View Full Version : If they helped him make the choice to jump, even just a little bit, are they guilty?

04-Oct-2008, 03:59 PM

Some people :rolleyes:

04-Oct-2008, 04:08 PM
I don't think the crowd should be branded guilty for shouting "jump" to a suicidal kid threatening to throw himself off a roof. The stupid sod was up there making a spectacle of himself so it's only natural you're gonna get a few ghouls wanting to see some splatter action. I agree, it's not particularly nice or caring but hey, that's how it is!

04-Oct-2008, 04:25 PM
But if the effect of people shouting to him ("jump! jump!") depressed him even further, to the extent he lost all hope and finally did jump, are they not in some way guilty of pushing him over the edge?

04-Oct-2008, 04:53 PM
That's really sad that people would do such a thing. Like Neil said, this could of further pushed the kid over the edge (bad pun).

04-Oct-2008, 06:28 PM
a guy i did consider a good guy till then was one of the leading yobos, he rang me saying "its great, jump jump!", he rang me 15 minutes later saying "he bounced. theres blood everwere...."


04-Oct-2008, 07:01 PM
a guy i did consider a good guy till then was one of the leading yobos, he rang me saying "its great, jump jump!", he rang me 15 minutes later saying "he bounced. theres blood everwere...."


i hope your going to beat the **** out of him, absolutely no need for that, the kid needed help not a bunch of idiots goading him into jumping. :(

Chic Freak
04-Oct-2008, 10:06 PM
Holy f*ck. Whether they actually made a difference or not will never be known because you can't ask the kid why he jumped now, but either way, they clearly wouldn't have cared if it was their fault, which is shocking. They need someone they actually know to top themselves and see how f*cking "great" it is then, if that's what they need to humanise, erm, actual humans.

04-Oct-2008, 10:18 PM
I think the crowd is partly to blame,but they'll not guilty of killing him.He's the idiot who choose to jump,so it's completely his fault.

04-Oct-2008, 11:49 PM
A few score of riot police beating the **** out of them with batons and pepper spray would have ruined the show...I would've ordered exactly that if I was in charge of policing. Worthless scum.

05-Oct-2008, 12:50 AM
That's the way people are, enjoying other people's suffering and as the capn' said, he made a spec of himself. Only natural he would attract an audience. What the kid should've done was get down from there and go home, disappointing the crowd shouting for gore. For them that's as bad as not getting off. Zing! If he still felt the need to off himself, he could do so in private.

05-Oct-2008, 05:46 AM

Just because someone tells you to do something, doesn't mean that you have to do it. The kid was going to jump anyway; this just sped it up.

05-Oct-2008, 03:30 PM
Its assisted suicide.

05-Oct-2008, 04:15 PM
I just cant understand what sick b*stards would get a kick out of watching someone die like that, to think people like that are roaming around free in our society worries me :(

05-Oct-2008, 04:53 PM
I think the crowd is partly to blame,but they'll not guilty of killing him.He's the idiot who choose to jump,so it's completely his fault.
Not as black and white as that as far as I'm concerned... He was clearly depressed and I suspect seeing a hurd of your fellow human beings caring so little about you - infact the opposite - that they'll jovely ask you to kill yourself, must only make the exit from this life look all the more appealing...

When someone is their most desperate moment of need, someone behaving that way just beggars belief to be honest! And in my mind shows something wrong in their makeup!

05-Oct-2008, 05:21 PM
A few score of riot police beating the **** out of them with batons and pepper spray would have ruined the show...I would've ordered exactly that if I was in charge of policing. Worthless scum.
Actually, I was going to say that the police should've handled it better and maybe threaten/remove the people calling for the lad to jump.

Just because someone tells you to do something, doesn't mean that you have to do it. The kid was going to jump anyway; this just sped it up.

What the kid should've done was get down from there and go home, disappointing the crowd shouting for gore.
I lumped these two quotes together because it is a prime example of why the crowd are not guilty and why the lad was.

I just cant understand what sick b*stards would get a kick out of watching someone die like that
The same type of person that would quite happily make fun of Amy Winehouse's depression and drug addiction, hopefully tipping her over the edge to get some kind of car crash sensationalism. Which brings me to... :D

Not as black and white as that as far as I'm concerned... He was clearly depressed and I suspect seeing a hurd of your fellow human beings caring so little about you - infact the opposite - that they'll jovely ask you to kill yourself, must only make the exit from this life look all the more appealing...
I'm afraid that's the way it is. He was up there making a fool of himself and wanting attention, primarily because he's a. immature or b. mentally unstable. Now me personally, I wouldn't have wanted him to jump but I'm sure as hell not gonna feel sorry for him if he does. HE was the one dumping his problems on other people's laps, HE was the one disrupting other people's lives - at the end of the day, there are gonna be a few folks in the crowd pissed off by that. It's cruel and morbid but I don't see why the crowd should be held accountable for this.

05-Oct-2008, 07:41 PM
I'm afraid that's the way it is. He was up there making a fool of himself and wanting attention, primarily because he's a. immature or b. mentally unstable. Now me personally, I wouldn't have wanted him to jump but I'm sure as hell not gonna feel sorry for him if he does. HE was the one dumping his problems on other people's laps, HE was the one disrupting other people's lives - at the end of the day, there are gonna be a few folks in the crowd pissed off by that. It's cruel and morbid but I don't see why the crowd should be held accountable for this.I'm actually quite angry about this comment... Having found someone who threw themself off a parking lot, and sitting with them and trying to make them as comfortable as possible (as they lay in their own blood) until the police/ambulance turned up, it's very easy to detatch when typing at a keyboard. But the reality of it is, it's a human being - someones brother or sister, someone's child - that died.

Worse still they spend the last few minute of their life, when they probably most need someones support and a reason to stay alive, being heckled by absolte f***wits, with not a cell of compassion between them...

Most likely he was after attention!? Maybe he was on his last edge and just needed someone to give him a reason to stay alive and prove people could care about him... As it turned out, a group of people just slapped him in the face instead!

Very very sad state of affairs! Really makes you question the state of humanity...

Here's a quote from another site:-

Poor kid. I've battled depression too. I think that if he could have just made it a little longer, he would have realized things weren't so bad.

I hold those bystanders directly responsible for his death.

Edit: The story gets worse. Apparently Shaun was a gay teenager who was having trouble coping with harassment and a recently ended relationship. As he stood there, the crowd yelled things like "How far can you bounce?"

This ****ing disgusts me. That poor kid. More info/links here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/shaun-dykes?w=1

Actually, I was going to say that the police should've handled it better and maybe threaten/remove the people calling for the lad to jump.
Maybe it's not too late to do something.. Maybe they can introduce them to his parents to explain their actions...

The same type of person that would quite happily make fun of Amy Winehouse's depression and drug addiction, hopefully tipping her over the edge to get some kind of car crash sensationalism. Which brings me to... :DVery astute comment! I had to access myself over that one.

But remember I do not take any glee in her 'mess'. More I'm dismayed at her actions. She is lucky to have the life she does. She has fortune and power. Yes decides to slowly destroy herself seemingly almost in self pity.

I think my issue with her is she really has no excuse...

And also, if you are comparing things, I don't stand outside her house suggesting she kills herself either.

05-Oct-2008, 11:01 PM
I'm actually quite angry about this comment... Having found someone who threw themself off a parking lot, and sitting with them and trying to make them as comfortable as possible (as they lay in their own blood) until the police/ambulance turned up, it's very easy to detatch when typing at a keyboard. But the reality of it is, it's a human being - someones brother or sister, someone's child - that died.

Worse still they spend the last few minute of their life, when they probably most need someones support and a reason to stay alive, being heckled by absolte f***wits, with not a cell of compassion between them...

Most likely he was after attention!? Maybe he was on his last edge and just needed someone to give him a reason to stay alive and prove people could care about him... As it turned out, a group of people just slapped him in the face instead!

Very very sad state of affairs! Really makes you question the state of humanity...

Most of us should be aware that it's very iffy to throw oneself at the mercy of humanity when having issues. There are a few good people out there and LOTS of bad ones. I can't feel sorry for this kid if only because there were other options that he could've pursued if he really wanted help. Standing on a ledge and expecting a mob to play surrogate psychiatrist, social worker, loving parent, or understanding friend is overly idealistic given what merciless idiots people can be.

06-Oct-2008, 01:30 AM
Having found someone who threw themself off a parking lot, and sitting with them and trying to make them as comfortable as possible (as they lay in their own blood) until the police/ambulance turned up, it's very easy to detatch when typing at a keyboard. But the reality of it is, it's a human being - someones brother or sister, someone's child - that died.
It's very easy for me to detach myself given the various deaths and disasters that I have witnessed on the news which have had more impact and sadness than a single depressive attention seeker.

I mean, it's sad for the relatives and all that but if they were paying more attention to him then maybe he'd be alive now. :rolleyes:

Most likely he was after attention!? Maybe he was on his last edge and just needed someone to give him a reason to stay alive and prove people could care about him... As it turned out, a group of people just slapped him in the face instead!
I've seen many depressive 'episodes' in my life and most are about pity of some kind. Trained police negotiators spent THREE HOURS talking to him. He would've done it regardless of what the crowd were chanting.

As for the news report, I bet it's all blown out of proportion and was probably only a few chavs shouting "jump" and filming it with their cellphones.

Edit: Turns out I was correct, it was a minority of 'youths' who had gathered below that were cheering him on. He had been sitting on the roof for quite some time until they yelled things like "get on with it" and "how far can you bounce?"

When he threw himself off, some kids rushed to his body and started taking snaps (I agree, that is bad). Apparently he was devastated by a recent relationship break up and his headmaster even admitted "he had some personal issues."

<goes back to eating Pistachio ice cream>

06-Oct-2008, 01:46 AM
spending even an hour trying to "negotiate" with a suicidal person is bad. most people who commit suicide dont let the world know. they just do it with no fanfare. the others want attention and gratification and then at the end they are either swayed to or from death.

what they should do is get a sniper on a roof across from them and take em out with tranquilizers

06-Oct-2008, 02:02 AM
what they should do is get a sniper on a roof across from them and take em out with tranquilizers
Actually, that's not a bad idea, Ace.

06-Oct-2008, 02:21 AM
spending even an hour trying to "negotiate" with a suicidal person is bad.

Even if you talk them out of it,doesn't mean they won't try to kill themselves later on.

06-Oct-2008, 02:36 AM
Even if you talk them out of it,doesn't mean they won't try to kill themselves later on.

and? i dont need my tax dollars wasted for "5 hours of negotiation" i'd rather that guy off themselves in private

06-Oct-2008, 03:01 AM
I agree,why should we spend our tax money to try and save these people.If they want to kill themselves,I say let them.

06-Oct-2008, 04:19 AM
i agree,why should we spend our tax money to try and save these people.if they want to kill themselves,i say let them.


06-Oct-2008, 08:23 AM
Most of us should be aware that it's very iffy to throw oneself at the mercy of humanity when having issues. There are a few good people out there and LOTS of bad ones. I can't feel sorry for this kid if only because there were other options that he could've pursued if he really wanted help. Standing on a ledge and expecting a mob to play surrogate psychiatrist, social worker, loving parent, or understanding friend is overly idealistic given what merciless idiots people can be.

I suspect he was on a ledge simply because he was on the verge of killing himself. Can you imagine what brings you to that position? How utterly depressed you must be? I suspect considered logic thinking has long since be pushed aside and emotions are now governing your actions...

To then see a crown throwing a party at the prospect of the end of your life... Appalling!

I agree,why should we spend our tax money to try and save these people.If they want to kill themselves,I say let them.:stunned::rolleyes:

Ahh... The voice of internet reason...

Edit: Turns out I was correct, it was a minority of 'youths' who had gathered below that were cheering him on. He had been sitting on the roof for quite some time until they yelled things like "get on with it" and "how far can you bounce?"

When he threw himself off, some kids rushed to his body and started taking snaps (I agree, that is bad). Apparently he was devastated by a recent relationship break up and his headmaster even admitted "he had some personal issues."

Be it one or half a dozen, it's still one or half a dozen too many :( Something is wrong with them :(

06-Oct-2008, 12:06 PM
F*ck the people shouting for him to jump. Hopefully it will come back around to get them. But....that's the way of the world, so I can't say i'm that surprised or disgusted.

06-Oct-2008, 02:27 PM
I mean, it's sad for the relatives and all that but if they were paying more attention to him then maybe he'd be alive now.

True, others probably share in the blame, including the kid himself. But that doesn't mean that what the hecklers did was right. I hope someone identifies them and sues their pants off.

06-Oct-2008, 08:13 PM
I agree, it's not particularly nice or caring but hey, that's how it is!
What if the kid happened to have a gun? What if he'd decided to die in a more spectacular way and had a bomb strapped to himself? What if he'd decided to take a few people with him? It's difficult to make excuses for irresponsible social behavior under such circumstances.

06-Oct-2008, 08:57 PM
What if the kid happened to have a gun? What if he'd decided to die in a more spectacular way and had a bomb strapped to himself? What if he'd decided to take a few people with him? It's difficult to make excuses for irresponsible social behavior under such circumstances.

Huh? Wha?

He was a 17yr old kid in the middle of probably the middle of one the most difficult periods in his life + he had social/psychological issues... So he was on the edge of committing suicide and just possibly a kind word/action might have given in a second chance.

So, tell me it's not possible that the sight and sound of someone caring so little for your existance that they mockingly tell you to jump because they would rather be entertained by your death than see you live, might not depress you even further...

06-Oct-2008, 09:33 PM
So, tell me it's not possible that the sight and sound of someone caring so little for your existance that they mockingly tell you to jump because they would rather be entertained by your death than see you live, might not depress you even further...

I think he was agreeing with you, and also pointing out the possibility that taunting someone who is already suicidal like that could push them over the edge into becoming homicidal as well. Just another reason not to act like an inhuman bastard in these situations.

06-Oct-2008, 11:31 PM
I think he was agreeing with you, and also pointing out the possibility that taunting someone who is already suicidal like that could push them over the edge into becoming homicidal as well. Just another reason not to act like an inhuman bastard in these situations.
Correct. An in-law--a retired law enforcement officer and captain--recently committed suicide by jumping from an overpass into traffic. He only succeeded in killing himself, but what if his actions had killed one or more people, too? No doubt the unfortunate driver of the vehicle that hit him is scarred for life regardless.

It's against the law to incite a riot, to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. How is coaxing an emotionally-unstable individual to take their life any different? How is making excuses for the irresponsible behavior of a mob any less irresponsible?

07-Oct-2008, 07:48 AM
How is making excuses for the irresponsible behavior of a mob any less irresponsible?Well said!

07-Oct-2008, 11:36 AM
Personally, I think they should be charged and arrested. They should be ashamed of themselves.

07-Oct-2008, 11:52 AM
In the words of Bender:

"Do a flip!"

08-Oct-2008, 02:49 AM
Although I do agree that it is "ghoulish" to shout encouragement for someone to "jump" in a situation like this, it's also to be expected.

I remember an episode of "All in the Family" where Archie walked out on a window ledge to talk down a jumper while the crowd below chanted "Jump! Jump! Jump!" This was was a couple of decades ago, so the fact there there are such "hecklers" is nothing new.

My point is, if you're going to "put yourself out there" in your "time of greatest need", you need to plan for this. Not everyone is going to feel compassion for you and some, obviously, are going to see this as an opportunity to witness the event of a lifetime.

Should the hecklers be arrested? No, not unless they physically interfered with the police effort to get the fool off the roof. You don't suppress freedom of expression because some fool decided to share his desire to commit suicide with the general public.

Should they be be pitied? Probably so. Imagine have such a miserable life that you get enjoyment watching someone else take their own. Sad. Of course, some of them might have not figured that the kid was serious about his intent and, when he did jump, were shocked by the outcome. They will carry the shame of that with them for the rest of their lives.


darth los
08-Oct-2008, 02:56 AM
Should they be be pitied? Probably so. Imagine have such a miserable life that you get enjoyment watching someone else take their own. Sad. Of course, some of them might have not figured that the kid was serious about his intent and, when he did jump, were shocked by the outcome. They will carry the shame of that with them for the rest of their lives.


Let's see. That would mean that people are dense and insensitive. Man, who'd a thunk it? :confused:


08-Oct-2008, 04:26 AM
Are we still talking about this silly kid? :rolleyes:

08-Oct-2008, 05:08 PM
if i'd been there i would seriously have walked up to one of the chanting idiots & knocked seven shades of sh*t out of them!even saying "thats just the way things are" isnt a good enough excuse for the way they behaved

08-Oct-2008, 05:51 PM
On one hand:

If there was a big ol' guy, about to fight a skinny little kid, and the crowd urged him to "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" - would that make the crowd responsible for the ass-whipping that poor kid would get?


But on the other hand - sick bastards...they have that on their hands for a long time, I hope they feel it.

08-Oct-2008, 05:58 PM
On one hand:

If there was a big ol' guy, about to fight a skinny little kid, and the crowd urged him to "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" - would that make the crowd responsible for the ass-whipping that poor kid would get?

If there was a decent person among them someone in that crowd would intervene though!

darth los
08-Oct-2008, 06:02 PM
On one hand:

If there was a big ol' guy, about to fight a skinny little kid, and the crowd urged him to "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" - would that make the crowd responsible for the ass-whipping that poor kid would get?


But on the other hand - sick bastards...they have that on their hands for a long time, I hope they feel it.

No but scientific studies have proven time and again that a mob mentality contributes to and escalates situations to a level that they would not have reached otherwise.


08-Oct-2008, 09:13 PM
No but scientific studies have proven time and again that a mob mentality contributes to and escalates situations to a level that they would not have reached otherwise.


And it's called war isn't it? :)

09-Oct-2008, 07:18 AM
And it's called war isn't it? :)

or football....