View Full Version : Wii Question

14-Oct-2008, 12:19 AM
My wife just bought a Wii system and splurged on a few shooter games and the crossbow attachment. Having no prior experience with Wii, I note that when aiming the controller at my TV screen that the targeting reticule appears to be quite higher on the screen than where I am aiming, making playing my shooter games (Umbrella Chronicles is the one I am messing with) an exercise in frustration. My instinct tells me to aim the controller as I would sight a pistol at a target, yet the reticule is higher than my aimpoint.

I tried moving the sensor bar from the top of my TV to the bottom, and then around, but cannot seem to get the reticule in the proper place.

Figuring there must be some way to calibrate this, and have messed with the settings options with no appreciable change.

My Wii Questions: Is there any way to custom sync the controller with the reticule on the screen? Am I doing something wrong? Has any other Wii user experienced this problem and how did you rectify, or is this problem endemic with the Wii. Are users then forced to just get used to aiming specifically for the Wii. (I would hate if that is the case, because extended playing with the Wii then would totally mess up my ability to point aim and hit targets with my pistol at the range)

I am about to give up on my shooter games and chuck it out the window. Please Help!!!

14-Oct-2008, 12:26 AM
the wii isn't actually giving off a signal if memory serves, its actually a hi-tech camera that receives from the censor bar, so id move that a bit.
though in actuallity its just a basic x/y/z axis controlled, only a mild swing of the wrist works for everything, it makes you a tool, but you dont even need to move your elbow or shoulder for every game. when a couple of games designer i know actually took apart a wii in front of me and showed me what it is its really underused, if they used its full potential, then id rebuy one, but i got bored and therefore rid of mine a long time ago now.

14-Oct-2008, 01:28 AM
Thanks Hells, I will fiddle with the placement of the sensor.

Seems rather crudely done, this Wii thing! After hearing all the hype, I had expected something more than what seems like a glorified children's toy.

14-Oct-2008, 01:43 AM
i think everybody did, but aside form the odd piece of genius like mario galaxy or wii fit most of its mini game crap using the control as a gimmick.

i call it the "greater nintendo ds third party syndrome"