View Full Version : COMING SOON - New Features for the indie filmmaker

01-Oct-2008, 11:32 AM
Over the last two weeks I have been putting together some projects that I am going to share with indie filmmakers and how they can make their productions look their best on the lowest amount of money.

Specifically, I am going to focus on Tactical coordination, wardrobe, lighting and camera settings.

If there is anything you want to see, or have suggestions about, drop a reply and I will try to work it in.

The first segment to be coming is about Weapons, wardrobe, and Tactical coordination. I filmed an hour long discussion with the Tactical Coordinator of Deadlands 2 and he is going to tell us and show us how you can make your actors look authentic in military gear for a small cost of $400 per actor.

After that I am going to do a segment about tweaking your DVX/HVX cameras to achieve an authentic film look. This will also allow you to not have to worry about doing tons of color correction in post production.

COming in Early 2009, we will do a segment about building a police car for minimal money. And use it as a rental to other productions to earn yourself some money.

Finally, I am hoping to set up a weekly chat in the chat room for indie filmmakers to get together and talk. Plus, I am going to launch a new podcast website dealing with indie filmmaking and films in General.

01-Oct-2008, 02:14 PM
Wow - sounds like an incredible amount of work is going to go into this, but will have some great results. Best of luck to you!

02-Oct-2008, 01:17 AM
This is a great idea for indie filmmakers.

10-Oct-2008, 04:56 AM
I think it is which is why I want to do it. I am still editing the first video, but that took a backseat to finish Trapped in time for the premiere. Once the premiere ends... I will get back to work on it.

05-Nov-2008, 01:24 AM
Dude, that is STILL a lot of money for low-end indy filmmakers. More like $400 for the entire cast is a more realistic approach unless you happen to have a million independent bucks lying around from Quentin Taratino or something?!

I would be interested in your minimal police car look though.

:dead: -Dawg

05-Nov-2008, 01:58 AM
Actually dude, $400 per person is reasonable, especially if you only need to cloth 2-3 people, but if you are doing a large scale military on $1000 then no it won't work

05-Nov-2008, 02:03 AM
to jack a thread for a mo', ive recently got into using adobe after effects, wich is used to make the special effects in heroes, and i found this site to be absolutely fantastic for filmmakers, you can make hiros time stop visual technique in 15 minutes.

...god i sound like a bot, but check.this.****.out.dudes.


05-Nov-2008, 09:42 PM
Loves me some Video Copilot, Andrew is great. I'm currently working on a script myself and plan on shooting within the next 2-3 years (whenever the money falls through, I'll be financing myself) and am very interested in such a resource DjFunkmasterG.

When I decided to do this, the first thing I did was invest in a good computer (to be fair, I am a gamer and would have bought a higher end machine anyway) and an Adobe suite. I've been hammering away at After Effects, learning the ropes, as I knew that any digital effects were going to have to be either non-existent or done by myself.

As far as digital (I'm not a huge fan of digital effects mind you, but on a budget it can come in handy), I have my bases covered. Costumes, Weapons, etc.. I would love to learn more about. I'll likely not be using military garb, but knowing how to outfit an actor at low cost would be helpful, just in case.

Any help and knowledge you can offer would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I loved the first movie, can't wait to see the second.

06-Nov-2008, 10:58 AM
As soon as I get back from the film fest in Queens I am going to start unleashing these little tidbits.

07-Nov-2008, 01:37 AM
As soon as I get back from the film fest in Queens I am going to start unleashing these little tidbits.

Hope you enjoy enjoy yourself there, and can't wait for some tips later on!

07-Nov-2008, 02:30 AM
Sounds great. Can't wait until it's up & running.