off, i am glad to hear that you all made it through ok. it was a pretty trying time for everyone.

my power came back on friday at about 4 am. aside from extreme computer and movie withdrawl, i made it through ok thanks to being prepared for a disaster in general. i used my grill as a stove and since our water is heated by gas, we had hot water throughout.

the protest at miami was ignorant as hell and is one of the few times that i will applaud the police for simply sweeping folks off the streets. i agree with the sheriff about the whole thing. the police had far more important things to do in a situation where over a million people are without power than dick around with spoiled students who think class ought to be cancelled.

and shadow is right about the students here (most of them anyway): miami is a very, very upper class university. in state costs, tuition, room&board, and books will set you back almost $22,000 a year. out of state tuition is about $35,000 a year. that is just one of the reasons that miami u. is called "the harvard of the midwest." there are lots of totally spoiled brats that go to school here and if they can't power up their ipods it qualifies as a national emergency to them.

using this crisis to act the fool because they don't want to go to class is one of the more ridiculous things i've ever witnessed.

though there is one good thing about the snooty nature of miami that will be in our favor - when my wife is ready to move on (we have no intention of staying here permanently), having taught here will be a giant feather in her cap and will give her a big boost in getting her next job.