View Full Version : Official Saints Row 2 thread...

10-Oct-2008, 07:39 PM
Well, as I've finally decided to pre-order my copy (after much umming and ahhing), I figured I'd do up a thread for folks to yak about SR2.

I notice that you can streak (blurred) and get rep points in the game - sounds fun.

There's a Chinese restaurant called "Phuc Mi Phuc Yiu" or something like that, hehe.

You can base-jump, get paid/repped to spray liquid sh*t across the houses of rival realtors ... sounds like a lotta fun - which was something I was never denying Saints Row, it's a blunt type of game, nothing deep and just fun.


If memory serves, SymphonicX is not a fan of GTA IV, and a major proponent of Saints Row. Now, I really love GTA IV - but yes, there was a distinct lack of fun mayhem to be had. You can have mayhem, but you've got so many cops up your chuff with such an agenda so soon (and sometimes easily) that you don't often wanna bother getting into some major sh*t - also, there's not a huge amount to do after you've done the story mode beyond go on dates and man-dates.

So that indeed was a part where GTA IV was let down, but the rest of the game was freaking awesome and importantly - had depth.

But there were no opportunities to spray liquid turd over a house ... ... but then again, that wouldn't have fit AT ALL into GTA IV. Hopefully GTA V will look to lighten up a little - but in the mean time, Saints Row 2 comes along for the silliness and adult-rated naughty shenanigans.

Anyway ... Saints Row 2 ... discuss!

10-Oct-2008, 09:24 PM
SR2 looks like it definitely might provide that dose of sheer fun that was sadly lacking in GTAIV. While I'd love to get it, there's already so many other games coming out in the next couple of months.
With Left4Dead and Men of War taking presidence over everything else for me I just don't have enough time (which is hard to believe) or money for them all. I'm really gonna have to think which games I want to get ASAP after release and which ones to leave for a while or not buy at all.

Although I'm not particularly hyped for Gears2, CoD5, SR2 and the like, it'd still be a shame to miss them out completely.

11-Oct-2008, 01:51 AM
I just picked up the game earlier today at a neighborhood store. When I play through a little bit of it I'll post my impressions. :cool:

11-Oct-2008, 09:29 AM
hehe thanks for the mention MZ...

Yeah I loved SR1 - great game and had a huge fun factor - I can't wait for Sr2....GTA4 was a good game, but it left out a huge component - variety...as long as a game has variety it can be forgiven for having a hugely terrible script and story (see BFBC), so I'm perfectly prepared for what SR2 has to offer! Bring it on!!

11-Oct-2008, 10:55 AM
Bunker - SR2 isn't out for another week yet ... or is it already out in the states? Grrr...*shakes fist like an old man decrying teenagers being on his lawn* :D

Craig - tell me about it. There's so many kick ass games I've gotta get in the coming months, especially ones coming out in this Oct/Nov period.

Gears 2
SR2 (which I finally decided to plump for, due to the amount of gameplay time such a game can provide - so it might do me until Xmas when I'll put a new game on my list to Santa :D)
Fallout 3

Then when I finally get a new computer, I'll be looking to catch up on Crysis (and add-on), as well as FEAR (and both add-ons), FEAR2 (when it comes out) and Condemned (which I've only played the demo of).

And then there's still Rainbow Six Vegas 2 to get!

I wish they'd stagger the release of these games a bit more so we didn't just have a massive lump in one go, don't they know I'm too busy buying the entire X-Files saga on DVD?! :)

11-Oct-2008, 08:45 PM
Bunker - SR2 isn't out for another week yet ... or is it already out in the states? Grrr...*shakes fist like an old man decrying teenagers being on his lawn* :D

MZ, it's due out here this coming Tuesday, 10/14/08. This neighborhood electronics store always has movies & games out earlier than anywhere else for some reason. Movies more than games.

They get most DVD's, at minimum, a week early but usually 2 weeks. An example would be "The Incredible Hulk". It's due out the 21st of October but they had it out when I was in the store yesterday :cool:.

11-Oct-2008, 09:57 PM
I've certainly experienced online retailers sending out movies 2 or even 3 weeks early (which kicks ass by the way), but never with games ... for some reason they're proper stingy about street dates and the games companies demand that a game not be released early etc. Clearly the store you frequent couldn't give a thrupny, which is wicked. :cool:

11-Oct-2008, 10:20 PM
i dunno abou the US but here in the uk, if retailers sell DVD's, CD's or games before their release date, they face a very large fine. i know cuz i work for one of the largest retailers in the country.

12-Oct-2008, 12:04 AM
i dunno abou the US but here in the uk, if retailers sell DVD's, CD's or games before their release date, they face a very large fine. i know cuz i work for one of the largest retailers in the country.

I believe thats the case in the U.S. too.

12-Oct-2008, 07:45 AM
I played through a little of the game & it's pretty cool so far. I haven't done any missions yet because I was running from the police & the FBI :cool:.

The one thing that I noticed about playing the game early is that you don't get any achievements credited to you. I guess when the game is officially out then the achievements will be available.

12-Oct-2008, 10:18 AM
The one thing that I noticed about playing the game early is that you don't get any achievements credited to you.


13-Oct-2008, 07:00 AM

I had that kind of a reaction as well. I guess because it's not "officially" available yet you can't get any achievement points. I'll see what happens Tuesday I guess.

It's no big deal really. I wouldn't consider myself an achievement whore so the points come if they come. If I get them in the process of playing the game, that's fine. I really don't go out of my way to get achievement points. Just thought it was odd that they didn't register with SR2 while I was playing :confused:.

13-Oct-2008, 10:01 AM
I had that kind of a reaction as well. I guess because it's not "officially" available yet you can't get any achievement points. I'll see what happens Tuesday I guess.

It's no big deal really. I wouldn't consider myself an achievement whore so the points come if they come. If I get them in the process of playing the game, that's fine. I really don't go out of my way to get achievement points. Just thought it was odd that they didn't register with SR2 while I was playing :confused:.
Oh is this to do with Xbox Live and such?

That'll probably explain it, either you'll get a flood of them, or they won't register and you'll have to do it again ... but probably a flood of them ... although I've no idea.

But we'll see if I really do get it on the day of release, I've pre-ordered elsewhere as where I usually ordered games from kept delivering them late, which was lame and voided the entire purpose of pre-ordering. Well a good half of the point anyway.

14-Oct-2008, 05:11 AM
Just played through a little more of the game & did a couple of missions. Did a side "Mayhem" mission & "Chop Shop" mission. Not bad at all :).

One thing I found out is that when you go back to your "crib" you can play video games on your TV. The game that I was able to play was called "Zombie Uprising" which I'm sure everyone here will enjoy :cool:. You have to survive waves of zombies with a group of survivors. I enjoyed it for the time I played it :skull:.

14-Oct-2008, 10:10 AM
Sounds cool ... I just wanna get a poo truck and spray liquid crap over rival realtor's houses, that looks well fun. :lol:

14-Oct-2008, 12:15 PM
Sounds cool ... I just wanna get a poo truck and spray liquid crap over rival realtor's houses, that looks well fun. :lol:
Or even better, over pedestrians :hyper:

14-Oct-2008, 12:43 PM
Or even better, over pedestrians :hyper:

You evil bugger ... brilliant! :D

Apparently you can appear in a Cops-style TV show in the game, possibly in an activity, not sure ... sounds interesting.

Roll on Friday. :)

14-Oct-2008, 06:06 PM
Apparently you can appear in a Cops-style TV show in the game, possibly in an activity, not sure ... sounds interesting.

I'll keep my eyes out for that :). What I did find out was that in the "Mayhem" mission I was doing, I was doing it for a reporter. Some deal where she is trying to get air time away from a lawyer. Didn't listen to closely to the explaination. But, she pays you to cause mayhem in the streets while she & her news crew films it :cool:.

14-Oct-2008, 06:49 PM
Is this game any good? never played it.

14-Oct-2008, 10:51 PM
It's looks a bit brighter and 'sillier' than GTAIV, so if I do get this sometime, I just hope it's a lot of good honest fun. I'd love to relive the sort of fun I had in GTA:SA, sadly GTAIV felt like much more of a chore than it should have, to me at least. This is the same reason I contemplated getting Mercenaries 2, it's been a while since I played a game where you can just go on a spree filled with explosions and fast cars, and exploding fast cars.

15-Oct-2008, 09:41 AM
it's been a while since I played a game where you can just go on a spree filled with explosions and fast cars, and exploding fast cars.

Every self-respecting man's dream right there. :D

My order has just been dispatched, woo! Roll on Friday, I'm gonna blow some sh*t up and spray some poop on houses and peds! :elol:

15-Oct-2008, 02:35 PM
It's looks a bit brighter and 'sillier' than GTAIV, so if I do get this sometime, I just hope it's a lot of good honest fun. I'd love to relive the sort of fun I had in GTA:SA, sadly GTAIV felt like much more of a chore than it should have, to me at least. This is the same reason I contemplated getting Mercenaries 2, it's been a while since I played a game where you can just go on a spree filled with explosions and fast cars, and exploding fast cars.

You'll love the "Mayhem" missions then :). You get paid to cause damage in a certain period of time. Like $50,000 property damage in 2 minutes & up from there. And they gave you unlimited grenades or satchel charges :D.

15-Oct-2008, 04:00 PM
It's looks a bit brighter and 'sillier' than GTAIV.

That was my first thought when I saw it.

Being that I still haven't finished GTAIV, I won't be getting this game for awhile. Maybe when it's in the pre-played bin at Blockbuster....

16-Oct-2008, 06:03 PM
Yep, it's definitely brighter and sillier than GTA IV, feels more videogamey too ... whereas GTA IV had a deeper plot, more emotional investment, and generally felt more grittily realistic.

Got my copy of SR2 today (a day early, woo :)), so I've done a couple of missions and started trying out the celebrity bodyguard activity - which is great fun. You get cash bonuses for picking people up and throwing them into/onto/at highlighted objects, like the back of a SWAT van, a JCB bucket, a tombstone, a conveyerbelt etc.

It's gonna take a bit of getting used to playing now, after having been so used to GTA IV, the controls are far more videogamey too. Graphics look nice, but not the visual "wow" factor of GTA IV, but it makes up for it in silly fun and violence.

Although I don't like the new spray tagging system - "you failed, you painted outside the lines too much" - ugh. But that's merely a side task of numbers if you want, so that's no biggy.

Anyway, gonna have fun with this one, spent absolutely bloody ages customising my character. Half-a-bloody-hour I was sat there fiddling with the widths, depths and heights of my chin, mouth, nose, eyebrows, skull and so on ... funny as fook that you can be a woman though - just imagine how many horny teens will be a woman and then deliberately dress her in just bra and panties - although men can wear such items too, haha.

Oh yeah, you CAN star in a Cops-style show - called "Fuzz" - YOU dress as a cop, pick up a camera dude, then fight crime as insanely as you can, haha ... not tried that one yet mind you.

17-Oct-2008, 03:05 PM
Oh yeah, you CAN star in a Cops-style show - called "Fuzz" - YOU dress as a cop, pick up a camera dude, then fight crime as insanely as you can, haha ... not tried that one yet mind you.

I played through a few of the "Fuzz" missions & what's really funny is that the other cops join in with you in doing whatever insanity you can think of :D.

17-Oct-2008, 04:34 PM
This game sounds bloody awesome. How's the humour and script?

Can't wait to get this one...might have to pop to tessers on the way back :)

17-Oct-2008, 06:18 PM
Well I've pumped about four hours into it so far. I'm enjoying it.

Couldn't give a bollocks about the "story" and all that gangsta sh*t, but whatever ...

Anyway, I've played about 5 or 6 missions I think, and done three activities so far. I've found tagging to be easier (didn't notice the "Press Y to finish tag" come up, lol ... but yeah, activities par-taken in:

* Body guard one - already spoken of it, quite fun, lots of throwing people about.
* Septic Avenger! - rather fun, spraying liquid sh*t over all sorts and raking up cash.
* Fuzz - get better, faster footage by choosing the gun the cameraman asks for and not doing too much of the same stuff - rather fun, especially when going to beat down some streakers who've got their pixellation out all over the place. :lol:

Thankfully they've reduced the number of activity levels from a mind-numbing 8 (like in SR1) down to a more acceptable 6 ... but if you do what I do, and just plough through all six levels in one go, it does get repetitive, but you don't have to, I just do so to rack up plenty of Respect points and cash and so I complete the activities in a more organised fashion.

Also - extra respect points for things like head shots and - NUT shots :lol: - you can also do combo beat downs (so bash someone with left, right, let trigger and the camera will change to a different slow mo view of you doing some tidy move on your target.

You can also pick up a bunch of stuff to use as a weapon (not as much, nor as required as in Dead Rising mind you, hehe) and throw it around.

Yes, the graphics aren't as spiffing as GTA IV, at times the graphics look a smidge too sub-this-generation, but the silliness and fun on offer makes up for it. The controls are also far more videogamey - so at times you'll feel a bit disconnected from your vehicles say (unlike in GTA IV where you really feel you're driving, almost).

So yeah, if you dug SR1, you'll deffo dig SR2 - mind you, I never did the post-credits mission(s), was too lazy to bother, so I'll have to YouTube up that ending. :lol:

22-Oct-2008, 11:45 AM

An open world game that's FUN to play!! No more marvelling at nice views whilst being bored to the core....no more stupid, pathetic aiming system and frustrating character movements. No stupid "duck and cover" style. No more "why can't I go in the theme park" moments...

Now we've got a great aiming system, some really really fun mini games like Trail Blazing, Insurance Fraud, Mayhem, Car surfing (stand on an NPC car and it opens a mini game of car surfing), taxi missions, tagging, ambulance missions, casinos, strip clubs (ho-ing minigame is stupid and pointless but marginally amusing.)...the list is endless!!!! You can even turn off the radio stations you don't like by default....and The Krunch has some WICKED metal in there....amazing stuff like Soilwork and Opeth....then there's the mad customisation of cars (kneecappers coming out of the wheels, nitrous etc), the customisation of your "crib" and also the choice of buying property around the island...christ the list is as long as my arm.....and I'm only 15% into it atm, much more to discover (plenty of undiscovered parts of the map too)

So the gfx aren't as polished, and the script is silly and whatnot...

but damnit, this game kicks seven shades of **** out of GTA4...no question in my mind....Gta4 was a complete and utter waste of my life, the story was marginally interesting but ultimately, the amount of things you can achieve in this game just wipes the floor with it in terms of replayability.

Happyness :)

22-Oct-2008, 12:51 PM
lulz, so I take it you're kinda in favour of SR2 right? :D

GTA IV was epic, the only let down was the occasionally frustrating movement/targetting issues (which I got far more used to eventually, but still caused a bit of grief now and then admittedly), and the lack of out-of-story stuff to do - no doubt these will be rectified in the next GTA title.

As for aiming in SR2, well it's just free aim, basic, ordinary free aim, and it too can occasionally be clumsy with which buttons you press and move when (e.g. trying to shoot from a car whilst driving it etc, that's just always going to be a pain in the ass) ... not tried Trail Blazing, what's that about?

I deffo wanna do this car surfing thing now, sounds fun!

It's silly, it's fun, you can cause a lot more grief with far less police attention, but it's generally a bit vapid, a bit soul-less ... but the silliness and fun makes up for it, plus it's nice to have a whole bunch of "you got this...and this...and this..." after completing a mission, hehe.

I still think GTA IV was the better game. I've put in about 6.5 hours into SR2 so far, but not once have I been desperate to play another session, I just fit it in whenever ... whereas with GTA IV, I was gagging to get my mits on it, then gagging for about the first two weeks to play another session about 30 minutes after finishing a session.

22-Oct-2008, 01:49 PM
lulz, so I take it you're kinda in favour of SR2 right? :D

GTA IV was epic, the only let down was the occasionally frustrating movement/targetting issues (which I got far more used to eventually, but still caused a bit of grief now and then admittedly), and the lack of out-of-story stuff to do - no doubt these will be rectified in the next GTA title.

As for aiming in SR2, well it's just free aim, basic, ordinary free aim, and it too can occasionally be clumsy with which buttons you press and move when (e.g. trying to shoot from a car whilst driving it etc, that's just always going to be a pain in the ass) ... not tried Trail Blazing, what's that about?

I deffo wanna do this car surfing thing now, sounds fun!

It's silly, it's fun, you can cause a lot more grief with far less police attention, but it's generally a bit vapid, a bit soul-less ... but the silliness and fun makes up for it, plus it's nice to have a whole bunch of "you got this...and this...and this..." after completing a mission, hehe.

I still think GTA IV was the better game. I've put in about 6.5 hours into SR2 so far, but not once have I been desperate to play another session, I just fit it in whenever ... whereas with GTA IV, I was gagging to get my mits on it, then gagging for about the first two weeks to play another session about 30 minutes after finishing a session.

Trail blazing is basically you on a quad bike, on fire, blowing **** up at high speeds down the road - you're charged with setting pedestrians and cars on fire to gain extra seconds to navigate a course, and there are petrol tanks and whatnot left on the road that cause awesome explosions when you drive over them - all done under the pretense of movie making or something, I dunno, I wasn't listening...lol...it's wicked though when you run into cars and trucks head on and you don't even get scratched but they get the cr*p blown out of them...lots of fun...

Also, I got splattered by a falling door from a car I blew up two blocks away, was well impressive!

Yeah it's soul-less - definitely, but who needs a soul when you can car surf!!?

22-Oct-2008, 05:35 PM
Just tried Trail Blazing, kept failing on lvl5, pissed me right off. If you go up a jump or stairs, you just stare at the f*cking sky and can't see crap, it turns like ass, you never know where the next bubble will be until you've raced through the one you were heading to already, when stuff blows up it fills the entire screen completely blinding you to where you're going - very un-polished activity.

I went and did some missions and a stronghold instead, which was wicked - a crack den above a porn shop with strippers in it, then shot down a helicopter. :D

But Trail Blazing can go eat my arse. :lol:

22-Oct-2008, 06:22 PM
level 5 is tough, but as with all racing games, you kinda need to memorise the track! still stuck on level 5 myself but am happy to keep at it cos the explosions are so satisfying - and i guess it has to have a ****e turning circle because it'd be way too easy - although I do think they chose a bad route for this particular track

22-Oct-2008, 07:45 PM
I've done a few of the "Activities" & "Diversions". Actually completed all the "Hitman" activities. They are much tougher on the higher levels. I'll get back to them after I finish the story missions :cool:.

As to the story, unlike MZ I find myself waiting to get home from work to play the missions :). I've played through most of it & I'm having alot of fun.

The Brotherhood are the hardest of the rival gangs to go up against. What was cool about them though is their leader, Maero. He is voiced by Michael Dorn, Worf from ST: TNG :D.

Also, after you defeat the Sons Of Samedi you'll get something, a vehicle, that should help with alot of the activities. Gonna give it a try with it later :cool:.

22-Oct-2008, 08:03 PM
are these saints row games any good then?or just the kind of GTA rip off that tim westwood would like?:confused:

23-Oct-2008, 07:21 AM
It's a blatant rip off Tricky - but in many respects it irons out all of GTAs flaws and does it better - just not in terms of originality or story - but it's still damn fun to play and I'm with Bunker on this, I ache to play the game...much more than I did GTA.

23-Oct-2008, 09:40 AM
Tricky - Saints Row is a gigantic rip off of GTA, and Vice City remains the best free-roaming, shag-a-ho-then-run-her-over game out there. :lol:

Saints Row is all that gangsta stuff, SR coming on the heels of San Andreas you see, the story in the first and thus far in the second isn't interesting, standard gang-banging territory stuff, go to a crack den, blow it up, kill some gangstas, wreck their cars or business protection rackets etc ... like I said, standard.

The humour isn't as sharp or satirical as GTA (not by a long shot sometimes), the controls are far more videogamey (especially compared to GTA IV, which went for a more real 'feel' to driving and moving).

GTA IV's reason for being was detail for emersion, and realism, as well as an interesting story with interesting characters that you actually cared about (as far as you can care about murdering, drug-dealing thugs anyway).

GTA IV was let down with not having enough side-stuff to do, and the much lower likelihood of going on a rampage (unless you're using a cheat - so this is where the PC version will come into it's own, using a trainer you will be able to go on an epic rampage within the superbly realised world of LC).

Saints Row focusses on being silly, OTT, daft and generally about shooting or blowing things up, completely shallow and vapid ultimately but fun ... but it's nothing more than fun.

GTA IV needed more fun, but it had a million miles more depth and passion than either Saints Row.

If you wanna just bash about and be silly within a sandbox environment (like spraying liquid poo on corporate buildings), then Saints Row is definitely a sensible purchase...but GTA is still the daddy, I've put nearly 100 hours into IV.

SR2 - I've done about 8 hours and done a quarter of the game (that's some missions, some strongholds, and some activities).


I was playing the Insurance Fraud game (one of my favourites from before), and it's slightly fiddlier now with this adrenaline business, and I got to level 6 and it kept putting me in the most un-trafficked areas where 99% of cars weren't driving at the speed of light, which was senselessly unfair. :mad:

23-Oct-2008, 10:18 AM
The thing is MZ, for me at least... GTA3, VC and SA all had the sandbox fun you describe Saints Row 2 as having. I wasn't hoping, I was expecting more of the same with IV, except of course with a much better engine and physics. This is probably why I was drooling over it the first couple of weeks, I didn't realise it'd get so old so quick for me.

With SA (the only GTA game I've completed thus far) I only got round to even bothering with the story at least a year after I'd got the game, probably more. Going on sprees and doing crazy stuff was that much fun. With IV I found it hilarious to run down pedestrians and mess about in multiplayer but for me it just didn't have that lasting fun aspect. No doubt I'll have a GTA phase and go back to it to finally finish it off sometime, but never will I think of it as fondly as the previous three GTA games.

23-Oct-2008, 01:04 PM
I actually hated San Andreas, I thought it was overkill...

The thing is MZ, for me at least... GTA3, VC and SA all had the sandbox fun you describe Saints Row 2 as having. I wasn't hoping, I was expecting more of the same with IV, except of course with a much better engine and physics. This is probably why I was drooling over it the first couple of weeks, I didn't realise it'd get so old so quick for me.

With SA (the only GTA game I've completed thus far) I only got round to even bothering with the story at least a year after I'd got the game, probably more. Going on sprees and doing crazy stuff was that much fun. With IV I found it hilarious to run down pedestrians and mess about in multiplayer but for me it just didn't have that lasting fun aspect. No doubt I'll have a GTA phase and go back to it to finally finish it off sometime, but never will I think of it as fondly as the previous three GTA games.

I guess you can have all the atmosphere of a movie, the plot of a movie, and the feel of a movie...but at the end of the day, when the cutscenes are over - you're playing a game...the camera behind your character whilst you're achieving things which lead you to the next bit of story, atmosphere, etc etc...if those bits aren't fun then the cutscenes are just cutscenes, and you might as well have paid 40 quid to watch a film...

having said that, immersion as MZ said is definitely something notable about GTA...when I think of SR I see a pristine street without much life...when I think of GTA I feel as though I've actually been in a living, breathing city...GTAs immersive feel is simply astounding...but at the end of the day, you're just immersed in a game that's ultimately leading you to a nice cutscene, so I guess it's all about what you look for in a game..I love the realism of COD4 and stuff, so immersion is definitely important to me...just not as important as the journey from A-B...I dunno, I'm talking ****e.

23-Oct-2008, 05:18 PM
Yeah i lost interest in san andreas & havent touched it since,i played up to the part where you start working for that men in black type guy,then i just couldnt be arsed anymore!

23-Oct-2008, 05:42 PM
Yeah i lost interest in san andreas & havent touched it since,i played up to the part where you start working for that men in black type guy,then i just couldnt be arsed anymore!

I remember killing some dude in a helicopter or something, that's when I got bored...couldn't be arsed to "work out"....kinda mirrors my feelings about real life...

Right, off to sit on the sofa

23-Oct-2008, 06:38 PM
lol, I just barged the work out for about an in-game week, doing saves to pass the time, bulked up to a muscle mountain and then didn't bother ever again.

I'd only eat when I'd not eaten for days or weeks (hehe, I was using a trainer for maximum rampage length - i.e. infinity :elol:), and then I'd binge until CJ barfed everywhere, ha!

Yes, graphics, story, immersion - GTA IV pwned the lot ... fun? It stumbled there. I definitely had fun playing it, but I guess I was more 'serious' into it, having more 'serious' fun, rather than SR's 'silly' fun, which is also far more copious.

But then again Rockstar were aiming all along to make something 'more real, more immersive', so they definitely succeeded in spades.

What I'd REALLY like them to do, is take the GTA IV engine, continue to spiff it up - and make a game set in the 1970s - porn taches, porn industry, cop shows, flairs, disco, the lot - now that'd be superb, because the 1980s-set Vice City was the best GTA ever made.

As for SA, I played the whole story, but only once. I did the post-most-annoying-test-ever - that chopper license CRAP - for a second time, but after I'd done the story I just f*cked around for a LONG time, like towing random cars into the woods and killing the occupants with a chainsaw. :elol: That was fun...muahahahaaaaaaaa!

Vice City though, I replayed the story on that a good two or three times, so three or four times through the story in total, plus the amount of time put into it generally.

23-Oct-2008, 06:53 PM


Vice City was awesome - and Judas Priest on the soundtrack, got my vote...I still love Lazlow though, he's a genius!!!! Even in IV he was a riot!!

24-Oct-2008, 12:42 PM
I don't know how far any of you are in the game but one activity you'll unlock a bit into the game is "Fight Club". I think you'll enjoy it.

Level 1 starts you off against 2 fairly easy opponents & the levels get progressively harder up to level 6 where you have to finish off 6 opponents.

Try to complete the "Arena" "Fight Club" as soon as you unlock it. After levels 3 & 6 you'll get a boost in the amount of melee damage you inflict :cool:.

24-Oct-2008, 05:40 PM
I don't know how far any of you are in the game but one activity you'll unlock a bit into the game is "Fight Club". I think you'll enjoy it.

Level 1 starts you off against 2 fairly easy opponents & the levels get progressively harder up to level 6 where you have to finish off 6 opponents.

Try to complete the "Arena" "Fight Club" as soon as you unlock it. After levels 3 & 6 you'll get a boost in the amount of melee damage you inflict :cool:.
I'll keep that in mind good sir. :cool:

Okay, I'm getting a little bit more addicted to it now, and obviously rather enjoying it. I noticed a really nice touch - NPCs BUILDING houses. I'm not sure if the houses ever get completed or not, but nevertheless, a nice detail what with the whole Ultor regeneration stuff going on.

Also - I found the "fight club" location at the Arena, but was off to do something else, but I'll head there soon - perhaps after I go to "Technically Legal" and do the last couple of levels of "Ho-Ing" to get my apparent pimp jacket (so I've heard).

28-Oct-2008, 08:24 AM
I'll keep that in mind good sir. :cool:

Okay, I'm getting a little bit more addicted to it now, and obviously rather enjoying it. I noticed a really nice touch - NPCs BUILDING houses. I'm not sure if the houses ever get completed or not, but nevertheless, a nice detail what with the whole Ultor regeneration stuff going on.

Also - I found the "fight club" location at the Arena, but was off to do something else, but I'll head there soon - perhaps after I go to "Technically Legal" and do the last couple of levels of "Ho-Ing" to get my apparent pimp jacket (so I've heard).

Yeah you get the whole outfit I think...

And when you've done it once you don't have to do it for the other locations that it comes in - it's a bit silly but fun for a few moments.

I've now completed all the Brotherhood missions and literally all but one of Sons of Samedi. I now own every shop in my territory, after going on a huge buying spree and am now racking up tons of money every "day"...I've also gotten infinite pistol ammo in my semi-auto pistols and have the minigun in my stash....in fact one of the last Sons of Samedi missions I totally walked through without getting hit because of that minigun...

My only real complaint, aside from some major bugs (ie: npcs getting bugged and not following you when they need to, things and people disappearing etc etc) is that its way too easy....I'm on hardcore difficulty and it's not overly challenging.

There's also way too much racing activity on the island, a disappointment as generally they are very very hard and it's not in keeping with the rest of the game.

Having said that though, there's so much stuff to do it's always fun...I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far...

28-Oct-2008, 11:15 AM
If the racing is anything like trail blazing, then it'll be piss annoying. I haven't bothered, but I remember in SR1 I'd either win with ease, or constantly get f*cked over time after time after time until I just switched the damn thing off.

I've still got plenty of missions to do, didn't play any of it yesterday, just working my way through, but I'm about 48% through now.

Aye, the bugs when some NPCs can't find their way round an open bloody door, or just refuse to follow you is really annoying.

I too have unlimited pistol ammo, and frequently use the two more silent-ish types (forget the name) in many missions, why waste ammo I'll only have to buy again when I can get away with my pistols? :)

28-Oct-2008, 01:12 PM
If the racing is anything like trail blazing, then it'll be piss annoying. I haven't bothered, but I remember in SR1 I'd either win with ease, or constantly get f*cked over time after time after time until I just switched the damn thing off.

I've still got plenty of missions to do, didn't play any of it yesterday, just working my way through, but I'm about 48% through now.

Aye, the bugs when some NPCs can't find their way round an open bloody door, or just refuse to follow you is really annoying.

I too have unlimited pistol ammo, and frequently use the two more silent-ish types (forget the name) in many missions, why waste ammo I'll only have to buy again when I can get away with my pistols? :)

Trail blazing has nice explosions - racing is either checkpoint based time trials or even worse, racing against npc opponents. They're bloody rock solid too, you cna't fishtail them whatsoever - yet get your rear in their path and they'll knock you flying when they hit into you, losing the race.

it's rubbish...!

28-Oct-2008, 04:07 PM
Trail blazing has nice explosions - racing is either checkpoint based time trials or even worse, racing against npc opponents. They're bloody rock solid too, you cna't fishtail them whatsoever - yet get your rear in their path and they'll knock you flying when they hit into you, losing the race.

it's rubbish...!

I hate the racing. Even using nitrous I have trouble beating the other racers. You're right, you can pretty much do whatever to run them off the road to no avail but they just touch your bumper & you're sailing out of control. Very annoying.

On another note, keep going in the game & you'll get infinate ammo for the assault rifles, SMG's & shotguns as well :D. Plus, I now have the Annihilator & a flame thrower at my "cribs" to use whenever I feel like it :cool:.

28-Oct-2008, 06:44 PM
Is it via activities or just missions that you get infinate ammo for this and that, and miniguns and flame throwers and such?

29-Oct-2008, 02:50 AM
Is it via activities or just missions that you get infinate ammo for this and that, and miniguns and flame throwers and such?

You get the infinite ammo by completing activities. Here are the activities that will give you the infinite ammo:

Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo - Complete all 5 of the "Hitman" lists.

Infinite Shotgun Ammo - Complete "Drug Trafficking" level 6 (Airport).

Infinite SMG Ammo - Complete "Snatch" level 6 (Downtown).

To get the flamethrower & Annihilator at your "cribs" you have to do the "Mayhem" (Nuclear Plant) activity. When you complete level 3 you get the flamethrower & the Annihilator RPG when you complete level 6.

Just another note to anyone having trouble with the "Septic Avenger" activities like I was. Use the brakes !! Even though you aren't driving you can still use the left trigger to brake the vehicle. Makes it much easier to complete all 6 levels. Also, spray the police cars ASAP so they don't keep smashing into the truck & causing damage.

03-May-2009, 02:36 PM
Just picked this game up. Holy shit, it's FUN!!! The zombie uprising mini-game is extremely solid, too... much better than some other zombie games I've played. I love being able to set your car to cruise control, too... makes driving around much more enjoyable for me.

Question: I've seen people talking about BASE jumping... but I'm not quite sure where to do so? I haven't seen a way up to any high rooftops yet ... or any bridges that seem high enough... actually, I haven't even seen anywhere to purchase/obtain a parachute (other than jumping out of a plane).