View Full Version : Hypothetical - vehicle or house?

16-Oct-2008, 07:37 PM
You know the dead are attacking, but it's early on and none have been reported near your neighborhood yet. You're outside your house, with a group of neighbors, talking about possible contingency plans. All of a sudden, a warning cry is heard, and you see a mass of the undead coming down the street.
What do you do? Run for the house, even though it's not as fortified as you'd have liked, or go for your SUV in the driveway and take your chances on the road?
Either choice has pros and cons, of course...but which would you choose and why?

16-Oct-2008, 07:43 PM
What do you do? Run for the house, even though it's not as fortified as you'd have liked, or go for your SUV in the driveway and take your chances on the road?

Hit the road. I have friends and relatives who live in less densely populated and more sustainable areas, and I would try to make it to one of their homes.

darth los
16-Oct-2008, 08:08 PM
Hit the road. I have friends and relatives who live in less densely populated and more sustainable areas, and I would try to make it to one of their homes.

I agree. The only way i would stay in the house is if I was certain help was coming. However, in a situation such as this one can we really be sure of anything? Not to say that staying in one place isn't a good idea.

Old rural house, BAD. :dead:

Nice shiny mall with trucks blocking the entrances? CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!?! :thumbsup:


16-Oct-2008, 08:27 PM
The road fo' sho.

darth los
16-Oct-2008, 08:28 PM
The road fo' sho.

Wow, yuse a bad mo' fo' yo!!


16-Oct-2008, 10:21 PM
Of course, you would duck into the house, and use every available second to tote every useful item you can carry out to the vehicle.

After that, nobody's staying at home.

16-Oct-2008, 10:34 PM
Of course, you would duck into the house, and use every available second to tote every useful item you can carry out to the vehicle.

After that, nobody's staying at home.

I'm with you buddy, grab some potential weapons (knives, bat, etc...) then get the **ll out of there, why wait till they start piling up outside.

17-Oct-2008, 01:37 AM
Wow, yuse a bad mo' fo' yo!!


That's what I want the zombies to think!

17-Oct-2008, 02:04 AM
Yeah I would hit the road,and find a safer place.

Nice shiny mall with trucks blocking the entrances? CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!?! :thumbsup:


Zombie Snack
17-Oct-2008, 06:29 AM
I'd get the wife and kid and jump in my big semi tractor, It's got 2 beds, extra clothes and winter gear, a C B radio, a power inverter that runs my refrigerator, microwave, coffee pot, crock pot, tv, computer. I Have about 2 weeks worth of can food and water stored at all times under the bottom bunk, heat and air....and I am 10 minuets from being out in the middle of the boonstocks. And I got a killer hideout in the woods..but thats for another thread.

17-Oct-2008, 12:46 PM
In that case right there since it would seem based on the choices the house is not fortified and prepared and there is a sizable horde of undead approaching I would have to take to the road, I would then try to pick up friends and family and make for some place safe OR make some place safe.

I hate the idea of having to be a nomad, and abandoning familiar surroundings but if the threat is as you stated I would have to get out of there. In my family I just do not have the support to sustain a "fortified private residence" for very long.

darth los
17-Oct-2008, 02:22 PM
Yeah I would hit the road,and find a safer place.


I see we have a Steve Austin fan i our midst!!

Stone cold wouldn't run from anyone. I'll tell you that much!!


17-Oct-2008, 03:43 PM
I see we have a Steve Austin fan i our midst!!What's the six million dollar man got to do with this? *sigh* I really am just that old aren't I?

House. The streets are going to be mayhem getting out of town. Traffic jams and panic. Attempting to hit the stores for supplies would be too dangerous. You'd have more to fear from panicked looters with guns than from the zombies. Your best bet is to hunker for a bit and let the idiots take the brunt.

I'd back my car into the garage and close it, then fortify as best I could. I'd get the gas from the other car and lawmower and get it all into my SUV. I'd pack my food/water and any surplus of weapons I could gather into the SUV. Basically, in a moment's notice I could be hitting the SUV and on the road.

Then I'd hunker down and wait. I'd leave my house when, (a) the zombies are a threat to me if I stay, (b) the supplies run low, (c) the zombies are in complete takeover and I need to start thinking of a long term better place.

17-Oct-2008, 04:16 PM
I live in a very remote rural area so if the dead are seen in this area they are likely to be even worse in the cities, so I would head for the house and start to prepare.


17-Oct-2008, 04:23 PM
Hit the road. I have friends and relatives who live in less densely populated and more sustainable areas, and I would try to make it to one of their homes.

I agree. If it's this early on, but there's already a 'mass of the undead' making its way down my street, I'd probably grab what I could and hightail it...this depending on any news reports (complete glutting of traffic, high levels of 'outbreaks' patterned in such a way to make it difficult to get to the areas I'd want to head towards etc.) which might otherwise have swayed me from such a course.

17-Oct-2008, 04:35 PM
Agreed with those who would of course weigh their options based on more information, but given what we know right now. I would definitely not want to try and fortify my house.

It is not very secure and I would need time to make it safe, and the roads MAY be impossible to get through but they might be okay too. I know my house would take more work and man power than I have to fortify in such a short period.

darth los
17-Oct-2008, 04:41 PM
I live in a very remote rural area so if the dead are seen in this area they are likely to be even worse in the cities, so I would head for the house and start to prepare.


It's a no win situation because being in a densley populated area there's sure to be more ghouls but also more people to help/fear. So there's a double threat.


17-Oct-2008, 09:39 PM
I see we have a Steve Austin fan i our midst!!

Stone cold wouldn't run from anyone. I'll tell you that much!!


Stomp a mudhole in their asses, and walk it dry.

17-Oct-2008, 09:51 PM
Given the way my house is built, I would run that way.

My house is a good 20 feet off the ground in all but one area(the garage). I take my sledgehammer, knock out the front and back porch stairs, then fortify the garage doors. I have ALOT of wood to board up the two garage doors. Should they make it through those doors, I head up the 20+ stairs from the basement and take out each stair as I go up.

Then i'm safe....no way for them to get in. I would even have the ability to go outside onto the porches and roof if I had to scout for others or possible rescue crews.

God it's kinda pethetic that I've already thought this through. But I know all you guys have too.:lol:

17-Oct-2008, 11:52 PM
Stomp a mudhole in their asses, and walk it dry.


22-Oct-2008, 11:58 PM
God it's kinda pethetic that I've already thought this through. But I know all you guys have too.:lol:
You are not a true zombie freak if you have not yet gone over this sort of scenario at least once in your head.

Before I discovered sites like HPOTD, I thought I was the only freak out there making plans about how to cope with the living dead!

23-Oct-2008, 12:59 AM
You are not a true zombie freak if you have not yet gone over this sort of scenario at least once in your head.

Before I discovered sites like HPOTD, I thought I was the only freak out there making plans about how to cope with the living dead!

I spend at least an hour every day thinking of ways to fortify my house.

23-Oct-2008, 01:39 AM
I spend at least an hour every day thinking of ways to fortify my house.

...and then it only takes one second to realize you don't have the money to afford to do so.:lol:

23-Oct-2008, 01:43 AM
...and then it only takes one second to realize you don't have the money to afford to do so.:lol:


23-Oct-2008, 03:06 AM
Run to the house. Some of you may recall from previous posts that the MapMan is a combat vet (Just got back from Afghanistan) and has a reloader in the basement. Eventually I would stick with the game plan of getting to the National Guard armory and acquiring a M577 APC to cruise around in.

23-Oct-2008, 08:07 AM
well seeing as i dont have a car lmao...id probably have to take the..road. yeah...i know i would definitely not go in the house...because..if you went in the house you trapped in there...well sure you can block windows/doors etc. but those dead are gonna get in...once they smell or notice you in there they will rock your house...so id probably just run down the creek that is near my house...try and get some where that is safe...which is nowhere but most suburban houses are death traps. I'd probably just run along to the road and see if i can steal a car...then driveee.

23-Oct-2008, 12:28 PM
Like some people have said all ready get what I need and get the f*ck out of there!

My house ain't excatly zombie proof and doubt I can it one.(Its not even my house its my parents:|)
Not to mention I have 2 dogs who will bark at anyone unfamiliar to them, that even comes close to the house. So they would probably just attract more.

So yeah hit the road for me.:D Sadly I don't have my lisence either.:( But if the world is going to hell does it matter?:confused:

23-Oct-2008, 12:32 PM
Not to mention I have 2 dogs who will bark at anyone unfamiliar to them, that even comes close to the house. So they would probably just attract more.

As long as you don't pull a dawn04 and go chasing after the things.:rolleyes:

As for the license - I can see you getting pulled over. The cop is calmly talking to you about not having a license while there are explosions and bodies being ripped apart in the background.

"You know how fast you were goin back there?"

23-Oct-2008, 12:40 PM
As long as you don't pull a dawn04 and go chasing after the things.:rolleyes:

As for the license - I can see you getting pulled over. The cop is calmly talking to you about not having a license while there are explosions and bodies being ripped apart in the background.

"You know how fast you were goin back there?"


Only if it is the end of the month though...

23-Oct-2008, 02:47 PM
You are not a true zombie freak if you have not yet gone over this sort of scenario at least once in your head.

Before I discovered sites like HPOTD, I thought I was the only freak out there making plans about how to cope with the living dead!I cannot walk through a mall without casing the place for defenses and supplies. Sometimes I'll drive around the mall once (ostensibly looking for the best place to park if the wife asks) taking note of all the entries/exits.

It was a sad day when all the Hickory Farms stores started disappearing from malls. Those places were a treasure trove of ready to eat non-perishable foods.

23-Oct-2008, 03:15 PM
It was a sad day when all the Hickory Farms stores started disappearing from malls. Those places were a treasure trove of ready to eat non-perishable foods.

So true, so true.

Life supply of Beefstick for the win.


23-Oct-2008, 05:12 PM
I would go for my house the most dangerous places to fortify in a hurry would be the front and back door.
We have a generator and lots of food and wood that keep us safe for awhile if we ration.
The last time the power went out I noticed there are quite a few of my neighbors that have generators too, so, as for attracting zombies to the house? Definitely they would be attracted but atleast they wouldn't all be at my house. lol