View Full Version : Forum Signature Files

21-Oct-2008, 03:00 PM
Many of you old schoolers will remember I offered to create signatures to be used on the forums, and it makes me happy to see some of those still in use today. I am a fair hand at Photoshop, and use it at both work and home. If you would like a file similar to mine or any of the others on the site just let me know via private message or email.

Things to include would be forum name, email to send it if possible (or I can post it on the forums), color scheme, any quote or saying you might like included, and maybe an image or two you want included on it or a description of something for it to look like.

Example request:

"Hey Thorn, could you make me a sig? How about something that is mostly black with gray letters, images should included characters from the original Night. Ben would be cool as well as the Nekkid zombie. Please try to work in a quote from Ben about Beekman's Diner like "There wasn't a sign of life left, except... by now, there were no more screams."

Please note quotes are better if they are short as they take up a lot of real estate, and signature files should be kept small out of respect for web communities as a general rule in my opinion.

Anyhow just let me know.

21-Oct-2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the offer thorn.

major jay
21-Oct-2008, 03:39 PM
That's really cool of you dude.:) I may take you up on that.

21-Oct-2008, 04:20 PM
Does it have to be related to the dead films? I don't know anything about Photoshop or how easy it is to blend things together, but I've always wanted to take a picture of myself with my Ghostbusters suit/pack on and blend it in to a picture of the real guys...

21-Oct-2008, 04:37 PM
Thorn, you made a couple for me back in the day. If you still have those around, I'd like to use them. I lost track of them somewhere along the line. Thank you!

darth los
21-Oct-2008, 05:41 PM
Does it have to be related to the dead films? I don't know anything about Photoshop or how easy it is to blend things together, but I've always wanted to take a picture of myself with my Ghostbusters suit/pack on and blend it in to a picture of the real guys...

The lost Ghostbuster!?! Dude, you'd be like pete best!!!

Just imagine all the chicks that'll help you get!!!


21-Oct-2008, 08:52 PM
Very decent of you to offer, Thorn. ;)

21-Oct-2008, 08:58 PM
Thats very cool Thorn.:D

21-Oct-2008, 11:27 PM
Thanks homeboy! I might shoot you a PM request since I am not good with digital manipulation and you are quite obviously very talented there.

21-Oct-2008, 11:38 PM
Hey Ax I lost most of the old stuff when I switched to a new PC I remember your sig though pretty well. But I would be glad to do another just hit me up with details seriously it is no thing.

Dawn here is yours from your PM.


Does it have to be related to the dead films? I don't know anything about Photoshop or how easy it is to blend things together, but I've always wanted to take a picture of myself with my Ghostbusters suit/pack on and blend it in to a picture of the real guys...

I can do that easy ;)

22-Oct-2008, 01:05 AM
Thorn is da man.;) I used to have one of your sig files & lost it like a dumb a$$. I have mourned its loss ever since.:(

darth los
22-Oct-2008, 01:19 AM
Thanks homeboy! I might shoot you a PM request since I am not good with digital manipulation and you are quite obviously very talented there.

Dude, we've GOT to get you slang lessons!! lol

Catch ya later, homeslice!!


22-Oct-2008, 01:52 PM
Thorn, you rock!!! :cool: The sig is better than I could have imagined - I love it. You are beyond amazing to offer to design these for people (even if you say it's easy), and I thank you very much.

With that said, I need help on adding it to my profile so it appears with my posts. I don't know much about these things, and my playing around trying to figure it out hasn't done squat, so whoever knows how, could you please let me know (and the "adding forum sigs for Dummies" version would be appreciated :p).

darth los
22-Oct-2008, 05:09 PM
You're a smooth operator thorn. ;)

I'll just sit back and take notes.


22-Oct-2008, 06:49 PM
Thorn is da man.;) I used to have one of your sig files & lost it like a dumb a$$. I have mourned its loss ever since.:(
I remember making that one as well, and as always more than happy to recreate one please just let me know.

Thorn, you rock!!! :cool: The sig is better than I could have imagined - I love it. You are beyond amazing to offer to design these for people (even if you say it's easy), and I thank you very much.

With that said, I need help on adding it to my profile so it appears with my posts. I don't know much about these things, and my playing around trying to figure it out hasn't done squat, so whoever knows how, could you please let me know (and the "adding forum sigs for Dummies" version would be appreciated :p).

Basically do this copy the url of your image, you can find it by right clicking on the signature I posted or ... copy it here:

Then what you want to do is make it so it has the IMG tags on either side of it like you would if you wanted to display an image in your post.

So it would look like this:

You are just adding bracket, IMG, bracket on the left of the url. Then on the right bracket, forward slash, IMG, bracket on the right.

I would also save a copy of the file on your PC just in case. right click, save as. Then you always have it in case you lose it for some reason online.

You're a smooth operator thorn. ;)

I'll just sit back and take notes.


I learned from the best my brother!

22-Oct-2008, 08:23 PM
Many thanks, Thorn! ;):D

22-Oct-2008, 08:24 PM
well DawnGirl, that's some sig you got there;)

22-Oct-2008, 08:27 PM
Thats an awesome sig you got DawnGirl.:D

22-Oct-2008, 08:36 PM
Dude, we've GOT to get you slang lessons!! lol

Catch ya later, homeslice!!

Yeah brother, I know my slang dates me as a child of the 70's/80's. I do get weird looks from the twentysomething crowd when I say things like "groovy" or "radical" so I know that I am in need of serious schooling. :D

22-Oct-2008, 08:45 PM
well DawnGirl, that's some sig you got there;)

Thats an awesome sig you got DawnGirl.:D

Thanks, guys - my ideas, Thorn's skills... :D

22-Oct-2008, 09:09 PM
this is a very kind community service

rep+1 man!

22-Oct-2008, 10:36 PM
I remember making that one as well, and as always more than happy to recreate one please just let me know.

Will do. I'll shoot you a PM later w/ what details I remember.

Many thanks!

22-Oct-2008, 11:04 PM
Yeah brother, I know my slang dates me as a child of the 70's/80's. I do get weird looks from the twentysomething crowd when I say things like "groovy" or "radical" so I know that I am in need of serious schooling. :D

dude, im half your age and still use the term rad, that gets way funnier looks i reckon:D

22-Oct-2008, 11:48 PM
dude, im half your age and still use the term rad, that gets way funnier looks i reckon:D

I grok you. Gnarly and far out in a groovy kind of way, hells!

darth los
23-Oct-2008, 12:44 AM
I actually like the old slang better. It just makes more sense to me. The kids nowdays recycle alot of the words we used to use like "fresh". They seem to be under the impression that it's new. If they knew i suspect they wouldn't use it.


23-Oct-2008, 01:01 AM
well DawnGirl, that's some sig you got there;)


And yours...

23-Oct-2008, 01:06 AM

That is a great sig,good work Thorn.:D

23-Oct-2008, 02:00 AM
That is a great sig,good work Thorn.:D

Thank you my friend.


Here is yours...

23-Oct-2008, 02:07 AM
First off, those are bloody awesome sigs, Dawn Girl and Bub666! Secondly, I only popped into this thread earlier today and was really happy to see someone taking the time to make such an offer.

Class act all the way, in my humble opinion, Thorn :thumbsup:

23-Oct-2008, 02:37 AM
Thank you my friend.


Here is yours...

I must be a complete moron,I can't get it to work.:(

23-Oct-2008, 02:42 AM
I must be a complete moron,I can't get it to work.:(

copy and paste this into your signature:


Then put the IMG tags on either side of it as displayed as above you will be good to go

23-Oct-2008, 02:49 AM
copy and paste this into your signature:


Then put the IMG tags on either side of it as displayed as above you will be good to go

I just tried that,and it still didn't work.

23-Oct-2008, 02:54 AM
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Thorn!

23-Oct-2008, 03:56 AM
I finally got it to work.Thorn you are the man.:D

23-Oct-2008, 04:00 AM
Thorn you are the man.:D

I'll second that!

23-Oct-2008, 12:20 PM
Awesome! Thanks guys it is a lot of fun to play around with them and there are so many options, I try to keep them clean and avoid too much clutter to save a bit of time and make them easier on the eyes for people. It is nice too to try and tie it in the subject. Like with Bub666's trying to go for a cave feel for his to go along with dawn.

I am by no means the best photoshop guy on the planet but it is a lot of fun for sure.

23-Oct-2008, 06:34 PM
You did a great job with all our sigs, Thorn, and you're very humble about your skills. ;) There are some of us out here that don't have a clue how to even start making a custom made signature, and because of you, we're sporting some pretty awesome ones. You get :thumbsup: for that, man! :D

23-Oct-2008, 11:08 PM
There are some of us out here that don't have a clue how to even start making a custom made signature

Yeah,I wouldn't even know where to begin.You're the best Thorn.:D

24-Oct-2008, 04:28 PM
Thank you very much I really appreciate that, I love making them and I think having one is neat it is kind of like.. hmm an accent to your online identity in a way and kind of artistic expression too.

I have a couple more in the pipe I should have done tonight, was backlogged at work so had to take that home with me but more to come.


Here you go map.

26-Oct-2008, 04:51 AM

Moon, here you go my friend.

26-Oct-2008, 01:06 PM

Very cool sig.

26-Oct-2008, 11:32 PM
My thanks, and this is the last one I had a request for:


26-Oct-2008, 11:38 PM
Yes, those are some very nice sigs. Keep up the good work!

26-Oct-2008, 11:40 PM
Thanks Thorn.

27-Oct-2008, 02:18 AM
Thanks all. Any other requests?


Alternate one for Bub showing the zombies coming in off the lift.

27-Oct-2008, 02:20 AM
Thanks all. Any other requests?


Alternate one for Bub showing the zombies coming in off the lift.

Thanks Thorn.


You got a cool looking sig,horrormad.:D

28-Oct-2008, 03:47 PM
Nice alternate one, too, Bub! Great work as always, Thorn. ;)

28-Oct-2008, 04:16 PM
Thank you very much, I liked it before it was simple and the texture was good but it seemed to lack something you know? So I thought I would try to spruce it up a bit. That scene where the zombies come down off the lift is so key in the film and I thought it would work well as a back drop if I faded it a bit made it blurry and gave it a bit of texture as well so it kind of gives you the misty impression of it.

It is all a fun process though, clean and simple works great but sometimes you need something to PUNCH it up a bit you know?

28-Oct-2008, 10:27 PM
I had to take mine back out because I got an infraction for the size of it.:( I may have play with it & see if I can resize it.

darth los
28-Oct-2008, 10:47 PM
A good idea is to run it by the brass before changing anything. I always do.

29-Oct-2008, 04:27 AM
A good idea is to run it by the brass before changing anything. I always do.

Honestly, I didn't even think of it, since I pretty much NEVER change anything. Afterwards, even if I HAD thought of it I would probably have assumed that ones that are too big would automatically reject like the avatars do.

Oh well, live & learn. :(

29-Oct-2008, 12:36 PM
Honestly, I didn't even think of it, since I pretty much NEVER change anything. Afterwards, even if I HAD thought of it I would probably have assumed that ones that are too big would automatically reject like the avatars do.

Oh well, live & learn. :(

No worries I will just reduce the size for you, I am surprised at the size restriction I did not think that one was unusually large. Did they tell you the acceptable dimensionless/specs?

29-Oct-2008, 06:38 PM
Signature restrictions also take into account the amount of text in a sig - so smaller text and less lines helps that situation.

It's simply so we don't have a situation like on some forums where the signatures take up the majority of the page and are constantly getting in the way, it's also partly an issue of the amount of data as some people still have monthly limits and such.

MoonSylver - reducing the size of the text, as well as the number of vertical lines down the sig (e.g. in the Judas Priest lyric) would help keep your sig within the size of sig we try to aim for here at HPOTD. But don't fret too much about being picked up on it, it's come up many times in the past.

If I've missed anything, consult the Rules & FAQ section for further info. Hope this helps clear things up a bit. :)

29-Oct-2008, 10:03 PM
Signature restrictions also take into account the amount of text in a sig - so smaller text and less lines helps that situation.

MoonSylver - reducing the size of the text, as well as the number of vertical lines down the sig (e.g. in the Judas Priest lyric) would help keep your sig within the size of sig we try to aim for here at HPOTD. But don't fret too much about being picked up on it, it's come up many times in the past.

If I've missed anything, consult the Rules & FAQ section for further info. Hope this helps clear things up a bit. :)

Ah...I was thinking it was JUST the image. Didn't occur to that it was the TOTAL, including the text...now I feel like a dunce. Dang this new fangled interweb gizmo doo-hickey!

01-Nov-2008, 04:41 PM

Here you go Bunk, more to come. Sorry for the delay guys the Holiday and family stuff took a lot of time out of my free time.

Hmm not sure I liked the blue, or the luminosity on that font. Maybe this one is better..


Your call!

01-Nov-2008, 06:56 PM

That is an awesome sig.

02-Nov-2008, 08:59 PM
Nice, Thorn. As always.... :D

03-Nov-2008, 04:02 AM
Nice, Thorn. As always.... :D

Thank you very much.

Here is the last one I have outstanding...


(Kind of a Frank Miller inspired sig. THIS IS HPotD! ;) )

See you tomorrow!

03-Nov-2008, 03:58 PM
WoW!! That was better than I could ever hope for! Amazing Work! Thank you Thorn!

Can you guys see my signature picture now? I can see it in preview but not in my posts.

03-Nov-2008, 04:37 PM
WoW!! That was better than I could ever hope for! Amazing Work! Thank you Thorn!

Can you guys see my signature picture now? I can see it in preview but not in my posts.

Hey thanks my friend, you gave me good direction and that lead me to kind of pull in the B&W with a hint of red Miller inspiration/influence. I can see it but you still have the image shack provided tags. You can remove those so it doesn't have the image shack sales plug/blurb under it by deleting all the code except whats in the IMG brackets. Like all the code that has url info.

04-Nov-2008, 02:17 AM
Nice work there Thorn, they keep getting better!

04-Nov-2008, 03:16 AM

Here you go Bunk, more to come. Sorry for the delay guys the Holiday and family stuff took a lot of time out of my free time.

Hmm not sure I liked the blue, or the luminosity on that font. Maybe this one is better..


Your call!

Wow Thorn, that is just AMAZING :stunned: !! Great job !! I like the blue one so if you could send me the code for that it would be awesome !! :cool:

Thanks again !! Amazing, amazing job !! Couldn't have imagined it being better !! :skull:

04-Nov-2008, 01:47 PM
Wow Thorn, that is just AMAZING :stunned: !! Great job !! I like the blue one so if you could send me the code for that it would be awesome !! :cool:

Thanks again !! Amazing, amazing job !! Couldn't have imagined it being better !! :skull:

Okay here is the code


That is the image location on the internet.

You just need to put in the IMG tags on either side

Would go on the front of it and then on the other end you would put...

Also thanks for the kind words all it is much appreciated, fun to do and nice ot know the end result is one people are happy with. The more info the better I figure.

I had one request for a signature file that was Krusty the clown, I forgot who asked for it and lost the pm with the details so if you want to shoot that my way i can bang that out now as it was a second request.

Beyond that no requests, I am going to go ahead and try to make some generic avatars maybe next unless I have some requests. Gives me something to do during down time ;)

04-Nov-2008, 09:44 PM
I have a request Thorn..could you please do an signature for me Debbieangel...you do such good work!!
Oh yeah, could you please do a avatar for me too?
I thank you sooooo much in advance!