View Full Version : Depression: How to cope (Serious question)

06-May-2006, 08:41 AM
I need some advice... This is a serious question

I've been trying to cope with depression for a few months now and I'm finding it really hard to cope.. I've got no low self-esteem and barely any confidence...

If any of you feel like this sometimes, how do you cope with it?

06-May-2006, 09:04 AM
Go see a Doctor. I'm not being flip or anything... go see a Doctor.

06-May-2006, 10:56 AM
Hmmm ... you must have it kinda bad to be posting perhaps, so I duno if I've had it as bad as you are having it now. Anytime I've been depressed I've just stuck it out or found stuff to do to keep my mind off, hung around with friends as much as possible as well as talk to them as much as possible. First year Uni I was miserable as much as I was having fun, it was always up and down that year, but I found talking to my uni mates (albeit through MSN, that's the British way of tackling feelings damnit!), but seriously, that did help because they were feeling like I was or had done in the recent past.

I've found that my friends have been the biggest help in cheering me up, but personally I've just stuck it out and found as much stuff to do to take my mind off of it - or do something that makes you feel better. I took to buying DVDs personally.

As I said before, I'm sure I didn't have it as bad as you're having it now, so I'm not sure if I've been of any help.

I think everyone gets bummed out from time to time, I know I do - you feel like life isn't moving and you think 'will I ever make it?' (in your career of choice I mean), but again that's on the tamer side of things.

Hope I've been of some help...

06-May-2006, 11:06 AM
actually a lot of people in my family suffer from it, but im way to laid back....man.
heres some sage like advice, dont get stuck in the 9 to 5 rut ,wake,work,eat,tv,sleep, repeat till dead, if you want something in life no matter how small the chance may be ,then aim for it ,if you put your mind to it you can be rich and famous, or be a succesful artist, anything you want as long as you dont get bummed down, which is simple think, no matter how bad you got it theres allways those worse off than you, you could have debts and relationship problems ,but just stop what ever your doing and take a breath ,close your eyes and try to get a zen kinda focus, trust me it sounds stupid but thats how i pulled my latest gcse maths retake from a d up to a b+, swear to god.
and DONT get into a self pity rut when your knocked back by people and opportunitys you gotta be the biggest asshole in that sense, dont let things stop you from attaining your dreams, do you know how many people i know who wanted to work in television or be a reporter just to think "oh but it might be hard" and end up working at subway?, friggin lots thats how many,
my final piece of advice is this, chill out ,relax, if it can allways get worse then it can allways get better, i suggest trying your hand at writing its calming and gets the creative juices flowing in your life again.

and remember depression is a medical condition, one your mind and body CAN beat, allways remember that.:D

06-May-2006, 02:30 PM
I've had really bad depression, as have a lot of my family. It's hard to give advice about it, because what works for someone might not work for someone else. My general advice would be to definitely be talking to people about it. But remember that there's a fine line between working it out, and bringing everyone down. Find some close friends or family to talk to, because it's true, most people don't want to deal with it. It freaks them out, and they won't take it seriously. That's why, I believe, most people end up going to therapists. Not that there's anything wrong with that--but when you get into a doctors office, you have to be careful. You don't have to do every little thing they say. And, if I were you, use medications only as a last resort. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they're more trouble than they're worth. So, yeah...last resort.

So...yeah...talk to people, and use them as a sounding board. And let them know that that's exactly what you're doing. Tell them "I'm depressed and I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is, and why, so I can work from there. I just need some outside persceptive." Chances are, they'll be up for that much. And believe me, it's REALLY helpful. Furthermore, like I just said...try to figure out the cause, because not knowing and feeling like it's all over nothing is the worst. And just because you can't pinpoint it, doesn't mean there's no reason. It will very likely not be the obvious, and may very well be something you might otherwise consider small or no big deal.

As for the bouts with the lows--I'm afraid the best advice I have is to wait it out. That's all I've been able to do. After so many years, you become familiar with it, and you come to expect certain things. For me, it could last hours, days, weeks, or even months, and I never know what's it's going to be. The one thing I do know is that at SOME point, it breaks and the skies clear again. And that's what carries me through...all I have to do is out-wait it--and I always do. :)

I hope some of this helps. And I wish you lots of luck. We are amazing creatures and we're incredibly resilient--I do believe that if we try and we're allow ourselves to use the right tools (it's hard with mental illness, because it's so stigmatized), we can work out alot inside our heads ourselves, with a minimum of outside interference.

Lots of luck!

06-May-2006, 02:47 PM
thats some damn smart stuff there.

06-May-2006, 03:30 PM
I had a big problem with it last year,unfortunately & ashamedly mainly brought on by taking class A drugs at large dance events (ecstasy & amphetamines),but prior to that i'd had bouts of it through my life as well.I was at such a low point and felt like i'd lost control of my mind as i had OCD thoughts as well as the depression,and i thought because of what i'd been taking i wasnt going to get better from it.Anyway i saw a psychologist and had regular fortnightly meetings with her up until the beginning of this year which helped a lot,as i could let all my crazy thoughts out to someone who understood what its like,& i was also put on citalopram which is an SSRI anti-depressent last june,which im just coming off now!im 110% better now and feel great!my confidence is back up & i dont feel like a stranger in my own mind anymore.Remember depression isnt a sign of weakness or anything,its just a chemical imbalance of serotonin,which can be caused by stress,drugs,drink etc.Have you tried 5HTP supplements?they are supposed to help a lot!im going to get a supply in,just in case i feel myself dropping again in the future.Good luck with whatever treatment you go for,you will get better,just dont try to do it on your own til you've got the right methods of dealing with it in place (cognitive behaviour therapy)

06-May-2006, 03:48 PM
actually it appears youve got advice from either sid eof the spectrum, one with willpower one with medication.

you just got to go with what goes right for you man.

i gotta say this is a little unnerving as some of you are only about 3 years my senior.

06-May-2006, 04:03 PM
the forums care for you and wish you well, hope you get better

06-May-2006, 06:40 PM
I suffer from depression too. I'm in recovery for drugs and alcohol(been clean since august 16th 2004) and over a year ago I talked to my dr and he prescribed me prozac and it has worked wonders for me. Now granted alot of my depression has had to do with chemical abuse. Anti depressants and their results vary from person to person though. Talk to your health care provider and see what he or she can do. Also, something that we in recovery do alot, write about it and talk about whatever seems to be bothering you. Once you get it out there you can start to deal with it. Try keeping a journal of your feelings and whatever it is that may be troubling you. Something else that I highly recommend to help you keep balance is to make a list of things that you are grateful for or the positive aspects of your life. Email me or drop me a private message if ya feel the need to.

06-May-2006, 06:50 PM
Well...I suffer from depression as well..hell, even right now I am currently going through it (had it for years, but it recently started to over-power me) and I've gotta say, tehre is no sure way to cure it. Beleive me. It is a medical conditions, and right now i'm on some medications to help with it (I was on effexor XR but it wasn't working, now i'm on paradoxine or something and trazadone for anxiety)
The best advice I can give is to lean on your friends for support, and see them...talk to them. They care about you alot, and I know for a fact that depression can make you do some stupid things..some really stupid things..I tryed to commit suicide man because of it...
Actually, the best advice I can give is to seek help..seriusly, if you leave it untreated, you may end up wanting to commit suicide..believe me, go for help now!

for the self esteem..heres a good thing to do.

Write down one good thing someone has said about you, and keep a list of it. Add stuff that others have said, and that you like about yourself. Add one or two things to this each and every day you can.

It helps alot, because you start to realize just how many good things are inside you, and how many people care about you. Good luck!! If you need to talk don't be afraid to PM me allright...I know what your going through

07-May-2006, 03:01 AM
I need some advice... This is a serious question

I've been trying to cope with depression for a few months now and I'm finding it really hard to cope.. I've got no low self-esteem and barely any confidence...

If any of you feel like this sometimes, how do you cope with it?

I been experiencing this a lot myself. What I do is pray. I try to think about the positive and try not to dwell on the negative. Also try thinking about all the friends in your life that care about you. I know you had a very difficult two weeks but it will get better.:D You are a very good person, better then most people here I think. If I can help cheer you up in any way let me know. Take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-May-2006, 08:29 AM
Just a Little Update...

I woke up this morning (I wish I didn't) and I still feel crap... It really does feel like my life is on a downward spiral.

I wish I hadn't posted the original post on here... I feel bad about doing it and worrying you guys... I consider you all friends, But I really needed some advice...

Thanks... I'll try to stick around for as long as I can...

07-May-2006, 10:13 AM
Just a Little Update...

I woke up this morning (I wish I didn't) and I still feel crap... It really does feel like my life is on a downward spiral.

I wish I hadn't posted the original post on here... I feel bad about doing it and worrying you guys... I consider you all friends, But I really needed some advice...

Thanks... I'll try to stick around for as long as I can...

It is ok. Do not be embarrassed. I think everyone likes you here, and I am sure one of the mods can delete the thread if you want them too.

07-May-2006, 02:32 PM
Here's what worked for me:
For a long time I kept company with people that were as miserable as I was (which kept me down) - The meds turned me into a zombie so I stopped taking those.
I stopped hanging around people that were constantly looking for a pity party and whining about "how bad their life is" or "how lonely they are" - all that did was keep me at the "depression level".
I made a list of things that got me down and one by one stopped doing it, drinking it, complaining about it, watching it, etc. As I stopped one thing, I'd find a "positive replacement" - artwork, photography, different friends (there were a couple I had to force to leave me alone and one that still wont; she even continues to play the false rumor game to make her pathetic, lonely life seem a little better than it is, but hey...)
When you really think about it, Life isn't all that bad - if you choose your path wisely and don't get caught up in the negative.

peace and I wish you well,


07-May-2006, 04:15 PM
i know what you are going thru

i am not even going to tell you what my life was like
cuz quite frankly i dont think you would believe it

there are 3 keys

therapy-either you talk to a professional or someone else

medication-sometimes it is not depression but an anxiety disorder
they are both misdiagnosed often and the symptoms are very very close
so see a doctor but dont expect the first meds they put you on to work
it is a process towards a very valuable goal

reasons-there are some reasons why you feel down. i had to face my inner demons and that was harder than taking a pill. i used to laugh when i made the therapist stutter or gasp but then i realised how out of control i let myself become. look down inside yourself and when you feel bad try to find the reason for it. it is not easy, but it can be done

if i ever told you the stuff i did you would feel a lot better about yourself

there is help available
of that there is no doubt

the hardest part is to go out and get it
thats what you have to do

everything else will fall into place

if you want gory details to show you what a life of hell is like
PM me and ill give you some details

here are the facts
people care about you
there is help
others have done it you can too

i know it seems dark but it doesnt always have to be
keep us posted

07-May-2006, 05:21 PM
i know what you are going thru

i am not even going to tell you what my life was like
cuz quite frankly i dont think you would believe it

Ya, if I mentioned the key elements that drove me over the edge, you'd think Hell would be a nice place for a vacation.
The main one; 4 years ago, I was driving behind my fiance when I saw a drunk driver smash into her car, throwing her through the windshield and splattering her against a brick wall. All I remember is scooping her up and screaming like a panicked woman. I'd known her for 10 years. I still have nightmares, but that's about it. Even something as Hellishly tragic as that can be overcome and one can still see the beauty of the rest of the world and one's own life.

You're right about the therapy....if it wasn't for one man I spoke with I would have blown my head off.

Depression is a tricky b*tch. You just have to be smarter than the symptoms.

07-May-2006, 10:51 PM
Just a Little Update...

I woke up this morning (I wish I didn't) and I still feel crap... It really does feel like my life is on a downward spiral.

I wish I hadn't posted the original post on here... I feel bad about doing it and worrying you guys... I consider you all friends, But I really needed some advice...

Thanks... I'll try to stick around for as long as I can...

There's nothing wrong or weak with asking for advice and there is certainly nothing wrong with asking for help with depression. Life will balance itself out. The trick is just trying to keep yourself motivated and busy. The less time you have for your mind to start to wander the better!

07-May-2006, 10:59 PM
Life will balance itself out. The trick is just trying to keep yourself motivated and busy. The less time you have for your mind to start to wander the better!

08-May-2006, 12:41 AM
Just a Little Update...

I woke up this morning (I wish I didn't) and I still feel crap... It really does feel like my life is on a downward spiral.

I wish I hadn't posted the original post on here... I feel bad about doing it and worrying you guys... I consider you all friends, But I really needed some advice...

Thanks... I'll try to stick around for as long as I can...

I feel for you man I really do......

I dont know if what I suffer from is depression or not...but I get these intense panic attacks .... And the thoughts spiral and intensify feeding themselves.... Ill get short of breath, my heart will race, Ill feel like Im dying...

Its really the most horrible experience ever....

So I realize this probally isnt the samething your going through
But I think theres something you can do to help that kindof helps me make it through the day without wearing a straight jacket....

Im a very introverted person...and I find that I do not have the ability to have these attacks the more social I am....

So I play inline hockey and this really helps me....shooting the **** with a bunch of people (even though they probally think Im a lunatic) and physical activity ....

I play in three leagues and play three times a week and go to pick up twice a week and Im the least padded person in the league....and I dont wear a face mask....getting hurt helps.....

kindof makes me be right in that moment instead of drifting off into horrible reality... :skull:

So my advice is to find something that other humans are involved with and do it regularly....

Its not going to cure it or anything....but relief even if temporary feels fantastic....

08-May-2006, 02:01 AM
God Tom that is a horrible thing to have happen

it is good you were able to get thru that
a similar thing happened to my friend and he couldnt take it
she was his whole world
so he got on the north bound highway going south and rammed into a truck
the impact was at about 125mph
they found his shoes some 500 yards from the crash site
he couldnt take it
i am glad you had more strength than he did

and as far as aniexty and depression go
they were treating me for years with every kind of
anti depressant there was
none of it worked
finally they realised i was having panic attacks that left me feeling
completed drained
so they put me on mega doses of valium
that finally stopped the worst of it
now i have tons of valium at my disposal but only take it when i need
it not all the time

i have been in every nut house, drug rehab and jail in the area
over the years
it boggles the mind what can happen to someone in life

so i say dont give up
there is hope

08-May-2006, 02:09 AM
God Tom that is a horrible thing to have happen

it is good you were able to get thru that

I still get "weird" on occasion, but, the thing that keeps me sane is; I know there are only a few things that can drive a man mad compared to the countless things that can keep a man sane.

I think Cyk will be fine as he sees there are all of us here (who seem to all have had "issues" with the big Depression & Anxiety) as well as those friends he has AFK to help him through the tough times.

08-May-2006, 02:13 AM
God Tom that is a horrible thing to have happen

it is good you were able to get thru that
a similar thing happened to my friend and he couldnt take it
she was his whole world
so he got on the north bound highway going south and rammed into a truck
the impact was at about 125mph
they found his shoes some 500 yards from the crash site
he couldnt take it
i am glad you had more strength than he did

and as far as aniexty and depression go
they were treating me for years with every kind of
anti depressant there was
none of it worked
finally they realised i was having panic attacks that left me feeling
completed drained
so they put me on mega doses of valium
that finally stopped the worst of it
now i have tons of valium at my disposal but only take it when i need
it not all the time

i have been in every nut house, drug rehab and jail in the area
over the years
it boggles the mind what can happen to someone in life

so i say dont give up
there is hope

Sounds like you been threw a lot as well. A death of a loved one has to be the hardest thing to deal with. My cousin who was like my best friend/brother commited suicide. He was the only real family I was close too. This happened when I was 13. It messed me up for years and I myself became suicidal. What was hard is no noe knew why. He did not leave a note or anything. He went home after school and shot himself with his fathers gun. I never felt so lost in my life as I did that day.

08-May-2006, 03:47 AM
Ya, if I mentioned the key elements that drove me over the edge, you'd think Hell would be a nice place for a vacation.
The main one; 4 years ago, I was driving behind my fiance when I saw a drunk driver smash into her car, throwing her through the windshield and splattering her against a brick wall. All I remember is scooping her up and screaming like a panicked woman. I'd known her for 10 years. I still have nightmares, but that's about it. Even something as Hellishly tragic as that can be overcome and one can still see the beauty of the rest of the world and one's own life.

Was this an attempt to make him feel better?


08-May-2006, 03:51 AM
Was this an attempt to make him feel better?

did you see this? ---> "Even something as Hellishly tragic as that can be overcome and one can still see the beauty of the rest of the world and one's own life." Brainiac.
Damn dude. The point was/is....If I can get over something like this, anyone can get over their own issues. Your blathering helps no-one.

08-May-2006, 04:02 AM
did you see this? ---> "Even something as Hellishly tragic as that can be overcome and one can still see the beauty of the rest of the world and one's own life." Brainiac.
Damn dude. The point was/is....If I can get over something like this, anyone can get over their own issues. Your blathering helps no-one.

Well, you seemed to take a problem that was his and turn it into your own. The discussion wasn't about you and your problems.


And yeah, I saw it, but I was so flabbergasted by your utter lack of compassion and concern about another human being that it went right over my head.


08-May-2006, 04:07 AM
Well, you seemed to take a problem that was his and turn it into your own. The discussion wasn't about you and your problems.


And yeah, I saw it, but I was so flabbergasted by your utter lack of compassion and concern about another human being that it went right over my head.

No. You're picking on me because you don't like me....that's fine. I could care less. There are others here that gave examples of what they'd gone through. Go flame somewhere else.

I'm done with you....again. Ignored from now on.

08-May-2006, 04:09 AM
No. You're picking on me because you don't like me....that's fine. I could care less. There are others here that gave examples of what they'd gone through. Go flame somewhere else.

I'm done with you....again. Ignored from now on.

I'm heartbroken.


Good luck Cykotic. There are those of here that support you, although a webpage is the last place I would look for advice. See a licensed therapist.

08-May-2006, 04:51 AM
Well, you seemed to take a problem that was his and turn it into your own. The discussion wasn't about you and your problems.


And yeah, I saw it, but I was so flabbergasted by your utter lack of compassion and concern about another human being that it went right over my head.


I don't see how adrenochrome was trying to turn this into a discussion about his problems. He was just stating something tragic that he went through and how he is able still live his life today. And yes tragedy can be overcome. I don't think that what I have gone through in my life is any worse or any less than what every other man,woman,child,rock,dog, goldfish, etc. has gone through. Problems are problems and pain is pain. It's what you do with them and it's what you learn from the whole experience that counts.

08-May-2006, 07:09 AM
Hey guys....

I'm really trying to hold it together right now, but it's tough... I'm trying though...

Thanks for all of your comments. I really appreiciate it (Damn my spelling to hell!!!)

08-May-2006, 12:22 PM
Keep trying! Thats all you or anyone can do when going through the hard times. Just try to keep yourself busy like I stated in an earlier post. If ya don't feel like going out and socializing just pop on Dawn of the Dead(1978 as if I need to say it!) and chill out for a bit. Try keeping a journal of your thoughts too and write about the things that are bothering you. I stated earlier that I am in recovery for drugs and alcohol and writing about it has helped me tremendously! I've been clean for about 20 months now and part of that I attribute to writing. Just keep trying! If ya need to vent send me a pm or an email @ mjk113876@aol.com. My names Matt by the way

08-May-2006, 04:16 PM
hang in there cyotic
i meant what i said in the PM
you will make it thru

and tom was simply showing that you can get over even the
worst of situations

that nothing no matter how bad is an excuse to give up
surely others can see past their dislike for him to realise that

dont turn this serious thread into a flame
it is beyond disgusting to do that

and HLS i am sorry about what happened
not knowing things makes it harder
cuz you think maybe you could have done something....

08-May-2006, 05:26 PM
hang in there cyotic
i meant what i said in the PM
you will make it thru

and tom was simply showing that you can get over even the
worst of situations

that nothing no matter how bad is an excuse to give up
surely others can see past their dislike for him to realise that

dont turn this serious thread into a flame
it is beyond disgusting to do that

and HLS i am sorry about what happened
not knowing things makes it harder
cuz you think maybe you could have done something....

I been aware of Toms situation and I admire his strength to get threw it. Life is very hard. Everyone has their problems. Life is never perfect. I spoke to Cykotic this morning and he is doing better. He is a very nice guy. I am sure everyones feedback has lifted up his spirits.


17-May-2006, 04:00 PM
It's been a while since I last posted in this topic... so here's a little update!

I've been feeling a lot better thanks to members of this site (They Know who they are!!)...

Just thought I would share....

HPOTD 4ever!!!

17-May-2006, 04:52 PM
I don't see how adrenochrome was trying to turn this into a discussion about his problems. He was just stating something tragic that he went through and how he is able still live his life today. And yes tragedy can be overcome. I don't think that what I have gone through in my life is any worse or any less than what every other man,woman,child,rock,dog, goldfish, etc. has gone through. Problems are problems and pain is pain. It's what you do with them and it's what you learn from the whole experience that counts.

He wasn't, I viewed it as a constructive example of what can happen to someone to cause depression and how they worked their way out of it.

deadwrtr is an AZZ who has a complex with Adrenochrome. I think he has a crush on him, because it is almost as if he follows Andro around these boards and looks for something to bash him on.

I am know I ma going to get bashed for this one, (phuck all ya'll) but I am going to offer it up anyway.

I have suffered depression for years as well. None of the zombie indusing drugs the drs have ever put me on worked so now I "self-medicate" if you will.

I get up a 5:00 every morning and stretch, walk/run for 45 mintues on my treadmill, and every night (almost) I sit back, alone, in a dim lit room with a choice of music (it varies) and have a nice fat spliff of some indica cannabis.

One day cannabis will put all the anti-dep drugs out of business!

Flame away beeaatches!

17-May-2006, 04:55 PM
One day cannabis will put all the anti-dep drugs out of business!

Flame away beeaatches!

Haha....very true. All you need is some bud and music that interests you.

Learning to play an instrument is also very helpful.

"music is what I need to keep my sanity"

17-May-2006, 05:48 PM
Flame away beeaatches!
To start, Glad to see you're doing well Cyk!

Now, on to other things...
Flaming!........and not in the "old troll Queen" since.
I'm a firm believer in "self medication" (and therapy), as well, my friend. As far as deadwrtr is concerened.....bah....he's just lonely....so, I shall sing him a song....

Ladies and Gentlezombies, I give you "Only The Lonely" by Roy Orbison -

Only the lonely

Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah)
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know this feelin’ ain’t right (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)

There goes my deadwrtr
There goes my heart
They’re gone forever
So far apart

But only the lonely
Know why
I cry
Only the lonely

Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Know the heartaches I’ve been through
Only the lonely
Know I cried and cried for you

Maybe tomorrow
A new romance
No more sorrow
But that’s the chance - you gotta take
If your lonely heart breaks
Only the lonely


17-May-2006, 06:03 PM
To start, Glad to see you're doing well Cyk!

Now, on to other things...
Flaming!........and not in the "old troll Queen" since.
I'm a firm believer in "self medication" (and therapy), as well, my friend. As far as deadwrtr is concerened.....bah....he's just lonely....so, I shall sing him a song....

Ladies and Gentlezombies, I give you "Only The Lonely" by Roy Orbison -

Only the lonely

Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah)
Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)
Know this feelin’ ain’t right (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah)

There goes my deadwrtr
There goes my heart
They’re gone forever
So far apart

But only the lonely
Know why
I cry
Only the lonely

Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Know the heartaches I’ve been through
Only the lonely
Know I cried and cried for you

Maybe tomorrow
A new romance
No more sorrow
But that’s the chance - you gotta take
If your lonely heart breaks
Only the lonely


I think I just felt a single tear stream down my cheek!

You have quite the beautiful singing voice Adreno, you better watch the singing, you're only going to strengthen that crush!

17-May-2006, 06:15 PM
I think I just felt a single tear stream down my cheek!

You have quite the beautiful singing voice Adreno, you better watch the singing, you're only going to strengthen that crush!
**blushes and pulls down his skirt**

Well, see........I posted that and got to thinkin'........"oldies"

Then, into my head popped......

I Wish - by Stevie Wonder --- (the "sneak up" with the drums.....classic)
So, I downloaded it.
At one time Stevie Wonder put out some El Kick Ass-io songs! (gosh, hope I didn't offend anyone with my faux Spanish)

lyrics (duh, obviously) -- I suggest cranking it if ya got it! (and dance as it plays)

Looking back on when I
Was a little nappy headed boy
Then my only worry
Was for Christmas what would be my toy
Even though we sometimes
Would not get a thing
We were happy with the
Joy the day would bring

Sneaking out the back door
To hang out with those hoodlum friends of mine
Greeted at the back door
With "boy thought I told you not to go outside,"
Tryin' your best to bring the
Water to your eyes
Thinkin' it might stop her
From woopin' your behind

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
Cause I love them so

Brother says he's tellin'
'Bout you playin' doctor with that girl
Just don't tell I'll give you
Anything you want in this whole wide world
Mama gives you money for Sunday school
You trade yours for candy after church is through

Smokin' cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall (you nasty boy)
Teacher sends you to the principal's office down the hall
You grow up and learn that kinda thing ain't right
But while you were doin'it-it sure felt outta sight

I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go
I wish those days could come back once more
Why did those days ev-er have to go

17-May-2006, 06:29 PM
I think I just felt a single tear stream down my cheek!

You have quite the beautiful singing voice Adreno, you better watch the singing, you're only going to strengthen that crush!

Who has the crush? I have never complimented on his singing... you, however... hmmm...

17-May-2006, 06:37 PM
Quite the beautiful singing voice? What a compliment! Adreno must be swooning about now! You're not gay, right? :sneaky: Anyone who lusts after Adrenowarts' attention like you've done over and over wants something.

You seem to enjoy performing fellatio on Adrenochrome. You say I have a crush on him? Frankly, washed up old has beens with no creative talent or originality seem to be your particular brand of Earl Grey. So drink up!

LOL......wow.........I'm tellin' ya........this niggah got me trippin! (I can say "niggah" because I'm a "card carrying N-G-Dawg -- my chicka is a darkie....*She made me type that**)
Dude. You really need to stop and think.

funny how I'm ignored and sh*t, mutha fu*a p*r**t as*, mu*ha *ucker! Yet you still se my sh*t.....want a date? **twirls the feather cap in my hand***

17-May-2006, 06:39 PM
LOL......wow.........I'm tellin' ya........this niggah got me trippin! (I can say "niggah" because I'm a "card carrying N-G-Dawg -- my chicka is a darkie....*She made me type that**)
Dude. You really need to stop and think.

Words to live by... words to live by.


17-May-2006, 06:43 PM
Words to live by... words to live by.

you had me at "words".
**falls in your lap Bette Davishly**

17-May-2006, 06:44 PM
Who has the crush? I have never complimented on his singing... you, however... hmmm...

As hard as that may have been for your feeble mind to grasp, it was a sarcastic joke. OBVIOUSLY we can't actually HEAR Adreno's voice over a freakin message board genius!

BTW: Why did you puss out on the original post?

and the fact that I reply to some of Adreno's postings means absolutely nothing considering that there are about 100 (give or take 1000) folks on here that I also reply to, HOWEVER, it does seem like ever time YOU come into a topic that Andreno has posted to, you feel compelled to say something nasty to him, usually unprovoked!

I ain't the only one round these parts that see you doing it either!

now, in the infamous words of YOUR beloved andrenochrome:

"shoo, go play!"

17-May-2006, 06:51 PM
As hard as that may have been for your feeble mind to grasp, it was a sarcastic joke. OBVIOUSLY we can't actually HEAR Adreno's voice over a freakin message board genius!

BTW: Why did you puss out on the original post?

Well, in retrospect, I decided you weren't worthy of that long of a message. So, I trimmed it down, cutting out the big words so you wouldn't get all confused and have to ask Adreno to help you understand. After all, your name is dmbfanintn. Just trying to be helpful.

and the fact that I reply to some of Adreno's postings means absolutely nothing considering that there are about 100 (give or take 1000) folks on here that I also reply to, HOWEVER, it does seem like ever time YOU come into a topic that Andreno has posted to, you feel compelled to say something nasty to him, usually unprovoked!

You sound pretty defensive there... you haven't come out to your parents yet, I take it?

I ain't the only one round these parts that see you doing it either!

now, in the infamous words of YOUR beloved andrenochrome:

"shoo, go play!"

Yeah, those sure are words to live by. I had put Adreno on ignore and just wasn't going to respond to any more of his troll posts, but imagine my surprise finding my name mentioned in a message "you" quoted from your darling Adrenochrome, in some lame, sarcastic attempt to do .. who the hell knows? I guess I'm just not strong enough to ignore both of you idiots completely.

One more clue: Now you're using his words? Imitation is the highest form of flattery... but you know that, don't you?

17-May-2006, 06:59 PM
Well, in retrospect, I decided you weren't worthy of that long of a message. So, I trimmed it down, cutting out the big words so you wouldn't get all confused and have to ask Adreno to help you understand. After all, your name is dmbfanintn. Just trying to be helpful.

You sound pretty defensive there... you haven't come out to your parents yet, I take it?

Yeah, those sure are words to live by. I had put Adreno on ignore and just wasn't going to respond to any more of his troll posts, but imagine my surprise finding my name mentioned in a message "you" quoted from your darling Adrenochrome, in some lame, sarcastic attempt to do .. who the hell knows? I guess I'm just not strong enough to ignore both of you idiots completely.

One more clue: Now you're using his words? Imitation is the highest form of flattery... but you know that, don't you?

WOW. You ARE an idiot.

17-May-2006, 07:00 PM
Well, in retrospect, I decided you weren't worthy of that long of a message. So, I trimmed it down, cutting out the big words so you wouldn't get all confused and have to ask Adreno to help you understand. After all, your name is dmbfanintn. Just trying to be helpful.

You sound pretty defensive there... you haven't come out to your parents yet, I take it?

Yeah, those sure are words to live by. I had put Adreno on ignore and just wasn't going to respond to any more of his troll posts, but imagine my surprise finding my name mentioned in a message "you" quoted from your darling Adrenochrome, in some lame, sarcastic attempt to do .. who the hell knows? I guess I'm just not strong enough to ignore both of you idiots completely.

One more clue: Now you're using his words? Imitation is the highest form of flattery... but you know that, don't you?

Oh deadwrtr, thank you so much for the kind words, I think my crush for Adreno has now subsided and I believe I am starting to feel quite the affection for you.

I don't know, maybe it is your witty use of prose, or your uncanny ability to just say the right thing at the right time! I tell ya, reading people's typed messages does get me all hot and bothered, and YOUR messages simply have the strongest effect on me!

I feel as though I must now follow you faithfully, rather than Adreno, now, due to this overwhelming draw I have to you.

Please don't close me out lover, please!!!!!

17-May-2006, 07:03 PM
Oh deadwrtr, thank you so much for the kind words, I think my crush for Adreno has now subsided and I believe I am starting to feel quite the affection for you.

I don't know, maybe it is your witty use of prose, or your uncanny ability to just say the right thing at the right time! I tell ya, reading people's typed messages does get me all hot and bothered, and YOUR messages simply have the strongest effect on me!

I feel as though I must now follow you faithfully, rather than Adreno, now, due to this overwhelming draw I have to you.

Please don't close me out lover, please!!!!!
dmbfanintn, no no no (insert more "no's" if need be) please no no no please no no no........um,....no.......(more no's will cost you.......you bitch!)

17-May-2006, 07:10 PM
Well, in retrospect, I decided you weren't worthy of that long of a message. So, I trimmed it down, cutting out the big words so you wouldn't get all confused and have to ask Adreno to help you understand. After all, your name is dmbfanintn. Just trying to be helpful.

Seriously, all flaming aside, could you please explain what you mean by this? It makes no sense to me. How could a screenname determine my ability to understand big words and such?

In case your wondering:

dmb = Dave Matthews Band
fan = fan
in = in
tn = Tennessee

that seems pretty simple and straighforward to me??????? It certainly doesn't say "OK everyone who posts to me, since my screename is dmbfanintn then you have to use little words so I can understand.

Please explain!!

17-May-2006, 07:10 PM
Oh deadwrtr, thank you so much for the kind words, I think my crush for Adreno has now subsided and I believe I am starting to feel quite the affection for you.

I don't know, maybe it is your witty use of prose, or your uncanny ability to just say the right thing at the right time! I tell ya, reading people's typed messages does get me all hot and bothered, and YOUR messages simply have the strongest effect on me!

I feel as though I must now follow you faithfully, rather than Adreno, now, due to this overwhelming draw I have to you.

Please don't close me out lover, please!!!!!

I get that a lot. It's okay. I think you better let Adreno down gently though. Now that you're my b*tch, he's all alone.


Seriously, all flaming aside, could you please explain what you mean by this? It makes no sense to me. How could a screenname determine my ability to understand big words and such?

In case your wondering:

dmb = Dave Matthews Band
fan = fan
in = in
tn = Tennessee

that seems pretty simple and straighforward to me??????? It certainly doesn't say "OK everyone who posts to me, since my screename is dmbfanintn then you have to use little words so I can understand.

Please explain!!

okay, since you asked.

dmb = dumb (sorry, it seemed obvious)

I figured you a fan of Adreno. Sorry to have misunderstood.


17-May-2006, 07:17 PM
okay, since you asked.

dmb = dumb (sorry, it seemed obvious)

I'm sorry but I just have to ask.....how can someone be a fan of "dumb"?:rockbrow:


17-May-2006, 07:17 PM
I get that a lot. It's okay. I think you better let Adreno down gently though. Now that you're my b*tch, he's all alone.

Yes massa, yes massa, I now be yo beetch! Adren-who? You is all mine baby! Where you gonna pimp me out first?


okay, since you asked.

dmb = dumb (sorry, it seemed obvious)

I figured you a fan of Adreno. Sorry to have misunderstood.


It's OK only us dumbasses tennessee rednecks git it! Chuckle chuckle!

17-May-2006, 07:20 PM
Yes massa, yes massa, I now be yo beetch! Adren-who? You is all mine baby! Where you gonna pimp me out first?


Enough with the massa stuff. A simple sir is good enough. Damn! Your training is going to have to start all over again, now that Adreno has screwed things up so badly.

It's OK only us dumbasses tennessee rednecks git it! Chuckle chuckle!

Hey, it's your name. Be proud.

I'm sorry but I just have to ask.....how can someone be a fan of "dumb"?:rockbrow:


Don't ask me. Ask dmbfan in tn. It's his name.

17-May-2006, 07:27 PM
Enough with the massa stuff. A simple sir is good enough. Damn! Your training is going to have to start all over again, now that Adreno has screwed things up so badly.

Hey, it's your name. Be proud.

Don't ask me. Ask dmbfan in tn. It's his name.

Dear Massa Deadwrtr,

I am writing you this to express mt deep regret that I must resign my position as "yo beeatch" unfortunately the pay progression has not been up to what we agreed upon during the interview process. In addition to that, I was promised 2 weeks of vaction a year of which I have recieved none.

In addition to this, you promised at the time of acceptance that you would provide me with adequate sexual pleasure how and when I requested it. to this point you have been unable to perform up to standard!

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of my intentions. In addition to my resignation, I will also no longer be participating in this particular topic of discussion, I have heard all I need to hear from you.

I look forward to flaming with you in the future over a different topic, and I wish you the best of luck in your continued search for a beeatch!

Best Regards,

Dumb Fan In Tin-uh-see


That's right phuckas:


17-May-2006, 07:40 PM
Dear Massa Deadwrtr,

I am writing you this to express mt deep regret that I must resign my position as "yo beeatch" unfortunately the pay progression has not been up to what we agreed upon during the interview process. In addition to that, I was promised 2 weeks of vaction a year of which I have recieved none.

In addition to this, you promised at the time of acceptance that you would provide me with adequate sexual pleasure how and when I requested it. to this point you have been unable to perform up to standard!

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of my intentions. In addition to my resignation, I will also no longer be participating in this particular topic of discussion, I have heard all I need to hear from you.

I look forward to flaming with you in the future over a different topic, and I wish you the best of luck in your continued search for a beeatch!

Best Regards,

Dumb Fan In Tin-uh-see

Damn! That was the shortest relationship I've never had! It never would have worked. I prefer someone with some staying power. You have none.

As for flaming me, kid, better than you have tried and failed. Just ask Adreno!

This letter you speak of... I never wrote one. Adreno may have. Is it possible you have gotten confused again?

As a friend, I have to tell you. You are doing a great dis-service to the good people of TN. You seem to be in the shallow end of the "smarts" pool. Take care you don't drown.

Are we done now? Can you and your man Adreno crawl back under whatever rock you oozed out from?

Best wishes and chocolate kisses,


ps: (that means post script, and generally comes at the end of a discourse) dead=interest in zombies

Just in case you didn't get it.

17-May-2006, 07:54 PM
Damn! That was the shortest relationship I've never had! It never would have worked. I prefer someone with some staying power. You have none.

As for flaming me, kid, better than you have tried and failed. Just ask Adreno!

This letter you speak of... I never wrote one. Adreno may have. Is it possible you have gotten confused again?

As a friend, I have to tell you. You are doing a great dis-service to the good people of TN. You seem to be in the shallow end of the "smarts" pool. Take care you don't drown.

Are we done now? Can you and your man Adreno crawl back under whatever rock you oozed out from?

Best wishes and chocolate kisses,


ps: (that means post script, and generally comes at the end of a discourse) dead=interest in zombies

Just in case you didn't get it.

wow......i just don't get it.

17-May-2006, 07:56 PM
wow......i just don't get it.

I'm not surprised.

17-May-2006, 07:59 PM
I'm not surprised.
Read all of your posts. That should solve your problem. (but, gosh, I'm ignored....I guess I'm talking to air).
I'm amazed at how horribly lonesome you are.

17-May-2006, 08:02 PM
Damn! That was the shortest relationship I've never had! It never would have worked. I prefer someone with some staying power. You have none.

OK, I used a "sexually inadequate" reference first, you can't copy me!

As for flaming me, kid, better than you have tried and failed. Just ask Adreno!

I am no kid, and am willing to bet that I am older than you, have been married longer than you, and have more children than you. I also bet that I make more money than you and have been in my career longer, ALSO, I bet my degree is higher that yours.

This letter you speak of... I never wrote one. Adreno may have. Is it possible you have gotten confused again?

You are the one that is confused, show me where in my post I reference a letter from you!

As a friend, I have to tell you. You are doing a great dis-service to the good people of TN. You seem to be in the shallow end of the "smarts" pool. Take care you don't drown.

a. We are not friends

b. One of the nice things about being a Tennessean is that we DO have a sense of humor and we see how the rest of the world views us. you can either get angry over it, or embrace it and poke fun. I choose the latter.

Are we done now? Can you and your man Adreno crawl back under whatever rock you oozed out from?

I am certainly done, with you that is, and, hopefully, after you get the last word in, as I am sure you feel compelled to, you will be too!

Best wishes and chocolate kisses,

chocolate kisses are always the best!


ps: (that means post script, and generally comes at the end of a discourse) dead=interest in zombies

Just in case you didn't get it.

a. I didn't ask, unlike you, I AM smart enough to decipher other folks screennames.

b. what's a discourse?????:confused: :confused: :confused:
(I guess I have to point out that the above question is asked in jest and is meant to be taken as sarcasm.)

17-May-2006, 08:02 PM
Read all of your posts. That should solve your problem. (but, gosh, I'm ignored....I guess I'm talking to air).
I'm amazed at how horribly lonesome you are.

Why would I want to read all of my own posts? I wrote them, genius.

You're about as useful as an unrolled condom.


17-May-2006, 08:06 PM
Why would I want to read all of my own posts? I wrote them, genius.

You're about as useful as an unrolled condom.

you prove me right again.

poor, pitiful you.

17-May-2006, 08:21 PM
OK, I used a "sexually inadequate" reference first, you can't copy me!

It wasn't a reference, it was an accusation.

I am no kid, and am willing to bet that I am older than you, have been married longer than you, and have more children than you. I also bet that I make more money than you and have been in my career longer, ALSO, I bet my degree is higher that yours.

You still get an F for being so dumb.

You are the one that is confused, show me where in my post I reference a letter from you!

You're the one thats confused! It's sad that I have to point out the format you employed!

a. We are not friends

Yes we are.

b. One of the nice things about being a Tennessean is that we DO have a sense of humor and we see how the rest of the world views us. you can either get angry over it, or embrace it and poke fun. I choose the latter.

Your foolish attempts at humor have failed you, Remo. I suggest you examine the word "Tennessean" and explain to me just what the hell it is!

I am certainly done, with you that is, and, hopefully, after you get the last word in, as I am sure you feel compelled to, you will be too!

yay! I got that last word in! Now I'm in the same league as you and Adrenophobe!

chocolate kisses are always the best!

and you would know this how?:rockbrow:

a. I didn't ask, unlike you, I AM smart enough to decipher other folks screennames.

Is it important to you to place the little letter "a" in front of your statements to make them seem more noteworthy?

b. what's a discourse?????:confused: :confused: :confused:
(I guess I have to point out that the above question is asked in jest and is meant to be taken as sarcasm.)

What's sad is, you think you need to point it out to your betters. I have once again proven my verbal superiority over you and the adrenognome.


ps: (that means post script since you have undoubtedly forgotten I have already told you what it means, what with your short attention span) Andy will no doubt swoop in and delete all of this jibba jabba... but you won't forget I bested you, will you?

you prove me right again.

poor, pitiful you.

You're welcome.

17-May-2006, 09:46 PM
It's good to hear you're doing better man, and it's nice to know the members here at HPOTD were able to help.

Now if only there was a thumbs up smiley...:cool:

17-May-2006, 09:50 PM
Now if only there was a thumbs up smiley...:cool:
There was. I think deadwrtr is using it to do a little "house cleaning", if you know what I mean.....;)

17-May-2006, 11:26 PM
There was. I think deadwrtr is using it to do a little "house cleaning", if you know what I mean.....;)

Aren't you done yet, Tom?

18-May-2006, 03:11 AM
Aren't you done yet, Tom?
I guess.....you are free to go.:D

18-May-2006, 04:58 AM
It wasn't a reference, it was an accusation.

You still get an F for being so dumb.

You're the one thats confused! It's sad that I have to point out the format you employed!

Yes we are.

Your foolish attempts at humor have failed you, Remo. I suggest you examine the word "Tennessean" and explain to me just what the hell it is!

yay! I got that last word in! Now I'm in the same league as you and Adrenophobe!

and you would know this how?:rockbrow:

Is it important to you to place the little letter "a" in front of your statements to make them seem more noteworthy?

What's sad is, you think you need to point it out to your betters. I have once again proven my verbal superiority over you and the adrenognome.


ps: (that means post script since you have undoubtedly forgotten I have already told you what it means, what with your short attention span) Andy will no doubt swoop in and delete all of this jibba jabba... but you won't forget I bested you, will you?

You're welcome.

LMFAO @adrenognome.:lol: :moon: :lol:

I am sure I will get cussed out for saying this, and perhaps a bad rep or two, but this thread started out about depression and our friend reaching out for help over depression but it turned into a bantering of flames not seeming to have much to do with the origional topic at hand. I think we all owe Cykotic an apology. He was wanting help but this thread turned into a big fight. I will be the first to say it. Sorry Cykotic! Your a good guy, this thread should be about encouraging you and not be about fighting. I really hope you are doing better my friend.

18-May-2006, 06:15 AM
LMFAO @adrenognome.:lol: :moon: :lol:

I am sure I will get cussed out for saying this, and perhaps a bad rep or two, but this thread started out about depression and our friend reaching out for help over depression but it turned into a bantering of flames not seeming to have much to do with the origional topic at hand. I think we all owe Cykotic an apology. He was wanting help but this thread turned into a big fight. I will be the first to say it. Sorry Cykotic! Your a good guy, this thread should be about encouraging you and not be about fighting. I really hope you are doing better my friend.
Read the whole thread.
If you had read the entire thread, you'd have seen that Cyk got the encouragement he needed from those of us that care.
Whatever happened after he was over his mess - "just happened" - this is a forum, things like "change-of-subject-mid-way-through-the-thread" happen ALL the time. Don't be so overly-dramatic. Sheesh!

18-May-2006, 01:08 PM
LMFAO @adrenognome.:lol: :moon: :lol:

I am sure I will get cussed out for saying this, and perhaps a bad rep or two, but this thread started out about depression and our friend reaching out for help over depression but it turned into a bantering of flames not seeming to have much to do with the origional topic at hand. I think we all owe Cykotic an apology. He was wanting help but this thread turned into a big fight. I will be the first to say it. Sorry Cykotic! Your a good guy, this thread should be about encouraging you and not be about fighting. I really hope you are doing better my friend.


If you will read through the posts, you will see that a great many hpotd members came and offered cykotic advise. He even came back on here and thanked everyone and said he was feeling better.

Here is the post that started the flaming:

Was this an attempt to make him feel better?


that was his VERY FIRST post in this thread.

Adrenochrome followed that smart azz comment up with this:

did you see this? ---> "Even something as Hellishly tragic as that can be overcome and one can still see the beauty of the rest of the world and one's own life." Brainiac.
Damn dude. The point was/is....If I can get over something like this, anyone can get over their own issues. Your blathering helps no-one.

And the deadwrtr came back with this:

Well, you seemed to take a problem that was his and turn it into your own. The discussion wasn't about you and your problems.


And yeah, I saw it, but I was so flabbergasted by your utter lack of compassion and concern about another human being that it went right over my head.


Right there is where the flame war began. Deadwrtr came in and attacked another member, unprovoked, while he was simply offereing a life experience to a person who had asked for it.

I know Adreno has participated in his fare share of flame wars around here,as we all have from time to time, be he IS NOT to blame here.

All you have to do is go back and read the posts and you will see who the childish one, with the superiority complex is!

18-May-2006, 06:45 PM
I know Adreno has participated in his fare share of flame wars around here,as we all have from time to time, be he IS NOT to blame here.

All you have to do is go back and read the posts and you will see who the childish one, with the superiority complex is!

So if it was between Adreno and I, just why exactly did YOU get involved? In fact, you called me an azz, if I remember correctly, when the discussion between adrengnome and myself started, yet I never said one word against you prior to that. THUS, you seem to be suffering from the same form of childish, superiority complex having condition that you claim I have.

Adreno, for all his faults, has been able to defend himself in the past just fine. What made you step in?

I sit back, alone, in a dim lit room with a choice of music (it varies) and have a nice fat spliff of some indica cannabis.

One day cannabis will put all the anti-dep drugs out of business!

Flame away beeaatches!

That explains a lot.

18-May-2006, 06:52 PM
In fact, you called me an azz,

:D I just callz em like I seez em!:D

18-May-2006, 06:58 PM
:D I just callz em like I seez em!:D

Looked in a mirror?

That doesn't really defend your previous actions, nor explain why you jumped in.

Nor does it answer my question.

No need to answer. Your actions speak volumes.

18-May-2006, 07:00 PM
That explains a lot.
Here's a hint.......folks are tired of your he-b*tching. .....just simply behave.

18-May-2006, 07:05 PM
Here's a hint.......folks are tired of your he-b*tching. try visiting www.iliketoplaythegaycard.com
or,.....just simply behave.

Folks.. as in you and dmb?

Your site is coming up "can't be found". You should call in your team to work on it.

18-May-2006, 07:08 PM
Looked in a mirror?

That doesn't really defend your previous actions, nor explain why you jumped in.

Nor does it answer my question.

No need to answer. Your actions speak volumes.

Sure, I look in a mirror every morning, do YOU know what I look like?:confused:

I have no reason to defend or explain myself to YOU.:p

I have no interest in answering your question either!:bored:

Why not, afraid of what I might say? All my actions are saying right now is how much fun it is to continue getting you to respond with the MR. Superiority Complex answers you continue to give.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, come on, you know you can't resist, let have that "witty comeback" that we've come to love and expect!

18-May-2006, 07:09 PM
Folks.. as in you and dmb?

no, "folks" as in everybody is tired of you b*tching.
Come on, sugar buns.....even YOU should know when your rantings grow tiring.
deadwrtr, shoo, go play.