View Full Version : Sick of treading in dog crap on the street?

19-Sep-2008, 09:09 PM
The residents of the city of Petah Tikva, Tel Aviv, are being asked to take their dogs to local vets so a DNA sample can be extracted for testing. The city eventually hopes to build up a database, where turds can be positively matched to registered dogs and their owners. A leading veterinarian in the area has said that the database could also be used for researching genetic diseases in dogs and identifying stray animals.

If these new measures take off then the city will make it mandatory for dog owners to provide DNA samples for filing. Also, folks who pick up after their animal with small bags and post them in specially marked bins around streets and parks will be eligible for rewards – such as pet food coupons, etc. Owners who don’t abide by the rules will face heavy fines.

19-Sep-2008, 09:26 PM
Well it's a bit police state-ish but in this case I'm all for it. These people act like an entire city is their doggy's poop receptacle. If I were in charge I would add the punishment of shoving a dog owner's face in the poop left behind by their dog in addition to a hefty fine.

19-Sep-2008, 09:47 PM
I agree

People are so disrespectful and need to die.

Simply put.

19-Sep-2008, 10:16 PM
If I were in charge I would add the punishment of shoving a dog owner's face in the poop left behind by their dog in addition to a hefty fine.
Put them in the stocks at the village square and pelt them with their own dogs' mess? :D

Like I stated in the blog, I've been having trouble lately because some idiot is letting their pooch poop right outside my house. Normally, I'd get the broom and brush it into the road but a couple of times now I've stepped right into it and I'm getting pretty cheesed off. In the last week it's happened three times!

It's getting to the point where I'm seriously considering setting up a cam to catch the bastard. :mad:

19-Sep-2008, 10:17 PM
:lol: This is ridiculous.

19-Sep-2008, 10:22 PM
Linkage (http://dailypisshead.blogspot.com/) (scroll down).

Given the topic at hand, I refuse to click on a url entitled 'linkage' :barf:

19-Sep-2008, 10:34 PM
Given the topic at hand, I refuse to click on a url entitled 'linkage' :barf:
No turd pics, gimme some credit. :D

19-Sep-2008, 10:48 PM
Folks are thoroughly irresponsible with their dogs, and should face extra heavy fines for this sort of stupidity. While creating a DNA database is kind of silly, I can understand the frustration that motivates this.

Worse than this, though, are the knucklehead cholos and bangers in my city who troll around town with massive pit bulls and rottweilers which they "train" to be vicious for backyard dog fights and to boost their macho street cred.

Like the right to bear arms (a concept for which I am a proponent) I think the right to have an animal should be heavily regulated.

19-Sep-2008, 11:12 PM
Folks are thoroughly irresponsible with their dogs, and should face extra heavy fines for this sort of stupidity. While creating a DNA database is kind of silly, I can understand the frustration that motivates this.
Yeah, while I totally make fun of the situation, there's quite a natty law going on there.

Worse than this, though, are the knucklehead cholos and bangers in my city who troll around town with massive pit bulls and rottweilers which they "train" to be vicious for backyard dog fights and to boost their macho street cred.
That saddens me because I really don't regard pitbulls as genetically dangerous, not that you said so, mind. My friend owned a female pitbull (probably still does), muscular, brutal looking, etc. I often stayed at his house on a camper bed and at midnight that dog used to paw at my sleeping bag to be let in. Beautiful creature and a great snuggle buddy.

Just like kids, dogs are only the reflection of their keepers.

20-Sep-2008, 12:35 AM
That saddens me because I really don't regard pitbulls as genetically dangerous, not that you said so, mind. My friend owned a female pitbull (probably still does), muscular, brutal looking, etc. I often stayed at his house on a camper bed and at midnight that dog used to paw at my sleeping bag to be let in. Beautiful creature and a great snuggle buddy.

Just like kids, dogs are only the reflection of their keepers.

In total agreement. The problem is that fools such as the gangbangers and skinheads who purposely train their rotts and pittbulls to be ultraviolent are ruining the reputation of these breeds. All it takes is for one of there idiot's dogs to get out of control and maul some toddler or mailman and then, whammo, you've got PTA types mobilizing to ban the ownership of these breeds.

Here in California, presumably to control this very problem, a law was passed that requires the neutering or spaying of all dogs. Only a licensed breeder can have "intact" dogs and even in their case they have to pay a heavy licensing fees.

For your particular problem, I think videotaping would work so that you can identify these folks. Then, after collecting a weeks worth of their errant droppings in a plastic bag, take the stinky their home and leave it on their doorstep with a note saying "I KNOW WHERE YOU AND YOUR DOG LIVE!" Maybe write this note in RED INK for further impact.

20-Sep-2008, 01:03 AM
In total agreement. The problem is that fools such as the gangbangers and skinheads who purposely train their rotts and pittbulls to be ultraviolent are ruining the reputation of these breeds.
Totally. I really get pissed off about stories of pittbulls ripping children apart because if the owners took the time out to raise them right then this s**t wouldn't happen. That's not to say that I don't feel for any victims of dog savagery because it does happen on a regular basis.

Recently I saw some ten-year-old kid who was on Maury or some other s**t, who lost limbs to a pack of violent dogs (species unknown) who went through his flesh like butter and disabled him for life. He was attacked by dogs that were owned by some redneck in the forest and because the kid climbed over a fence to get his ball, he was brutally mauled. It quite upset me, not only for the kid's visable trauma (which was pretty nasty), but also because a number of dogs were destroyed needlessly because of some idiot's stupidity.

For your particular problem, I think videotaping would work so that you can identify these folks. Then, after collecting a weeks worth of their errant droppings in a plastic bag, take the stinky their home and leave it on their doorstep with a note saying "I KNOW WHERE YOU AND YOUR DOG LIVE!" Maybe write this note in RED INK for further impact.
Man, if I ever get my hands on the guy/gal, they will be eating the damn stuff! LOL.

20-Sep-2008, 01:34 AM
They're actually going to analyze dogturds to match them to specific dogs? I'm pretty sure it would be easier and cheaper to just watch where the hell you're walking.

20-Sep-2008, 01:43 AM
These people need to learn to pick up after their dogs.

20-Sep-2008, 03:34 AM
They're actually going to analyze dogturds to match them to specific dogs? I'm pretty sure it would be easier and cheaper to just watch where the hell you're walking.

Where's the fun in that? That would totally give up the "gotcha" from sending someone a big, fat fine based on a DNA dog poop match.