View Full Version : So i finally watched a decent copy

08-Oct-2008, 10:58 AM
I missed diary in the cinema so had to watch a ****ty online handy cam recording. now i got the 2 disc metal tin version and had another looksee. right of the bat i prefer land but by the end i was unsure what t say. some lines are god awful, the kind of "we thought we were running from monsters, but what if we were the monsters" kind of cliche double standard cop-out lines. but there was also some really good stuff in there.
its like this for the entire movie, one minute your rolling your eyes the next your really enjoying it. like one minute youll go "damn , one guy had a heart attack and they cant find him", thats pretty creepy", the next youll go "why do they have this venomous hatred for the cameraman?

all in all its a good movie sometimes, a bad movie others. is, in one word, inconsistent. not a great movie, not a terrible movie.

rant away squires, rant away.;)

08-Oct-2008, 12:26 PM
i agree with you about the movie being inconsistent. i found that while i did (and continue to) enjoy diary, there are things about it i do find frustrating. the god aweful, pseudo-philosophical voice overs being the among the main offenders. i think what is said in them in blatantly obvious to anyone and contain no great revelations at all.

i would've found jason's behavior with the camera very frustrating if i were in a situation like that. frustrating to the point that i'd probably smash the thing into a million pieces while saying, "get your head in the game, dude, we are trying to survive here." i think his insistence on filming everything when he could've been helping in a more constructive way is what ticks folks off. the camera isn't "the thing", life is.

08-Oct-2008, 01:16 PM
I agree, if he wants to film aftermath or things that are going on when it is safe fine.

To film when people are in danger is not just "bad form" it is him failing to take appropriate action during a crisis to help those in need. There are laws against that in some states and it should e common sense ot all of us.

A baby is playing on a train track, the train is coming. You could film it with your handy cam or you could save the baby. Not a tough decision for ME to make anyway. There is a clear cut case of right and wrong here.

The cameraman is wrong, and as such an unsympathetic character to the viewer. Personally I would have read him the riot act, and if he did not start carrying his own weight smashed the camera.

I am sorry but people getting snacked on because you are playing news man does not sit well with me.

08-Oct-2008, 01:29 PM
Aye, definitely inconsistent throughout - at times frustrating, at other times balls-out fun (Amish dude, for example) - and aye, I prefer Land to Diary by quite a bit.

Ah the 2-disc tin edition, eh? There's a wicked documentary on the second disc about the making of Night, a bloody good watch so it is.

08-Oct-2008, 04:51 PM
I'd rather put pins in my testicles than watch this again.


08-Oct-2008, 05:26 PM
I missed diary in the cinema so had to watch a ****ty online handy cam recording.So you watched the handheld camera film from a copy taken from a handheld camera and watched it on a computer. There's something critical about this way of viewing it tied to the movie's message, but I just can't sort it all out. :p

09-Oct-2008, 02:40 PM
So you watched the handheld camera film from a copy taken from a handheld camera and watched it on a computer. There's something critical about this way of viewing it tied to the movie's message, but I just can't sort it all out. :p

to be honest it probably looked grittier...

09-Oct-2008, 08:03 PM
There's a wicked documentary on the second disc about the making of Night, a bloody good watch so it is.
It sure is, if your standards are low. :p

09-Oct-2008, 10:07 PM
It sure is, if your standards are low. :p
Quite agree, Dub. I mean, I did like some of the early insights into The Latent Image and stuff but the documentary overall was as flat as a pancake. And seeing Karl so frail and sad, did we need to see that?

10-Oct-2008, 10:48 PM
Quite agree, Dub. I mean, I did like some of the early insights into The Latent Image and stuff but the documentary overall was as flat as a pancake. And seeing Karl so frail and sad, did we need to see that?

i know what you mean, its like whenever stan lees on tv now, he really looks old, i mean i know its gonna happen, but i dont want to be consciously aware that ill have to live in a world were lee dont contribute to comics and romero dont make movies anymore.

*entire forum shudders in distain at the thought*