View Full Version : Favorite Gar Zombie

darth los
02-Oct-2008, 01:42 AM
This was suggested in another thread.

Since Gar's films have such a rabid worldwide fanbase It would be interesting to see which zombie is the most popular or your favorite.

NOTLD- Hinzman and Cooper's Daughter
DOTD- Airport Zombie, hare Krishna Zombie
Dotd- Bub
NOTLD Remake- Cooper's daughter, Window Zombie
LOTD- Big Daddy

If i Left any out Feel free to nominate them.

02-Oct-2008, 02:01 AM
Diary - cop on fire zombie (the first one encountered on the road)
Land - Blades zombie
Night 90 - I dunno, they were all creepy
Day - Dr. Tongue
Dawn - Helicopter "Frankenstein" zombie (how could you NOT like him?)
Night - Hinzman zombie...dude is just weird lookin'

02-Oct-2008, 03:13 AM
I voted for Bub,he is the greatest zombie ever.:D

02-Oct-2008, 03:22 AM
NOTLD: Hinzman
Dawn: Helicoptor Zombie and Miguel
Day : Bub!! and that creepy ass clown zombie
Land: Number 9!!!!
Diary: I guess the clown zombie (clowns freak me out) or the half head zed
Night '90: The skinny Ghandi zombie, Cooper's daughter was great in that as well (Night '90 has my vote for scariest zombies)

02-Oct-2008, 09:51 AM
I went with Airport Zombie, and by Airport I mean Helicopter Zombie Jim Krut. I chose him for two reasons... A. his melon was cut off by a Helicopters blades, and B. he is in my film. :cool:

02-Oct-2008, 11:03 AM
i voted for cooper's daughter in the remake. she was a creepy ass little brat.

02-Oct-2008, 04:41 PM
Plaid boy aka airport zombie.

02-Oct-2008, 04:56 PM
I voted for Bub, visually I think he was excellent and we learned so much about zombies in a short time from him including the potential they had for even more mental recall than had been displayed in the two prior films.

He is also very symbolic of that movie, and played such a major role in key moments it is hard not to like the guy. Personally I hate ALL zombies but if I had to pull for one it would be Bub.

02-Oct-2008, 06:03 PM
What about Dr. Tongue? Or the Helicopter Zombie? Blade? Butcher?

02-Oct-2008, 06:22 PM
Bub. Hands down the greatest zombie ever.

darth los
02-Oct-2008, 07:33 PM
What about Dr. Tongue? Or the Helicopter Zombie? Blade? Butcher?

Thanks for nomintaing them. It was late and i really couldn't think of any more. lol


02-Oct-2008, 10:23 PM
I voted Bub he was great, but my all time favorite zombie,
was Stephen, even though he was only a zombie for a few minutes.
His walk was great and the way he knew enough to bust the wall
and go up stairs in my first time veiwing was just creepy

02-Oct-2008, 10:26 PM
Plaid boy aka airport zombie.

I voted for him too. For some reason, I just love that guy. His appearance is a real "oh, sh*t!" moment.

There are so many good ones though, it's hard to pick just one.

fulci fan
03-Oct-2008, 12:06 AM

03-Oct-2008, 02:14 AM
my all time favorite zombie,was Stephen, even though he was only a zombie for a few minutes.

Yeah,he's my second favorite zombie.

darth los
03-Oct-2008, 03:34 AM
I voted Bub he was great, but my all time favorite zombie,
was Stephen, even though he was only a zombie for a few minutes.
His walk was great and the way he knew enough to bust the wall
and go up stairs in my first time veiwing was just creepy

When they did the commentery on the Ultimate edition he said that he stressed out the entire night before thinking about how he could be his own unique zombie.

Zombies are fascinating. The are all unique in their own way. When you watch a group of about 50 of them they all seem to have their own unique walk and personality. It's interesting to watch.


03-Oct-2008, 08:44 PM
Some actors really put a lot of thought and effort into making their character their own. Anyone can walk stiff-legged and jerky, but take Stephen, for example... I like how he walked after he turned - his foot was all twisted, and the way the gun kind of just hung from his finger...Cool. It's those little details that really make a difference and make certain ones stand out of the generic, run-of-the-mill zombies.

darth los
03-Oct-2008, 11:53 PM
Some actors really put a lot of thought and effort into making their character their own. Anyone can walk stiff-legged and jerky, but take Stephen, for example... I like how he walked after he turned - his foot was all twisted, and the way the gun kind of just hung from his finger...Cool. It's those little details that really make a difference and make certain ones stand out of the generic, run-of-the-mill zombies.

Very true. I always was queesy about watching him walk on that ankle. He said that countless fans have asked him if it hurt or not, he replied not at all. :eek: how that can be i'll never know.


04-Oct-2008, 12:06 AM
Very true. I always was queesy about watching him walk on that ankle. He said that countless fans have asked him if it hurt or not, he replied not at all. :eek: how that can be i'll never know.


Being the nerdy fan that I am....I've tried his walk and done it several times. Doesn't hurt me either.

I love flyboy zombie, but if you want to talk about an actor creating a good zombie character.....look towards Howard Sherman.:cool:

04-Oct-2008, 12:07 AM
Very true. I always was queesy about watching him walk on that ankle. He said that countless fans have asked him if it hurt or not, he replied not at all. :eek: how that can be i'll never know.


I think it's completely amazing how he was able to walk on his foot like that.

darth los
04-Oct-2008, 12:12 AM
Being the nerdy fan that I am....I've tried his walk and done it several times. Doesn't hurt me either.

I love flyboy zombie, but if you want to talk about an actor creating a good zombie character.....look towards Howard Sherman.:cool:

I guess it's because i used to play alot of basketball and had ankle problems. I was constantly turning them so i don't do that very much anymore. All i know is that hurt like heck when it happened to me and to see him put most of his body weight on it was crazy.


04-Oct-2008, 12:50 AM
Bub has my vote, made you think what if an outbreak like that happen could you domesticate them and could you trust such creature anyway, the thought of this creature turning on you on any given minute that makes for a pretty scary zombie:skull:.

04-Oct-2008, 01:51 PM
Dr tounge was cool and scary.

04-Oct-2008, 10:13 PM
Dr tounge was cool and scary.

Yeah,Dr tounge was a great zombie,but he wasn't the best zombie ever.He needed to be a Day longer then he was.

05-Oct-2008, 12:13 AM
I think it's completely amazing how he was able to walk on his foot like that.

That walk did give him real zombie credibility, excellent to watch, very convincing.

That said, I voted for Bub...he rocks! :cool:

Edit: I wonder if the reason that Bub is so popular is because he is the only zombie we ever really "get to know" in a small way?

05-Oct-2008, 03:05 AM
I wonder if the reason that Bub is so popular is because he is the only zombie we ever really "get to know" in a small way?

Yeah,Bub is the only zombie who is treated like a real character.

05-Oct-2008, 03:20 AM
I wonder if the reason that Bub is so popular is because he is the only zombie we ever really "get to know" in a small way?

Probably. Romero touched on something special with Bub. We had seen smaller, yet similar connections in his zombies before, but Bub was his ultimate conection. For the people that didn't understand before, Bub was the bottom line. The one that HAD to relate...

Too bad some people still don't get it...

05-Oct-2008, 03:54 PM
I'm not sure who to vote for here because the two I like are not on the list.

I went with Airport Zombie, and by Airport I mean Helicopter Zombie Jim Krut. I chose him for two reasons... A. his melon was cut off by a Helicopters blades, and B. he is in my film. :cool:
That's the airport zombie I like the most but I'm pretty sure it's 'Plaid' that Darth intended for the list. I find that whole scene comical and think Krut is wickedly robotic. I also like 'Machete' as it's probably the coolest zombie death committed to film.

Those are my favourite two zombies from my favourite zombie film.

06-Oct-2008, 04:20 PM
Sherman Howard also was amazing as an actor, as is evident by how long and successful a career he has had. So many of the "Dead" actors went on to have short lived careers if any at all. "Bub" was a great actor, and he certainly made it easy for me to connect with him, identify with him, and sympathize with him.

I watchedDay last night, his actions and mannerisms were amazing.He was dead but not too jerky, he was aware but not too aware. Not even of what he himself was going to do. Just look at the scene where he grabbed Logan's arm as he went to adjust the headphones.

The drooling, the lip movement all of it. Just an amazing performance. I think all zombie actors should be asked to watch him.

I also liked Flyboy Zombie, he did an amazing job as well.

darth los
06-Oct-2008, 05:01 PM
I'm not sure who to vote for here because the two I like are not on the list.

That's the airport zombie I like the most but I'm pretty sure it's 'Plaid' that Darth intended for the list. I find that whole scene comical and think Krut is wickedly robotic. I also like 'Machete' as it's probably the coolest zombie death committed to film.

Those are my favourite two zombies from my favourite zombie film.

The "frankenstein zombie" is definitely a great one as well. Well i guess that's one for him. lol

I find it suprising that up until now no one has voted for hinzman. I mean, he's the first zombie we ever encounter which makes him memorable to say this least. You would think someone would vote for him based on his historical significanse alone. Oh well, better luck next time dude. :p

Also it would be interesting if i would have posed the question differently. For example who was the scariest/most disturbing zombie in the series and see what those responses would be.

Well, the question's now out there, let's have it....


06-Oct-2008, 05:11 PM
The scariest? My vote stays with Bub. Big Daddy would be second. If there's anything worse than a creature with the need to eat your flesh, it's a creature with the need to eat your flesh and also knows how to handle a gun...

darth los
06-Oct-2008, 05:29 PM
The scariest? My vote stays with Bub. Big Daddy would be second. If there's anything worse than a creature with the need to eat your flesh, it's a creature with the need to eat your flesh and also knows how to handle a gun...

You have a valid point there. That is a scary proposition but i was thinking more along the lines of, oh my god it's coming this way, sh8t your pants because it just looks so hellish type of thing.

That being said, I'm certain that Rhodes probably wouldn't have been able to use the underwear he was wearing again when bub was after his ass.!! lol


06-Oct-2008, 07:22 PM
Scariest to look at for me might be Doctor Tongue. He was pretty gruesome, or Sarah Cooper in the remake. She was disturbing just because I hate seeing little kids that are all creepy. Something about lost/corrupted innocence or something.

The most freighting to fight would definitely have to be one of the thinking high functioning zombies. I would say Big Daddy, he had an army at his back that did his bidding. Tough call though Bub was a decent shot even after death ;)

Zombie marksmen are bad.