View Full Version : Oh FFS! What is going on :(

24-Oct-2008, 11:38 AM


24-Oct-2008, 11:52 AM
That is horrible.

Hope he burns in hell.

24-Oct-2008, 12:13 PM
I say we let the parents of murdered children bend him backwards over an iron bar and snap his back. :mad:

24-Oct-2008, 12:15 PM
How can someone be so evil?

24-Oct-2008, 12:37 PM
How could anyone kill their child?Life in jail is not enough,they should have sentence him to death.

24-Oct-2008, 12:42 PM
That's horrible. I mean I really feel awful now. Not a good way to start the day. Thanks Neil.:p

Anyone else getting a sort of Manson vibe from that asshole's picture?

24-Oct-2008, 12:43 PM
Execute their asses

24-Oct-2008, 01:40 PM
Anyone else getting a sort of Manson vibe from that asshole's picture?

Yeah, that dude takes a disturbing photo. In any event, I'm glad the guy will be out of society for a while, but he deserves harsher punishment if the burden of proof has sufficiently been met.

24-Oct-2008, 02:05 PM
Yeah, that dude takes a disturbing photo. In any event, I'm glad the guy will be out of society for a while, but he deserves harsher punishment if the burden of proof has sufficiently been met.

What a miserable life that poor little girl must have had :(

The judge also detailed other occasions in the weeks leading up to the murder in December last year when Howson "cruelly and deliberately assaulted Amy", leaving her with multiple fractures to her arms and legs.

Why the hell was the child still with them :( Poor poor child!

24-Oct-2008, 03:06 PM
Execute their asses

Yes do what he says.

24-Oct-2008, 03:51 PM
Teacher predicted he would kill...

Adrian Waterman QC, defending, told the court how, when Howson was expelled from school as a teenager, a teacher noted in a report: "This boy will commit a murder before too long."


Again, my vote goes to you should need to pass a test to be able to reproduce!

24-Oct-2008, 04:07 PM
i feel sick after reading that. what a complete and total piece of garbage. the death penalty ought to be mandatory (worldwide) for murdering a child under 10. this idiot ought to be first in line.

that whole story is fu*king horrifying.

24-Oct-2008, 04:13 PM
The +ve thing is this case is being widely publicised, so hopefully a good few of his soon to be colleagues (in prison) will know who he is, and what he did...

Here's truly hoping some of them return the treatment to him...

24-Oct-2008, 05:46 PM
I got as far as "snapped spine" and closed the window, that was awful enough, nevermind reading the whole article. :(:(:(:(:(

24-Oct-2008, 07:56 PM
Reading that article made my heart ache for the poor child as well as sick to my stomach :(.

This POS doesn't deserve to ever breathe free air again & if I had my way he would never breathe air again at all.

The guards in the prison should let the other inmates know what this POS did. I'm sure the other inmates would make sure he was well punished for his sick, sick deed.

24-Oct-2008, 08:13 PM
I saw the tab opening and at the end "baby", and like MZ, as soon as I saw "snapped spine," I couldn't read anymore. It's beyond comprehension how anyone could do something like that - it sickens, saddens, and angers me. He deserves some jailhouse justice, for sure... :mad:

24-Oct-2008, 08:13 PM
My mother works as a Deputy District Attorney and used to be in Infant Death. I would assist her in putting together her trial materials and it was terrible, horrible stuff. Stories like this one and much worse.

But I do know that - at least in the USA - scumbags like this one get "regulated" in jail by the other prisoners once it gets out what they are in for.

I hope that he spends the rest of his life in pain and agony.

24-Oct-2008, 08:23 PM
Yojimbo.....do you and your family have some sort of weird attraction to disturbing jobs?:p

24-Oct-2008, 10:55 PM
Yojimbo.....do you and your family have some sort of weird attraction to disturbing jobs?:p
It's the criminal acts that are disturbing, not the job.

Though it's politically incorrect to say it, I'd bet anything this sicko got his start torturing and killing animals. Everyone ignores those signs because it's somehow preposterous to equate human life with animal life, among other political issues. But perhaps if there were serious laws and penalties for animal cruelty (i.e animal 'rights' that dirty phrase), we could nip this sort of homicidal behavior in the bud before it spreads to children and other helpless beings.

25-Oct-2008, 10:23 AM
Anyone else getting a sort of Manson vibe from that asshole's picture?

I think he looks like a idiot like manson.

30-Oct-2008, 08:57 PM
Yojimbo.....do you and your family have some sort of weird attraction to disturbing jobs?:p
I had never really thought of it that way, but you know, you got a point there. :D

Though it's politically incorrect to say it, I'd bet anything this sicko got his start torturing and killing animals. Everyone ignores those signs because it's somehow preposterous to equate human life with animal life, among other political issues. But perhaps if there were serious laws and penalties for animal cruelty (i.e animal 'rights' that dirty phrase), we could nip this sort of homicidal behavior in the bud before it spreads to children and other helpless beings.
I don't know that it would necessarily be politically incorrect to say so. I majored in Criminal Justice, and though I am not so sure of it now I recall being told that animal torture and cruelty at a young age was one of the warning signs of a future sociopath. Certainly, many of the known serial killers got their start this way. Though there are laws, at least in California, that have some serious penalties for animal cruelty, I agree that a system should be in place to flag these weirdos, or keep their names in a database. I know it sounds sort of fascist of me to say so, but it really is not much of a jump to go from torturing and mutilating animals to hurting people and I would rather have a list of these folks kept by law enforcement (much like they do with those convicted of sex crimes)

Somewhere, deep inside of me there is a hippie that cannot believe what a fascist I have grown up to be!

triste realtà
30-Oct-2008, 10:09 PM
Hunt was also in the lowest 1% band of intelligence.

"I have 16 grandchildren.

I think this happened because of their lesser intelligence.
Also, I care about animal cruelty way more than dirtball cruelty.
Happy Hallowe'en!

31-Oct-2008, 12:57 AM
:( I am literally crying after reading that (the first post, i mean). it's just... so wrong... on so many levels.

31-Oct-2008, 01:36 AM
Was it not the Spartans that had a young boy killed because he put out the eyes of a cat for fun?
I belive their court said: What he now does to annimals as a child, he will do to humans when he is an adult.
I think it was the Spartans..

31-Oct-2008, 03:32 AM
:( I am literally crying after reading that (the first post, i mean). it's just... so wrong... on so many levels.

I showed this story to my wife,and she almost cried.this is such a sad story.

11-Nov-2008, 11:24 AM
Prosecutors claimed the boy was beaten during the last eight months of his life.

a computer genreated image showing the injuries the child suffered
The boy suffered bruises, as this computer-generated image shows

A post-mortem examination revealed the baby had suffered numerous injuries including eight fractured ribs and extensive bruising.

He was seen 60 times by health or social workers during that period, being seen about twice a week.


PLEASE let this story get to their cellmates!!!!!

11-Nov-2008, 11:33 AM
So is this murderer's lack of intelligence nature or nurture?

I feel deeply angered by his actions, and saddened...also I feel quite pitiful of him, his pathetic, worthless existence is a statement about today's society and as such he epitomises everything that's dispicable about the world.

11-Nov-2008, 12:52 PM
It gets worse:-

Baby P was covered in sores and bruises, had missing finger tips and nails, had bite marks on his head and would have been paralysed from the waist down due to his broken spine.



11-Nov-2008, 10:24 PM
Why do we even bother putting people who do things like that in jail,they deserve the death penalty,full stop!I hope someone in prison makes them pay,im pretty sure the prison wardens would turn a blind eye for scum like them :mad:

12-Nov-2008, 02:29 AM
To reitterate what I said in an earlier post, he needs some "jailhouse justice" - even more so with this new evidence that's come to light. I'll never understand how anyone can harm children - never. :mad:

12-Nov-2008, 10:55 AM
And then you even get thnigs like this going on... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_yorkshire/7724274.stm

14-Nov-2008, 03:01 PM
Prison justice - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article5156098.ece