View Full Version : And still they come....

15-Oct-2008, 09:10 AM
French zombies this time... sounds good, well, until the name Snyder was used as a reference point.


The whole running 'zombies' thing reminds me of the way that After Guy Ritchies Dick Van Dyke-alike gangster films seem to set the template for English movies. Still, if we can't have proper zombies then I guess I will take what I can get :p

15-Oct-2008, 10:46 AM
It sounds like this movie is going to suck,but I could be wrong.I watch it when it comes out.

15-Oct-2008, 11:54 AM
you know what the zombie genre needs? there needs to be a fu manchu movie with zombies in it. that would rock the known the universe.

15-Oct-2008, 06:40 PM
Don't need anything special. Just shambling, biting, and headshots. Recipe for fun.

The trouble starts when you start tossing in stupid gimmicks. Simpler is better.

darth los
15-Oct-2008, 07:56 PM
Don't need anything special. Just shambling, biting, and headshots. Recipe for fun.

The trouble starts when you start tossing in stupid gimmicks. Simpler is better.

GAR perfected the formula with the trilogy. The shame of it is that he refuses to stick to what made his films great. I think that because other film makers in the genre hold GAR in such high esteem they don't want to hack his work. So in an effort to make the film "their own" they incorporate rediculous gimmicks ( the intelligent zombie feels like one of those, imo) Just stick to the formula guys!!! :mad:


15-Oct-2008, 08:45 PM
GAR perfected the formula with the trilogy. The shame of it is that he refuses to stick to what made his films great. I think that because other film makers in the genre hold GAR in such high esteem they don't want to hack his work. So in an effort to make the film "their own" they incorporate rediculous gimmicks ( the intelligent zombie feels like one of those, imo) Just stick to the formula guys!!! :mad:


Thats right, if it aint broke dont fix it.........

16-Oct-2008, 12:21 PM
Looks like it'll be one of the few zombie movies to capture the essence of zombiedom: huge hordes and cooped up characters.

16-Oct-2008, 12:44 PM
Thats right, if it aint broke dont fix it.........

I could not agree more.

16-Oct-2008, 01:51 PM
Though my antique computer cant handle the link.....

Innovation (with in reason) can be good for the genre. Running zombies sound OK to me, intelligent zombies not so good.

darth los
16-Oct-2008, 06:42 PM
Though my antique computer cant handle the link.....

Innovation (with in reason) can be good for the genre. Running zombies sound OK to me, intelligent zombies not so good.

Truthfully speaking, it doessn't matter if the zombies run or not because they are never the main focus of a great zombie film. Dawn of the dead is the gold standard of the genre. If you notice there was a good 40 or so minute stretch where there were no zombies. As a matter of fact you kinda forgot they were there until Peter drops the tennis balls of the roof. It was the same with day. You mean to tell me that the story would have gone any differently if the zombies ran? It's just that in Dawn 04' (which i am a fan of by the way) the story and character development wasn't at the level of the original. But believe me, the same sort of film could be made with runners and shamblers being interchangable.


16-Oct-2008, 10:36 PM
Based on the description of the plot I wouldn't expect anything too deep...probably an action movie w/ zombies. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as you know what to expect going in. Will be worth a look anyway.

darth los
17-Oct-2008, 02:56 PM
Its funny. Considering all th sh8t dawn 04' and land get around here and the fact that they came out 3-4 years ago and nothing better has been released since They're looking better and better all the time.

Moral of the story: be thankful for what you have.
