View Full Version : The BBC getting stick for it's blatant bias...

23-Oct-2008, 06:00 PM

Check out the comments there.

Also of note, from The Telegraph:


About bloody time some people started talking about the BBC's blatant bias, as the last few days has been farcical. Sky News have been guilty of the same issue (what with the likes of Adam Boulton, whose Wife used to work for Tony Blair - and Kay-f*cking-Burley, the Gordon Brown fawner ... who is being stalked ever-so-ironically right now by that Barry George bloke, after she'd interviewed him in her usual lefty-wefty-no-metaphorical-balls style) ... but anyway, the BBC (and Sky News) have been stupidly DESPERATE to make a story out of this Osborne story, which isn't even a story - why - because nothing illegal happened, and the old addage of "follow the money" is null-and-void because there is NO MONEY to follow.

Meanwhile, Mandelson has obviously been shifting this sh*t around like the playground stirrer he is - a man, for those not in the know, has already been fired TWICE (and recently back in #10 for a THIRD time - hired by the man he hates, and whom hates him - Brown) - and being helped by whom?

ALISTAIR BLOODY CAMPBELL ... yep, the tabloid rag-flogger, who rose to become one of the most powerful men in the Blair government, has crawled back like a cretinous toad that he is - a man known for bullying journalists into printing the stories he wants (i.e. nothing criticising Labour, and as much pander-to-the-old-stereotype garbage about the Tory party).

The BBC were ridiculously desperate to get a story out of this issue, but clearly it is fading fast as there is none to find - ITV News were mercifully far more sensible about the whole thing, and seemingly Channel 4 have been far more even-handed about it too (both of which are known for being far fairer - whether that's just un-biased, or hard-on-all-parties is another matter of course).

If I was in charge, I'd make it a legal requirement of news agencies to provide equal and un-blocked coverage of ALL Party Conferences during conference season, and I would place strict focus and regulation upon News Readers stepping outside of their remit by putting their personal politics into their job - which just happens to involve being broadcast around the globe - and I would place penalties on those who step outside of their job titles and act unfairly towards any one party.

Must we be peddled the view of some muppet reading stuff off a teleprompter behind a desk (or walking around in circles as the trend seems to be going now)? No, we shouldn't be getting that - why - for the simple fact that the BBC prides itself on being un-biased, the biggest joke on the planet quite literally - and the fact that these news agencies are there to impart the news to the entire country (and all the way up to the entire globe). Throughout the country there are many people voting their own way, and the voting habits of ALL the nation's citizens must be paid strict attention to.


Rant over, figured Andy and Tricky would enjoy it a lot, and the Americans might be interested to have a gander too, as they get access to both BBC News and Sky News.


And Kay Burley can f*ck off in all. :moon::lol::D