View Full Version : just a thought

19-Oct-2008, 07:07 AM
ok so i know left handed people such as myself have thoughts that come out of left field and think deeper in general.

so here goes it.........

so lets say a zed outbreak happens, what goes on with famous people like wrestlers, singers and athletes? i know they're regular people too but i can just see david lee roth and ted nugent going gonzo with a shooting fest on them.

heres my question tho......

would the burden be laid on entertainers shoulders even more after something like this? screw 9/11, this is WAY more of a "win or else" situation and theres no one to really say "hey not our problem" cuz its everywhere

so wheres the comments,peeps?

19-Oct-2008, 09:50 AM
Some celebs will do as well as you and I, others become zombie nash pretty quickly and others will find someone to look after them.

19-Oct-2008, 12:22 PM
I think some celebs would be ok,because they have lots of money and their own plane or boat.But the celebs who are spoiled brats would be screwed.

19-Oct-2008, 03:11 PM
Amy Winehouse has already turned!!!

19-Oct-2008, 04:21 PM
Amy Winehouse has already turned!!!

Yeah,she does look like a zombie.

19-Oct-2008, 08:11 PM
Celebrities would cease to exist. Everyone's fighting for their lives; they no longer give a rat's ass who anybody else is. As soon as the dead start taking bites out of people, everyone truly becomes equal.

19-Oct-2008, 09:35 PM
Celebrities would cease to exist. Everyone's fighting for their lives; they no longer give a rat's ass who anybody else is. As soon as the dead start taking bites out of people, everyone truly becomes equal.

I agree with SRP76. No one would have time to care about celebrities, especially considering that the media would be turned over to Emergency Broadcasts and Civil Defense so there would be no stupid gossip shows or anything. So celebrities would be pretty much just as cut off from the world as much as everyone else, except maybe through the internet, if it's still up.

19-Oct-2008, 10:46 PM
I agree with SRP76. No one would have time to care about celebrities, especially considering that the media would be turned over to Emergency Broadcasts and Civil Defense so there would be no stupid gossip shows or anything. So celebrities would be pretty much just as cut off from the world as much as everyone else, except maybe through the internet, if it's still up.

in my defense, i did say AFTER something like this

19-Oct-2008, 10:57 PM
in my defense, i did say AFTER something like this

Yes, and people still wouldn't care who Stallone is. Everyone else is just another survivor.

19-Oct-2008, 11:16 PM
Yes, and people still wouldn't care who Stallone is. Everyone else is just another survivor.

just like no one cared about movies after 9/11?

19-Oct-2008, 11:18 PM
Some celebs will do as well as you and I, others become zombie nash pretty quickly and others will find someone to look after them.

I'm with you, sugar, but I think they be as well geared up as you or I or the regular Joe, unless they are given a script:D

19-Oct-2008, 11:28 PM
just like no one cared about movies after 9/11?

You can't be comparing that to a worldwide outbreak of dead cannibals. That's like trying to say a teardrop is just like the Pacific Ocean.

20-Oct-2008, 12:25 AM
Who would give a rats ass about celebrities?!? Hell, I hardly care about them now as it is.

20-Oct-2008, 05:12 AM
Who would give a rats ass about celebrities?!? Hell, I hardly care about them now as it is.

Oh, i don't know. I'm sure there would be the freak-fool that would sit in a boarded up house, under siege, with little to no supplies, and think to themselves "I wonder how Tom Cruise is doing right about now".

20-Oct-2008, 01:38 PM
Oh, i don't know. I'm sure there would be the freak-fool that would sit in a boarded up house, under siege, with little to no supplies, and think to themselves "I wonder how Tom Cruise is doing right about now".

The sad thing is, your probably right! I just know it wouldn't be me.

20-Oct-2008, 03:09 PM
so lets say a zed outbreak happens, what goes on with famous people like wrestlers, singers and athletes? i know they're regular people too but i can just see david lee roth and ted nugent going gonzo with a shooting fest on them.

I don't think you'd have to worry much about Ted Nugent. Hell, I think I'd like being near him in an outbreak. I was at a Damn Yankees concert years ago & I saw him nail a head shot with his bow on a moving target at least 30 yards away from him :cool:. Plus, he's a hunter who can live off the land as well as anyone, celebrity or not.

As to the general question, during an outbreak I think that everyone would be worrying about their own skin & that of their loved ones to care much about celebrities.

After, now that's something I can't speak to. I know I would be still worrying about my family & friends & celebrities would still be far from my mind.

20-Oct-2008, 06:42 PM
During the outbreak they would I think be a mixed bag, they tend to have security, fenced property, and armed guards. They might be in a better situation to defend themselves.

That said I am sure that makes them a target as well, as the have nots or the profiteers try to take advantage of the situation to get ahead as it were. So some might fall on some really hard times.

Afterwords, you would likely see some return to some form of celebrity depending on the scope and duration of the outbreak. Hosting charity events like "live aid" and such. Even if the world went the way of "Land of the dead" tell me that some well known bands today wouldn't still be a draw in small venues to help people pass the time and try to deal with life in the zed world. Entertainment is a distraction from your boring normal life. Why wouldn't that continue?

21-Oct-2008, 02:16 AM
Afterwords, you would likely see some return to some form of celebrity depending on the scope and duration of the outbreak. Hosting charity events like "live aid" and such. Even if the world went the way of "Land of the dead" tell me that some well known bands today wouldn't still be a draw in small venues to help people pass the time and try to deal with life in the zed world. Entertainment is a distraction from your boring normal life. Why wouldn't that continue?

totally agreed

21-Oct-2008, 02:46 AM
Who would give a rats ass about celebrities?!? Hell, I hardly care about them now as it is.

*high five*

21-Oct-2008, 02:58 AM
just like no one cared about movies after 9/11?

As sad and tragic as 9/11 was, and as much as is tightened our security, it didn't completely redefine the way we live. People still went to bed at night without wondering about nothing but whether they'd be alive in the morning or not. A Zed outbreak, however, would be completely catastrophic. There would be no where to run, no where to hide, and you would never really be safe. So you can't compare them. Americans didn't have to spend every waking hour of their lives fighting to survive after 9/11.

21-Oct-2008, 07:02 PM
In Max Brooks' World War Z there was that anecdote about the rich and famous high living it in a secure fortified mansion - and broadcast themselves live on the internet (or at least the homeowner does) and they get swamped by the ordinary citizen looking for a safe haven!

21-Oct-2008, 11:01 PM
As sad and tragic as 9/11 was, and as much as is tightened our security, it didn't completely redefine the way we live. People still went to bed at night without wondering about nothing but whether they'd be alive in the morning or not. A Zed outbreak, however, would be completely catastrophic. There would be no where to run, no where to hide, and you would never really be safe. So you can't compare them. Americans didn't have to spend every waking hour of their lives fighting to survive after 9/11.

With 9/11 there was actually an "afterwards" but with the Living Dead, the recently dead will continue to rise forever, and therefore there will be no "afterwards"

22-Oct-2008, 07:39 AM
The celeb like we have them today would die out. But the entertainer would live on. When you are a kick ass zombie hunter in to trade in an fortified town you might pass some women singing and dancing on the town square. You listen and give some then when you leave you think: Have I not seen them before back on television?

22-Oct-2008, 08:49 PM
The celeb like we have them today would die out. But the entertainer would live on. When you are a kick ass zombie hunter in to trade in an fortified town you might pass some women singing and dancing on the town square. You listen and give some then when you leave you think: Have I not seen them before back on television?

Suddenly got reminded of that godawful Costner movie "The Postman" where there was an enclave headed by the formerly famous Tom Petty.

23-Oct-2008, 11:31 PM
Suddenly got reminded of that godawful Costner movie "The Postman" where there was an enclave headed by the formerly famous Tom Petty.
Did his fame play into his role?
I liked the postman exept for the last fight which sucked.

24-Oct-2008, 12:37 AM
Did his fame play into his role?
I liked the postman exept for the last fight which sucked.

They never really made a big deal of his fame, but I recall there was a line like:

Postman: Hey, aren't you-

Tom Petty: That was in a different life, man.

As far as the Postman goes, I think I would have liked that film better if it stayed truer to the novel, which was a really fun read. Having that drip Costner star in it also made me dislike the film even more, though to be fair it certainly wasn't THUNDERDOME. :)

26-Oct-2008, 12:40 AM
I don't see anyone, even if they were so inclined, being able to care about celebrities. It's unlikely the people and things that feed the celebrity gossip demand would be up and running for long into a zombie epidemic. Besides, what would they report? "Rosie O'Donell shocker: I love my Glock pistol?", "What the celebs are wearing this fall in tactical gear?", "Homemade armor makes Jolie look fat?"

darth los
26-Oct-2008, 04:14 AM
As sad and tragic as 9/11 was, and as much as is tightened our security, it didn't completely redefine the way we live. People still went to bed at night without wondering about nothing but whether they'd be alive in the morning or not. A Zed outbreak, however, would be completely catastrophic. There would be no where to run, no where to hide, and you would never really be safe. So you can't compare them. Americans didn't have to spend every waking hour of their lives fighting to survive after 9/11.

A zed outbreak would definitely be on a much greater scale. It would be like 9-11 everywhere at once.
