View Full Version : Tories : No council tax increase for 2 years

01-Oct-2008, 09:06 PM

so none of the puclic services will want a pay increase for 2 whole years - in the middle of a recession?


Still, look on the bright side - at least we can job it bashing rats as the rubbish piles up in the streets eh?

Also, offering tax breaks for marriages that stay together?

Yeah right. Because no marriages break up for good reasons eh?

Worried that people may stay with abusive spouses so that they can feed their kids in these hard times? Of course not - it sounds good on paper.

Anyone fancy moving to Canada?

01-Oct-2008, 10:46 PM
still,they cant do any worse than the current shower of sh*te.....

01-Oct-2008, 10:49 PM
so none of the puclic services will want a pay increase for 2 whole years - in the middle of a recession?

How are council taxes calculated? If they're based on a rate, I think it's reasonable to expect the *rate* to stay fairly stable long-term, and the amount of tax paid would naturally go up as property values increase. If it's a fixed amount for each property, that expectation doesn't seem as reasonable.

02-Oct-2008, 04:03 PM
I believe council tax is calculated by property value & the cost of public services in the area

still,they cant do any worse than the current shower of sh*te.....

We'll see... as rubbish as new/fake labour are, at least the bins get collected

02-Oct-2008, 04:25 PM
We'll see... as rubbish as new/fake labour are, at least the bins get collected

Yeah once a month, and then only if their not too close to the road or too far from the kerb, and if their not too heavy of course.. and then only after the council inspectors have been through them to make sure your not mixing paper and plastic.


02-Oct-2008, 05:06 PM
Yeah once a month, and then only if their not too close to the road or too far from the kerb, and if their not too heavy of course.. and then only after the council inspectors have been through them to make sure your not mixing paper and plastic.


Amen dude,thats happening round here too,should see all the crap people are dumping at the sides of the road now!

02-Oct-2008, 08:57 PM
yeah well people are babies "oh boo hoo hoo i can't be bothered to seperate my rubbish" yeah well you don't crap in the kitchen bin either, is that a diabolical liberty/imposition too? no, it's common sense, as is this. It's for the good of the country & planet, so just bloody do it - i'm lazy as sin and i ALWAYS divide my rubbish - they aren't just doing it to piss us off, as it is we are the worst recyclers in europe, that's nothing to defend or be proud of

02-Oct-2008, 09:21 PM
yeah well people are babies "oh boo hoo hoo i can't be bothered to seperate my rubbish" yeah well you don't crap in the kitchen bin either, is that a diabolical liberty/imposition too? no, it's common sense, as is this. It's for the good of the country & planet, so just bloody do it - i'm lazy as sin and i ALWAYS divide my rubbish - they aren't just doing it to piss us off, as it is we are the worst recyclers in europe, that's nothing to defend or be proud of

Typical labour supporter bollocks, its not a case of people cant be assed, its a case of a family of 4 being forced to fly tip cuz even when they seperate everything properly, their rubbish bin is still overflowing cuz the binmen only come once a month, and then when they do come they dont take it cuz its too far from the kerb or too heavy for them, and the family gets a fine cuz some kid put a sweet wrapper in the bin instead of the plastics bin.

The conservatives have already pledged to reinstate weekly bin collections, which is as it should be.

Recycling should be optional anyway, i already pay 5 times more tax than the rest of europe (and thats come from the UN) so why should i have to paw through my rubbish like some animal aswell?

03-Oct-2008, 12:02 PM
As I've said a number of times, why are taxes always going up? In most business sectors processes are improved and streamlined, and savings made... Why does this not seem possible with taxes? Why is more complexity being added to the pile of faff already there?

Why can't the system be improved and streamlined so money can be freed up (& not be wasted) such that taxes do not have to be raised, and God forbid, actually reduced?

03-Oct-2008, 12:29 PM
Becuase such a system would actually work and mean less money for gordon brown and his band of theives.

03-Oct-2008, 12:41 PM
Becuase such a system would actually work and mean less money for gordon brown and his band of theives.

No, it could actually mean more money... The current taxation system is too complicated. More and more holes are being made in the tax seive, and all we're doing it putting more and more money into it!

I recon, if we made it simpler we could possible put less money in, and pay for more with it!

03-Oct-2008, 01:11 PM
More complex equals more government jobs = bought votes for Labour.

More complexity and stupid faffy details = more control for an over-controlling Labour.

Labour clearly haven't heard of Keep It Simple Stupid.

Recently with this year's tax thing, I had it filled out and sent off nice and early ahead of the summer holidays (avoids the guaranteed slow down during that period, and the guaranteed increase in volume of forms coming in after the holidays).

Anyway, a few weeks after having my tax form returned all done and dusted, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to attend some 'first timers' tax form filling in course - gee, useful much?

And again, about a week or two after that, I got some bit of government fluff through the mail, which was essentially some simply fold-out-FAQ on how to fill in these forms - WEEKS AFTER I'D HAD MINE RETURNED AND FINISHED!

That just summed up the pure stupidity behind the tax system for me, as well as the Labour government at large.


That is all.

03-Oct-2008, 01:23 PM
More complex equals more government jobs = bought votes for Labour.

More complexity and stupid faffy details = more control for an over-controlling Labour.

Labour clearly haven't heard of Keep It Simple Stupid.

Recently with this year's tax thing, I had it filled out and sent off nice and early ahead of the summer holidays (avoids the guaranteed slow down during that period, and the guaranteed increase in volume of forms coming in after the holidays).

Anyway, a few weeks after having my tax form returned all done and dusted, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to attend some 'first timers' tax form filling in course - gee, useful much?

And again, about a week or two after that, I got some bit of government fluff through the mail, which was essentially some simply fold-out-FAQ on how to fill in these forms - WEEKS AFTER I'D HAD MINE RETURNED AND FINISHED!

That just summed up the pure stupidity behind the tax system for me, as well as the Labour government at large.


That is all.

I've had cheques back for £0.00 from them... Two in two days once! Surely the computer program could say "if amount=0 goto skip"?

03-Oct-2008, 04:41 PM
No, it could actually mean more money... The current taxation system is too complicated. More and more holes are being made in the tax seive, and all we're doing it putting more and more money into it!

Neocon! I bet you want a third term for Bush . . . . this time as PM of the UK!! ;):D:p

03-Oct-2008, 06:00 PM
I've had cheques back for £0.00 from them... Two in two days once! Surely the computer program could say "if amount=0 goto skip"?
It's sh*te like that, that just sums it all up really, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

04-Oct-2008, 01:41 PM
Browns brought mandelson back in his cabinet reshuffle......:lol::lol::lol:....*breathes*.... :lol::lol::lol:

Could it get any worse?that man was booted out of british politics twice for his dodgy dealings,dishonesty & devious plotting,he was officially discraced!yet brown (and the two are sworn enemies after mandelson went turncoat on him & backed blair in the mid nineties) has given him a peerage & top ministers job & claims he can help sort out the credit crunch!it would be funny if it wasnt for the fact these clowns are running the country!the mind boggles

On the plus side,well done to Boris johnson for forcing ian blair to resign, its been a long time coming!some labour MP was bleating that this is politicising the police by getting rid of him.Excuse me but ian blair has been the political voice of labour in the police since he got the job!good riddence!

04-Oct-2008, 11:31 PM
Aye, it was about time Ian Blair moved on - and I couldn't believe it when they said Mandy was coming back ... I mean ... MEGA-WTF?!

I mean seriously ... what a load of pish-tosh.