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View Full Version : Hypnotised lad in zombie shootout..

23-Oct-2008, 05:34 PM
Some of you will probably have already seen this on TV,its from the derren brown hypnosis show.Im not sure if its faked or not (ive seen a couple of hypnotist shows live & fully believe it works!!) but its still pretty amusing!


23-Oct-2008, 06:01 PM
I think there is a percentage of people who can be hypnotized, and others that can't. It's hard to tell from this if the guy really was, but he was convincing. Can you imagine suddenly being thrust into a situation like that? He goes into a pub for a night out with friends and ends up battling zombies... He seemed to be teetering on the edge near the end, and his female friend seemed a bit concerned as time went on. Interesting concept, nonetheless.

darth los
23-Oct-2008, 06:03 PM
Imo, you can only be hypnotized if you want to . You have to be open to the power of suggestion.


23-Oct-2008, 06:53 PM
Darth - *Snap!* "Keep your ears tuned to the dazzlement that is DawnGirl's reasoning...You are getting sleepy and seeing her way is the right one...You will henceforth agree with her that some people can be hypnotized..." *Snap!* :lol:

darth los
23-Oct-2008, 07:43 PM
Darth - *Snap!* "Keep your ears tuned to the dazzlement that is DawnGirl's reasoning...You are getting sleepy and seeing her way is the right one...You will henceforth agree with her that some people can be hypnotized..." *Snap!* :lol:

What a relief. I figured the first thing you were going to ask for is my wallet. :lol:

That's what hubby's are for i guess.


23-Oct-2008, 07:56 PM
i've tried it, it was a mass weight loss hypnotizing thing. some people it worked on,but not me.

darth los
23-Oct-2008, 08:13 PM
i've tried it, it was a mass weight loss hypnotizing thing. some people it worked on,but not me.

Dude why would you spend your hard earned money on that!?!

Weight loss is very simple. Take that money and get the silver membership at Gold's gym. The pounds will melt off. I garantee it!! I just lost 50 pounds and all I did was get off my fat ass, hit the wieghts and eat right. I'm down to a respectabe 193 lbs. now.


23-Oct-2008, 09:24 PM
Dude why would you spend your hard earned money on that!?!

Weight loss is very simple. Take that money and get the silver membership at Gold's gym. The pounds will melt off. I garantee it!! I just lost 50 pounds and all I did was get off my fat ass, hit the wieghts and eat right. I'm down to a respectabe 193 lbs. now.


you assumed i spent money.

23-Oct-2008, 10:25 PM
This has been posted here before. A couple of times, I think. I'm pretty sure I recall somebody saying that this was found out to be fake.

23-Oct-2008, 10:55 PM
Some of you will probably have already seen this on TV,its from the derren brown hypnosis show.Im not sure if its faked or not (ive seen a couple of hypnotist shows live & fully believe it works!!) but its still pretty amusing!


Yeah I've seen this already on youtube.It looks fake to me.