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View Full Version : Help Needed on google earth

25-Oct-2008, 08:55 PM
Well, not actually a google earth question. I used a site before that was like google earth, where you could zoom in with satelite imagery, and I am pretty sure I found out about the site from someone who posted here on HPOTD. But I dont remember the site now and want to find it again. It wasnt MSN maps, yahoo, or mapquest, it had a longer name I think. Anyway, if you are the person who knows, or you just know a different site than those listed, please let me know. Thanks.

25-Oct-2008, 11:38 PM
Terraserver maybe?



MS Live Search:


26-Oct-2008, 06:24 AM
Neither of those was it. Anyone else know of any? The thing that I liked about it was, when you scolled around, the web address would change, even if you just moved a little, so when you copied the link, it would take you to exactly where you had zoomed in to. With google earth, the address doesnt change, so if you copy the address and paste it in an email for example, then you click on it in the email, it just taked you to where you originally were in the picture, not where you had moved the view to/

26-Oct-2008, 08:57 PM
Ok, my last try, Multimap?


Coordinates change in the URL when moving around.

26-Oct-2008, 10:38 PM
That wasnt it either, but it does accomplish the same thing with the coordinates changing. Thanks!