View Full Version : Philadelphia Phillies - WORLD CHAMPS!

30-Oct-2008, 01:29 PM
The best day/week/month of my life. :D

It means so much to me and this city. I got so choked up when they won it last night.

30-Oct-2008, 01:35 PM
Well, I'm not a Phillies fan by any stretch of the imagination, but it's been a long time coming for your city and your fans.

So Congratulations, but don't get too used to winning the whole damn ball of wax ;)

PS--were there any celebratory riots, or was mainly a cool vibe in the city after the win? I didn't see anything in the paper about it.

major jay
30-Oct-2008, 01:59 PM
During the ninth inning I couldn't help thinking Brad Lidge was going to pull a Mitch Williams. But he hung in there and got it done! Congratulations.

30-Oct-2008, 03:03 PM
It will boost the economy in your area. People will be buying merchandise like they were during the playoffs. I remember when the Houston Assholes *Astros* made it to the finals people buying stuff like crazy.

30-Oct-2008, 03:40 PM
Congratulations to the Phillies. I might have to get a cheesesteak for dinner tonight. ;)

darth los
30-Oct-2008, 05:52 PM
First off, congrats.

To be honest this world series didn't do anything for me. It was the most boring one I can remember. No, not because my Yankees weren't in it, those guys suck and we'll leave that for another time.

I just didn't seem like great baseball to me. There wasn't one pitcher that stood out as an ace. They all looked beatable. But i guess can't fault the phillies. They played their games, beat who was in front of them and were the last team standing, so i give them credit for that. Imean , somebody had to win. But there was something missing. I just don't feel like those were two great teams i was watching. Not even one for that matter. I'm not saying it's their fault though. If they're not great then what does that say about about the teams they beat right? I've seen great teams and they just don't measure up.

And it's not exclusive to baseball either. I don't feel that there are any great teams in the NBA either. After watching Magic, Bird and Jordan play it just doesn't do it for me like it used to. I'll compare the Phillies to the Rockets of 94' and 95' when they won back to back titles in a diminished pool of competition in Jordan's absence. It doesn't take away from their accomplishment but we all know if Mike was around they wouldn't have won squat and the bulls would have won 8 consecutive titles. Imo, if there was a "great" team around neither the phillies or the rays would have prevailed.


30-Oct-2008, 06:17 PM
I didn't even know that the Phillies were in the World Series.

30-Oct-2008, 08:32 PM
PS--were there any celebratory riots, or was mainly a cool vibe in the city after the win? I didn't see anything in the paper about it.

There were people and cops brawling, cars being flipped over, fires, people swinging from traffic lights, store fronts being smashed, and an overall sense of brotherly love.

Everyone around here is so happy and things just seem less tense.

30-Oct-2008, 09:51 PM
Yeah you beat our Ray asses. congrats.

major jay
30-Oct-2008, 10:07 PM
There were people and cops brawling, cars being flipped over, fires, people swinging from traffic lights, store fronts being smashed, and an overall sense of brotherly love.


30-Oct-2008, 11:47 PM
The best day/week/month of my life. :D

It means so much to me and this city. I got so choked up when they won it last night.

Yep, it rocked for sure.
Especially after God seemed to be takin a leak over the game on Monday. (Translation; Alot of Rain )

Still, Philly rules!

Wayne Z
"This ain't no midnight show or creature double feature, babe! "

01-Nov-2008, 05:23 PM
Yep, it rocked for sure.
Especially after God seemed to be takin a leak over the game on Monday. (Translation; Alot of Rain )

Still, Philly rules!

Wayne Z
"This ain't no midnight show or creature double feature, babe! "

Glad to see another Phils fan here!!! Were you at the celebration at the stadiums yesterday? I was down there and it was just like Wednesday night all over again.

Watch Utley drop the F-bomb on live TV yesterday.