View Full Version : No!!!! How to make Sherlock Holmes look like Willy Wonka...

13-Oct-2008, 09:20 AM
Guy Ritchie! Stick to you London gangsta films please :(

Hopefully this is Sherlock in disguise (as Willy Wonka)!!!


13-Oct-2008, 10:35 AM
Does seem a bit odd, but it's not really fair to put it down without seeing how it works within the film.

13-Oct-2008, 10:36 AM
Does seem a bit odd, but it's not really fair to put it down without seeing how it works within the film.

Damn you for spouting reason and common sense! :dead:

13-Oct-2008, 03:36 PM
thats like columbo being redone as a nazi skinhead:lol:

13-Oct-2008, 06:20 PM
Didn't Homes employ disguises on some of his investigations? It's been a while and I can't remember if it was in stories that would be considered cannon or not, but it's a possibility.

13-Oct-2008, 06:28 PM
Didn't Homes employ disguises on some of his investigations?

He did! Maybe in this picture he's trying to sneak into a chocolate factory?

13-Oct-2008, 07:00 PM
He did! Maybe in this picture he's trying to sneak into a chocolate factory?

Hrm...try and think in the aesthetic of the day, especially with regards to the middling classes, as opposed to what looks cool or iconic in the present time period. I'm not an expert on Victoriana, but if this were a Victorian era disguise it seems relatively in line with the times, though I'm sure a picayune expert mind hound out some issues with it.

Anyway, I'll check some of my Vic resources when I get home and see if I have any images that might match up clothing-wise.

13-Oct-2008, 09:31 PM
Isn't that a pic of Robert Downey, Jr? :confused:

13-Oct-2008, 11:15 PM
Isn't that a pic of Robert Downey, Jr? :confused:

That is Robert Downey Jr,he just looks like Willy Wonka in that pic.

15-Oct-2008, 10:21 AM
Seems Mrs Ritchie thought her hubby was making Robert Downey Jr look stupid too! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7670955.stm

15-Oct-2008, 02:49 PM
Would you rather have this...


15-Oct-2008, 03:22 PM
Would you rather have this...


As skeptical as I was about the remake of Wonka, every time I saw Depp pull one of his bizarre faces I lmao!

15-Oct-2008, 04:04 PM
Depp was good, I agree. He brought his own twist to the role, and besides his facial gestures, whenever he said, 'You know, you really need to speak up, you mumble,' and the like, it was hilarious - so deadpan.

15-Oct-2008, 08:34 PM
Would you rather have this...


Dont remind me about that movie.

15-Oct-2008, 09:36 PM
I actually like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I know the original is a classic, but Burton/depp's version had me laughing alot and had really cool visuals.

As for the Sherlock picture, I still say you guys need to chill out. It's one of the first pictures from the film and you have absolutely no idea how it will work in the finished project. This reminds me of the internet bitching that started about the first picture of Ledger as the new joker. They complained because it wasn't the classic look of the character even though they didn't know how it would work in the context of the film. Obviously they were wrong. Same with Daniel Craig as 007, actually...

So come on people. At the very least wait until the trailer is released before you let the insults fly....

15-Oct-2008, 11:04 PM
I actually like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I know the original is a classic, but Burton/depp's version had me laughing alot and had really cool visuals.

Yeah,I liked both versions of the movie.But the original is by far the better of the two films.

20-Oct-2008, 11:35 AM
There's talk about Paris Hilton being in it now??? Argh! I cannot believe it's true - Even Guy Ritchie isn't that mad!

21-Oct-2008, 01:22 AM
Remember - she once made her own video, and believes the people want (and deserve) to see more of her - ahem! - artistic talents... :eek:

21-Oct-2008, 03:11 AM
There's talk about Paris Hilton being in it now??? Argh! I cannot believe it's true - Even Guy Ritchie isn't that mad!

If Paris Hilton is going to be in this movie,then I'am definitely not going to watch this.She is a horrible actress.

21-Oct-2008, 06:55 AM
If Paris Hilton is going to be in this movie,then I'am definitely not going to watch this.She is a horrible actress.

Yeah, but it was fun watching her get killed in "House of Wax" :D (& a right good death scene it was IMO!)

21-Oct-2008, 11:28 AM
Yeah, but it was fun watching her get killed in "House of Wax" :D (& a right good death scene it was IMO!)

That was the only good scene in the whole movie.

21-Oct-2008, 05:58 PM
Remember - she once made her own video, and believes the people want (and deserve) to see more of her - ahem! - artistic talents... :eek:
You mean the drippy nose and the wonky eye and the whiny voice and the saggiest of asses you can see from the front and the man-juice breath and the stupid little handbag dog and the total lack of any intelligence whatsoever?

I wish ph would just bugger off already.

darth los
21-Oct-2008, 06:19 PM
Yeah,I liked both versions of the movie.But the original is by far the better of the two films.

It would e nice if the remake was able to capture the essence of what made the original a classic.

Oh yeah, and e mail me when paris comes out with her next porn tape. Oh, it's gonna happen!! No one is talking about her anymore. She has to do something in order to revive her "career". When it comes to this one, I'll pass.


21-Oct-2008, 08:47 PM
You mean the drippy nose and the wonky eye and the whiny voice and the saggiest of asses you can see from the front and the man-juice breath and the stupid little handbag dog and the total lack of any intelligence whatsoever?

Yeah. Exactly. Just because you think you're God's gift to people everywhere, doesn't mean you are.

darth los
22-Oct-2008, 01:17 AM
Yeah. Exactly. Just because you think you're God's gift to people everywhere, doesn't mean you are.

What's really annoying is that she was already rich and then makes a boatload of money for doing absolutely nothing. Something's wrong with that. yet i don't know what....:confused:


22-Oct-2008, 10:21 AM
What's really annoying is that she was already rich and then makes a boatload of money for doing absolutely nothing. Something's wrong with that. yet i don't know what....:confused:

Erm ... how about everything?

If only Mr Slave was real, then he could Whore-Off her skanky ass right up his butt and we'd not have to deal with her ever again ... anyone see that episode? Classic. :D

19-May-2009, 12:50 PM


19-May-2009, 01:55 PM


that looks pretty good. i have been a big holmes fan for a long time and i like the flippant, arrogant style downey seems to have brought to the role.

i wonder if holmes' drug use will figure into the movie? it was a rather big part of the character in the original stories.

19-May-2009, 02:16 PM
Original Holmes stories are great, almost for period-reading enjoyment alone. But I also love apocryphal Holmesian tales, so I have a pretty open mind on this project regardless of how close (or not) it may cleave to the original ideas.


19-May-2009, 11:32 PM
Have loved Sherlock Holmes since I was young and have the leather-bound collection of his stories (Christmas present one year). Have enjoyed some of the Holmes stories written by other authors as well, too.
Downey looks like he'll do a good job bringing old and new together in Sherlock with his own brand of characterization. I'll see it.

20-May-2009, 11:21 AM
RDJ and Guy Ritchie will get my $10.50

20-May-2009, 01:45 PM
Okay, I finally was able to get a really good look at the trailer last night and I have to say it could go either way, but I like the look of things so far and will continue to give the project a chance.