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View Full Version : Fatal Frame Games

Zombie Dollie
07-May-2006, 11:46 PM
So I don't know if there's already a thread about these games but I'm too lazy to look.
Has anyone else played any of the Fatal Frame games?
I just finished Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly and can't wait to get my copy of FF3.
For those of you who haven't played any of the games or heard of it check out, http://www.cameraslens.com .
I just wanted to know if anyone else on here is a fan of these games or something else by Project Zero because I'm starting to be a Fatal Frame Fanatic, I think these games are really fun and eerie they have great stories that go along with them and even though I have a few friends that say "Your ''Weapon'' is a CAMERA? Double-U Tee Eff That's Stoopid" And still some people who don't like it because it's very similar to the japanese horror genre like the grudge and the ring. I still think it's a lot of fun to get up close to the ghosts and scare yourself once in a while. Though I do admit all three of the games are very similar in gameplay and some character design the stories behind the characters and game are fun and drag you into great mysteries and ghost stories.

So any other Fatal Frame Fans let me know!! Or anyone who wants to talk about the series please reply!
(If I get slow on responding I'm sorry my PC is being kinda crazy and I'm using a laptop for the time being so meh... )

08-May-2006, 01:16 AM
got the games before they came out in anywere but japan, and they scared the shizzat outta me, it was a reet good touch to add cassettes of pervious mansion explorers rather than 'documents' like resi. though its called project zero here in england, i know it has no connection i just prefer that title.

project zero: a metaphor for urban explorers and the things that can go wrong.;)

Zombie Dollie
10-May-2006, 07:04 PM
Ahaaa. Well here in the USA I thought the games were like made by Project Zero kind of like it's the group Title, like SquareEnix or something I don't know, it's just the basic slogan thing you see occasionally in the game or on the box. Haha I just refer to them as Fatal Frame I liked how they had the previous cassetes too and voices, I've been researching things about all three games as well and it's really cool how Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly (Is it just called Project Zero Crimson Butterfly there or what?) is tied in with the first game, at least the ghost story part is and that made me happy to see how they thought that out well.
I liked how in Crimson Butterfly you get "Spirit Stones" With the voices trapped in them from the previous owners last thoughts. I thought that was good and creepy, I'm not sure if they're in the first one to be honest I only played it for a little bit a long time ago and got back into the games when I got Crimson Butterfly.
Hopefully I can get out to the EB games store today and buy my copy of Fatal Frane 2 if not I'll be one angry little zombie.