View Full Version : Weekend at last!!

05-May-2006, 07:34 PM
What you guys up to?im going out on beaver patrol tonight & then taking the rest of the weekend as it comes :D

05-May-2006, 08:35 PM
Yes yes.....it's a great feeling when Friday roles around. Especially when it's about 2 hours until you're off of work.....which is the situation i'm in right now.

Don't have any plans really.... I'm sure that before the nights out I will be completely wasted even though I don't intend on it. Damn alcoholic friends:rolleyes:

"Beaver patrol"? Haha. Right...

Strange idea for a thread, by the way...

05-May-2006, 08:40 PM
I'm finishing up an 18th century novel class final, studying for a French final, writing a paper on the French influence on Middle English Vocabulary, packing and moving into a new apartment...and, um, maybe sleeping in a little bit. 'Til 9:00 even!

05-May-2006, 08:42 PM
I'm finishing up an 18th century novel class final, studying for a French final, writing a paper on the French influence on Middle English Vocabulary, packing and moving into a new apartment...and, um, maybe sleeping in a little bit. 'Til 9:00 even!

Woo hoo! Party at your place!:lol:

05-May-2006, 09:37 PM
Hehheh...of course, I'll be wasted while doing all of it.

Oh look at that...I'm a horrible liar. I'll be sober and bored out of my skull! Wah! :dead:

06-May-2006, 01:21 AM
heh my weekend starts on thursday.:D

06-May-2006, 03:52 AM
I have to work part of the weekend but my job is
a trip as it is
never a dull moment there

there are some concerts being held this weekend at outdoor
places as some of the local colleges are getting
ready to graduate
and a friend of mine is playing at some club with her
new band maybe ill go see them for a while

also my nephew wants me to go beat his ex girlfriends new
boyfriend up cuz he cant (he is on probation for 5 years)
i told him id go by this kids house and talk to him
the kids dont need this kind of nonsense around them

beaver patrol ha ha
how apt

i though you had a hot girlfriend already tricky
maybe i am thinking of someone else
hope your patrol is sucessful
i have a girlfriend and she is too much to deal with
at times-her and her wacked out friends

i should just take a bunch of valiums and sleep for a couple days...

06-May-2006, 04:37 AM
I get to work all weekend. It's fun, I know, but hey, at least I'm getting some money instead of spending it.

06-May-2006, 10:50 AM
Hmmm ... a heavy session of sitting me thinks. Watching movies, TV, downloading the weekend StileProject porn-a-thon and writing my script. Might also upload some footage I shot the other day for a Local TV film I'm working on ... but I'd rather hammer out some script, did 15 pages yesterday after 2 weeks of bugger all.

Also - the weekend means a lying in bed for longer. Instead of getting up at 10am on average, I get up between 11 and 12 :D

06-May-2006, 10:53 AM
wow 11 or 12 you bandit.:lol:

06-May-2006, 10:59 AM
Hey, back in the days of Uni I could do it properly - rising after 2pm was my personal best. But my mate Adam managed around 5:30pm - he went to bed in the early hours when it was still dark, slept through the ENTIRE day and woke up and it was still dark. He was well confused, I'd just got back from seminars when he'd woken up so I just larfed at him, haha.

I think I'm starting to get into that adult mode of not needing as much sleep - which means I'm getting older, DAMNIT! I like my sleep! :|

06-May-2006, 11:10 AM
man once i whent ot sleep on monday at 7pm then woke up at 4pm on wednesday!, now THAT was confusing when my mom told me the day i was like "......nah.-n-nah ,come on your takin the ****...":lol:

06-May-2006, 12:24 PM
How the fudge monkies did you manage that? Ill I guess...

06-May-2006, 01:34 PM
nope just high motabolism or something i need very little sugar but can sleep and stay awake for much longer than the average person.

too much dr.pepper.

06-May-2006, 03:13 PM
Well,beaver patrol was unsuccessful,the enemy were a bit thin on the ground last night :p

@kortick,yeah i did have a hot girlfriend,but unfortunately her constant & unfounded accusations that i was cheating on her did my swede in somewhat & i had to end it :rockbrow:

06-May-2006, 03:15 PM
tricky are you, by any chance, a P-I-M-P?:D

06-May-2006, 05:38 PM
Why else do you think all those people keep kissing that phat ring on his cane-swinging hand? :D

06-May-2006, 05:39 PM
well i did think the fur cape and the large purple hat with a feathe rin it was a bit iffy:lol:

06-May-2006, 11:36 PM
it was the powder blue coop de ville that gives him away

that sucks tricky
i hate when girls are always accusing you of cheating
or you get "why are you checking her out for"
i cant stand jealous people

just double up your efforts on patrol next time lol

07-May-2006, 12:03 AM
and take some crack, the bitches love that **** pimp!