View Full Version : Moron

25-Oct-2008, 12:28 AM

25-Oct-2008, 01:30 AM
the article isnt showing up for me but the title of the article does sound moronish

"divorcee jailed for killing virtual hubby"

25-Oct-2008, 02:37 AM
She's not a moron,she's a psycho.

25-Oct-2008, 03:56 AM
the article isnt showing up for me but the title of the article does sound moronish

"divorcee jailed for killing virtual hubby"

She got in trouble for hacking.

25-Oct-2008, 06:08 AM
Wow, I didn't know your character could actually die in Maple Story. I play that with my neice all the time and even though my character has died, he has been revived every time.

It's kind of funny too, she is going to probably end up in jail for hacking over a marrige in a kids game :D

25-Oct-2008, 08:30 AM

You are not safe anywhere now!

25-Oct-2008, 07:18 PM
That is seriously messed up, man. That took some planning, and that in itself is scary. She needs big time mental health help...

25-Oct-2008, 07:37 PM
Wow, is this for real, can you imagine if it was in real life, dang, girl needs padded room:stunned:

darth los
26-Oct-2008, 04:25 AM
That is seriously messed up, man. That took some planning, and that in itself is scary. She needs big time mental health help...

She'll probably play the crazy card, shed dome tears while saying she was abused as a kid and get court odered therapy.


28-Oct-2008, 09:55 AM
The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.

So, who cares? Give her misdemeanor for hacking, send on her way, get over it.

28-Oct-2008, 02:04 PM

You are not safe anywhere now!

Hehe :D

My fav MMORPG crime is the Eve Online heist (http://mmorpg.qj.net/Biggest-scam-in-EVE-Online-history/pg/49/aid/62826), that was classic.

...the corporate heist perpetrated by the in-game assassin's guild Guiding Hand Social Club (GHSC). GHSC infiltrated a target corporation over the course of nearly a year before performing a virtual assassination on the target's CEO and stealing or destroying billions of kredits' worth of property with which the CEO had entrusted them.