View Full Version : anyone else bothered going to see stepbrothers?

29-Sep-2008, 06:51 AM
So yesterday ive got a bunch of friends round who ,since im the only one who bothers to pay for sky, want to check out the new show breaking bad (which rocks, i think.) and in a conversation about movies someone mentioned this and out of 8 of us ,all of us enjoyed both actors previous flicks like walk hard or anchorman but avoided this because of bad reviews, well there was 3 hours till breaking bad started so i suggested we go see it.
we did and i laughed more than tropic thunder or pineapple express, this has been really underrated, granted its retarded in the extreme, two examples being will ferrell mumbling "ill kill you lenord nemoy" when hes shook awake and when the character dale farts in an intveriew with a great seth rogan cameo rogan says "did you fart? (no) yeah, yeah you did, i cn taste it on my tongue....like onions and...is that ketchup?, yeah, a lotta ketchup".
to cut it short maybe because were a bunch of college guys just out of our teens and were in the mood for something retarded but i really enjoyed it and laughed a lot throughout, it gets slow in the predictable middle but al in all this has gone by pretty ignored but if you want a retarded comedy then check it out.

29-Sep-2008, 10:17 AM

For a minute there I thought you were gonna be all "epic fail", but hazah! :)

I saw it about 4 or 5 weeks ago now, and the lads and I had a blast with it. It's really silly - essentially two 40 year olds (okay, one is 39 :p) act like children and teenagers and then young adults - but it's surprisingly funny.

That fart gag in particular had us laughing hard throughout the entire next scene - and ah dude, the nuts on the drum set - again, lulz were had.

I thought it was getting good reviews, not sh*t but not stellar. I think it's a really fun flick, sets out to do what it intended from the off, makes no bones about what it is, just gets on with the job of being silly and enjoyable - and you can clearly tell that the director and two stars (who all wrote the movie) were just having an absolute blast.

I liked Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express more as movies, but I think Step Brothers was a movie I laughed at more than Tropic Thunder, and as for Pineapple Express (which you should all know by now that I really enjoyed) ... I think it was a tie for lulz with that, for me.

29-Sep-2008, 02:08 PM
Yeah,I saw Stepbrothers last month.I thoght it was a good movie.It's not Will Ferrell best movie,but it was really funny.

29-Sep-2008, 02:50 PM
Meh. I still have yet to give it a chance, despite being pleasantly surprised by Walk Hard and being a fan of a good chunk of what these guys have done the last few years. I know, at this point, I'm burnt out on their schtick and I need to just give them a rest for a bit.

29-Sep-2008, 03:51 PM
Although I enjoyed Ferrell and McKay's previous collaborations(Anchorman and Talladega Nights), I doubt that i'll ever pay to see this. Mostly because of Ferrell. Three words can sum him up - One. Trick. Pony.

I'm sure Step Brothers has some laughs and I'll eventually check it out on TV, but Ferrell has the acting range of my dog's balls....

29-Sep-2008, 04:01 PM
Ferrell has the acting range of my dog's balls....

Yeah,I agree.I think Ferrell career has been going down hill since Talladega Nights.