View Full Version : Who's watching The Sons of Anarchy?

10-Oct-2008, 10:36 PM
I've been enjoying it so far. Show is about a motor cycle club, The Sons of Anarchy, who make their money as gunrunners, and how they deal with each other, their families, and the law in the little California town of Charming. Reminds me a lot of The Shield and not just because it's set in the same universe and Jay Karnes is on both shows. Mostly because it's a gritty show with mostly unknowns who do a really fine job. We already knew Ron Perlman could play a badass, but who knew Katey Segal could? Last night's ep saw her busting a little biker chicky in the face with a frickin' skateboard.

11-Oct-2008, 07:12 PM
I just started to Tivo this show and I have to say I love it...Raw, well acted and entertaining. If anyone has yet to check it out it is worth a watch.

11-Oct-2008, 09:45 PM
What channel is this on???

11-Oct-2008, 09:57 PM
What channel is this on???

It's on the FX network. Online here http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/soa/#Nav/Homepage as well.

11-Oct-2008, 11:59 PM
Yeah,I've been watching this show.I like it so far.

12-Oct-2008, 07:44 PM
I meant to follow this series. I am going to have to seek it out, since the previews I saw on it looked pretty cool.

In this day and age of "bikers" being comprised of rich kids and lawyers playing dress up on their overpriced storebought Harleys, it;s kind of cool to be reminded that there are still outlaws riding around out there.

12-Oct-2008, 10:41 PM
I got excited when I started seeing previews for the show, especially because Ron Perlman was going to be in it, as a "take nothin' from no one" kind of guy (which he is perfect as). Katey Segal surprised me, too, in a good way. I like the characters, the gritty feel, the storyline. So far, so good. I just hope the writing stays as well done as it is now.

13-Oct-2008, 06:31 PM
I tried, but...meh :|

I'm getting a little burned out on the 'true crime' melodrama story-arcs of the Soprano variety.

20-Jun-2011, 01:57 AM
I just watched the first 3 Seasons of this show in a 3 day long marathon. I have to say I am mighty impressed with the show, out of 39 episodes, I think only maybe 2-3 were boring or bad, which is great considering there have been 39 released so far.

The cast of this show is great, not just the main cast but supporting cast as well, and i loved the final outcome of episode 13 of Season 3.

As I noted about the cast, Katey Sagal, who previously played Peggy Bundy, is fantastic, Ron Perlman is good on this show, as is Kim Coates. All in all I am very impressed and can
t wait for Season 4 to start which is supposed to be October 2011.