View Full Version : 1m tonnes of fish dumped back into the North Sea each year! For goodness sake!

26-Sep-2008, 06:33 AM
Madness! Utter madness! To think fish stocks are getting low, and people around the world are starving, and then we over fish and dump the excess back... Madness!


I read about this sometime ago, can't believe it's still happening :(

26-Sep-2008, 07:02 AM
Ugh, I hate this sort of thing. I really can't be doing with wasted food - for example, the sheer waste of food on Big Brother this year was sickening, because like you said, there are people out there starving or going hungry or just eating total crap and meanwhile there's good food just getting binned into the ocean.

Is there some miracle we don't hear about, if you bung a long dead fish back into the sea it'll spring to life? Pfft...

This sort of silliness should stop - and it all comes down to the companies at the heart of it.

26-Sep-2008, 10:14 AM
It comes down to EU regulations I believe...

26-Sep-2008, 11:52 AM
This is just ridiculous.How can people waste food like that.These people are idiots.

26-Sep-2008, 12:16 PM
In hundreds of years time people will refer to our era as the stupid ages.

26-Sep-2008, 12:56 PM
Ugh ... the EU is it?

Wankers, the lot of them...all those bloody bureaucratic ninnies and their mornic carrying on and chronic disorganisation, nit-picking, shady-dealings and so forth.

It's still astonishing that the tax authorities refuse to 'do the EU's books' because they're far too incomplete/cocked up/totally f*cked ... you wanna know where a load of wasted cash is disappearing to? Try deciphering those crooked as fook books. :shifty::eek:

26-Sep-2008, 01:51 PM
When I read the thread title I thought they were releasing live fish from hatcheries back into the wild to increase their numbers. But dude, this is the opposite. A total waste.

26-Sep-2008, 04:51 PM
This is just ridiculous.How can people waste food like that.These people are idiots.

That totally true.