View Full Version : Mobile phone use 'raises children's risk of brain cancer fivefold'...

22-Sep-2008, 02:56 PM


22-Sep-2008, 04:01 PM
My daughter wants one now, but she is too young. We were thinking the beginning of sixth grade so she would be 11 or so. I wonder if there is any additional or less risk by using bluetooth earsets.

22-Sep-2008, 05:06 PM
Even though you have to take these studies with a grain of salt, it does lend credence to a lot of the suspicions people already have about cell phones and the research that has already been done on the matter.

This is why I switched to a blue tooth and try not to talk for hours on end on the phone. Still, my cell is all I use currently so I am a bit nervous about overuse.

As far as children with cell phones, I can see the desire to have kids furnished with the option to contact their parents, but my kids (assuming I have some) will not have free-use cell phones till they are in their mid-teens.

22-Sep-2008, 05:12 PM
Generally being alive increases your risk of cancer!these studies & think tanks are ridiculous,they just give people complexes!

22-Sep-2008, 05:14 PM
Generally being alive increases your risk of cancer!these studies & think tanks are ridiculous,they just give people complexes!

You're not lying. It seems like every night I see the news they're announcing that something else can give you cancer. I think just about everything can these days.:rolleyes:

22-Sep-2008, 05:22 PM
You're not lying. It seems like every night I see the news they're announcing that something else can give you cancer. I think just about everything can these days.:rolleyes:

Exactly!i mean theres obvious things that can indeed give you cancer such as radioactive material,cigarettes,old engine oil or too much UV light etc that people should be aware of,but these studies seem to be trying to link cancer to the most ordinary things that people use,do or eat every single day!Ive seen a couple of reports in the news claiming that healthy food like carrots or brocolli might give you cancer :rolleyes:

22-Sep-2008, 05:24 PM
As far as children with cell phones, I can see the desire to have kids furnished with the option to contact their parents, but my kids (assuming I have some) will not have free-use cell phones till they are in their mid-teens.

They do have phones with option of only calling Mom, Dad, or Home. When my daughter is old enough that is the type we are considering. We'll have to reconsider our options when she is in her midteens.

22-Sep-2008, 05:50 PM
They do have phones with option of only calling Mom, Dad, or Home. When my daughter is old enough that is the type we are considering. We'll have to reconsider our options when she is in her midteens.

That is exactly what I mean, Kaos. A restricted-use cell phone is a great choice for a school-age child.

22-Sep-2008, 06:25 PM
Ugh, tell me about it...

"Work kills through stress!"

"Bacon and red meat kill you!"

"Don't eat this, that or the other ... ... actually, no, ONLY eat those things ... no wait..."

etc etc - does my chuddies in, I just ignore all that sh*t and live by the mantra "everything in moderation", that's all you need.


As for mobiles, I got my first when I was 16 ... I recently got my fourth ever mobile phone. Indeed, I like to get as much life out of them as possible ... and never a new model because:

1) Too expensive.
2) You're target number one for chavs and tea leafs...nobody wants my "old ass" phone, which I think is still snazzy and gets the job done - PHONING AND TEXTING!!!


I don't use mine that often, mainly texting, rarely do I use it for calls, and even then it's me receiving a call rather than making one, hehe, but when I was at uni and on phone to my Mum (you know how mums chat till the end of time hehe), when the call was finished, my ear would be warm so that just wigged me out completely.

Children shouldn't have mobiles anyway. I'm officially stating that children with mobile phones are idiots, birthed by two other idiots. :elol: That said, I haven't read this thread in much detail, so sorry if I offended anyone. :D

I think the image of a child with a mobile phone is saddening, txt spk should only be accessed by adults with grown brains ... and even then it should only be used in rare occasions.

22-Sep-2008, 07:20 PM
Generally being alive increases your risk of cancer!these studies & think tanks are ridiculous,they just give people complexes!

My friends had a brain tumour... NOT nice... I'd prefer not to have 5 times the chance of having one...

22-Sep-2008, 07:30 PM
My friends had a brain tumour... NOT nice... I'd prefer not to have 5 times the chance of having one...

But was it the direct result of mobile phone use?ive no doubt a brain tumour is awful & i hope your friend is ok now!but if you listen to all these "researchers" 100% of the time you'd be too afraid to even breath!

22-Sep-2008, 07:39 PM
They do have phones with option of only calling Mom, Dad, or Home. When my daughter is old enough that is the type we are considering. We'll have to reconsider our options when she is in her midteens.

I agree.When my son is old enough I want to get him a phone like that.Where he can only call me or home.

24-Sep-2008, 06:05 AM
This study shows us numbers, not proof of anything. A couple years ago a study was done that showed no link between cell phones and cancer and this new study says there is.

And how many times have studys only accepted people who fit a certain criteria so that the people running the study can have the results the people who are paying for it want. It happens all the time.

There was also a study done in the 90's that showed Coke and Pepsi cause cancer in lab rats and a study that showed eating too much meat causes colon cancer and a study that showed eating eggs wasn't healthy then 10 years later they were somehow a healthy food with another study and another study says they are more healthy if you removed the yolk.

So basically, I don't really believe most of these studies, I think they are a lot of trash thrown together to push an agenda.

As far as kids with cell phones, Disney Mobile is a good way to go from what I have been told. They limit who can be called (parents and emergency services pretty much) and from what I have been told its not as expensive as other similar services.

28-Sep-2008, 08:06 AM
they ran this line back when cell phones switched from the old Bag phones over to the first portable handsets, and it was later debunked. so i'm skeptical of this being reissued with just a smidge of updated terminology, a mention of the dreaded Why-Fye... and the ever pathetic "WHAT ABOOOT DEH CHILLDRAAAANNNN?"

28-Sep-2008, 10:32 AM
they ran this line back when cell phones switched from the old Bag phones over to the first portable handsets, and it was later debunked. so i'm skeptical of this being reissued with just a smidge of updated terminology, a mention of the dreaded Why-Fye... and the ever pathetic "WHAT ABOOOT DEH CHILLDRAAAANNNN?"
lol, indeed.

There's a new scare on the news now, or somethingeruther anyway - about milk. Oooh, milk is baaaaad for you if you drink too much - NO SH*T YOU DOPES, ANYTHING IN ABUNDANCE IS BAD.

Glass of milk a day is PERFECT. And I've stuck by that, I've never broken a bone *touches wood for continued success at that*, and I've got strong and healthy teeth too *touches more wood for continued success at that as well*

I pretty much entirely ignore all these rabid, foaming at the mouth warnings about everything. Unless it's something like the milk in China balls up, or the lead in toys in China balls up ... but neither of those affected me though.

28-Sep-2008, 10:34 AM
In the daily mail yesterday it said that talcum powder gives you cancer as well now :rolleyes: well,it wouldnt be the daily mail without a daily cancer scare!