View Full Version : Wachovia->Citigroup->Wells Fargo

03-Oct-2008, 10:48 PM
Ok now I am worried again. This has been the longest weirdest week of work that I have ever had. Monday we get word that Citigroup is going to buy us out (I work for wachovia) and after the initial fear and panic ended we figued out that my department would probably be safe. Now, that deal is apparently off and Wachovia and Wells Fargo are merging? Oh lord. . .

Needless to say. . this sucks. I hate when job security is in doubt. and I absolutely HATE looking for a new job.

03-Oct-2008, 11:11 PM
That sucks, I hope it all works out for you and your job is safe. At the moment I'm unemployed but that's only because I'm working nonstop on getting into grad school so I can get a job with some decent security. In a matter of weeks my own job hunt will begin, and what a crappy job market it is right now!

03-Oct-2008, 11:23 PM
Well, stay out of the banking sector for right now if you can help it. Scary times.

04-Oct-2008, 12:45 AM
That sucks, I hope it all works out for you and your job is safe. At the moment I'm unemployed but that's only because I'm working nonstop on getting into grad school so I can get a job with some decent security. In a matter of weeks my own job hunt will begin, and what a crappy job market it is right now!

I am doing the same thing. Wells Fargo sucks, btw. I left them a few years ago to do business with another bank.

04-Oct-2008, 02:09 AM
That sucks, I hope it all works out for you and your job is safe. At the moment I'm unemployed but that's only because I'm working nonstop on getting into grad school so I can get a job with some decent security. In a matter of weeks my own job hunt will begin, and what a crappy job market it is right now!

well bros, i've got a graduate degree and i got nuked today. ironic considering i just went back to work at the beginning of june. i have a doctorate in classical civ. i used to teach but after getting sick of that and taking two years off to be with my son, i got a job at miami univ in the academic affairs dept. well the dean comes into my office today with a letter in his hand and right away i'm thinking "this can't be good." he proceeds to tell me that under the revised budget (miami is sucking balls right now as far as money goes - they lost 12.5 million dollars last year and this year looks to be worse) my position has been eliminated as of oct. 31. FFFUUUUCCCKKKK.

at least my wife is a tenured professor here so as far as making ends meet, we'll be alright but damn i had a nice, cushy ass job and now i have to start over again.

04-Oct-2008, 02:16 AM
That freaking sucks,I hope you don't lose your job clanglee.

04-Oct-2008, 03:12 AM
well bros, i've got a graduate degree and i got nuked today. ironic considering i just went back to work at the beginning of june. i have a doctorate in classical civ. i used to teach but after getting sick of that and taking two years off to be with my son, i got a job at miami univ in the academic affairs dept. well the dean comes into my office today with a letter in his hand and right away i'm thinking "this can't be good." he proceeds to tell me that under the revised budget (miami is sucking balls right now as far as money goes - they lost 12.5 million dollars last year and this year looks to be worse) my position has been eliminated as of oct. 31. FFFUUUUCCCKKKK.

at least my wife is a tenured professor here so as far as making ends meet, we'll be alright but damn i had a nice, cushy ass job and now i have to start over again.

Dude. . way to steal my pity party away!!! ;)

I am very sorry to hear that man. With your education, it should'nt be too hard to find something else man. Good luck!

04-Oct-2008, 11:59 AM
So sorry to hear about your precarious situation, clanglee. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope all the best for you...
Mike70 - sorry, man. Best of luck in finding something else, and just glad to hear your wife is tenured.
I'm pulling for you both.

04-Oct-2008, 02:29 PM
well bros, i've got a graduate degree and i got nuked today.

Man, sorry to hear that, and hope you find a new situation soon.

05-Oct-2008, 01:24 AM
well bros, i've got a graduate degree and i got nuked today.

that sucks dude, hope you can get back to work soon!

05-Oct-2008, 05:44 AM
Just opened a damn account with Wachovia, too. Been depositing money in there for the past while, and just dropped half a G in there this week.

05-Oct-2008, 10:08 AM
Just opened a damn account with Wachovia, too. Been depositing money in there for the past while, and just dropped half a G in there this week.

Well you will be fine. Your money isn't going anywhere. It'll just switch to Wells Fargo. . I guess. .at the moment anyways. Who knows. Maybe Monday I'll go to work and they'll say "screw it!! We decided to just stick with ourselves instead." Gah!!! It's the not knowing what the heck is going on that bothers me.

05-Oct-2008, 11:46 AM
well clang, a judge has just blocked the merger between wells-fargo and wachovia. seems that citigroup is crying foul over the whole ordeal.


05-Oct-2008, 05:41 PM
I'm not too concerned with it, as I doubt the bank will suddenly abscond with my money.

Every deposit I make I feel like Oskar Schindler at the end of Schindler's List. "If only I'd deposited another $20! I could've kept the bank open for another hour. Had I sold a gun! A day... the bank would've stayed open for a day! Maybe an hour..."

05-Oct-2008, 05:48 PM
well bros, i've got a graduate degree and i got nuked today.

I'm sorry to hear that, dude.

PS - There's a Miami in Ohio?

05-Oct-2008, 06:49 PM
PS - There's a Miami in Ohio?

Maybe he wishes he was there, instead of Ohio.

05-Oct-2008, 07:58 PM
PS - There's a Miami in Ohio?

yes. the university is named after the miami indian tribe who were exiled to oklahoma in the early 19th century. there are tons of things named miami around here: the univ, a miami county, the great miami river, the little miami river, miamitown, etc. ad infinitum.

07-Oct-2008, 03:29 AM
well clang, a judge has just blocked the merger between wells-fargo and wachovia. seems that citigroup is crying foul over the whole ordeal.


Yeah it's a big mess now. And on hold till wednesday.
